Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Lordy-oafc » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:57 pm

Would just like to apologise to all of you Morecambe fans who made the trip to BP tonight. You battled well and your keeper was outstanding. However many of you will remember your trip to Oldham by all the Scallys who were throwing bottles and causing trouble next to you. I would just like to apologise on behalf of oafc, and say that it was free for under16s tonight and so alot of the local scallys were in force however these lot (most of which will be man u fans) do not go to BP usually and are not Oldham fans and would like to disassociate ourselves from such. Hope you enjoyed your win and good luck for the rest of the season Shrimps !
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Simpo » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:05 pm

I'd like to echo that.

While it was dissapointing to lose, I was much more unhappy about these people sullying the good name of OAFC and their fans.

Please don't let this reflect on the rest of us.

The game itself, Roche was magnificent as we put a lot of pressure on you in the 1st half, but after our goal, you really came back well, Drummond's goal in particular a really nice move. Great desire to win from your team.

Only our 2nd ever penalty defeat too, and we've been in a few!

Good luck rest of the season.

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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby slackAlice » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:09 pm

Yeah thanx for that Lordy - they did seem a 'bit lively' - just across the gap. Met some decent fans on the way out who congratulated us. But it looked like 3 or 4 of the 'local scallys' were giving a morecambe fan some grief in the car park as well. But the stewards seemed to have everything under control inside the ground although they were struggling to get them out at one point. I certainly wouldn't judge Oldham fans on the behaviour of a dozen mindless yobs - so thanx again for coming on here to apologise for them.

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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby wijit » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:12 pm

This is a problem, lots of clubs are very generous with offers for entry to games which may not normally sell well and that can lead on to these types turning up. I go to Boundary Park several times a season and don't see trouble there, I don't think any right mided Shrimps fan will blame anyone other than their parents for not having to decency to watch TV instead of going to bed! :twisted:
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Rocky_Latic » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:17 pm

Lordy had the same idea as me and i'd been pretty much going over what I wanted to say on my way home.

Wasnt really mithered about the result. We should of had the game wrapped up by half time but your keeper was to put it bluntly. Immense. The saves he pulled of time and again where top draw. You grew in confidence in the 2nd half and the game fizzled out. Only ever going to be one winner in penalties with the form your keeper was in.

I did try to say well done on my way out to one or two of your fans, but they were too busy trying to run the gauntlet of the local muppets to care for the compliments I was saying.

There was 3 Morecambe fans. Only young lads (maybe 15 or so?) who happened to find themselves in the wrong section. God knows how they managed it, but they did and they looked absolutely petrified. Luckily though, they came across me (if they're on here, I was the lad in the grey/white jacket) and a few of my mates on our way to our seats. Noticed they were Morecambe fans by the scarves they had and looking rather lost. I pretty much escorted them to where they needed to go and told them to tell the steward that they were in the wrong end. Unfortunately for them as one of them was saying thanks to me for the help - a few muppets realised they were morecambe fans and came out with a bunch of obscenities. Which pretty much set the tone for when they joined up with there mates, that they'd take the brunt of the chants. I must admit, when your winning penalty went in, I did raise a smirk seeing all the little muppets angry as anything and the young morecambe celebrating after a full match of abuse. Did make me glad that i'd bumped into them rather than the scrotes as I dont think they'd of took a second thought about jumping them.

Annoyed me when a bottle was thrown into the away end at half time. To be honest, that's becoming far to common since we moved in that section this season. Too many little muppets who dont understand the concept of banter.

It was Morecambe in the paint pot cup. None of your fans were threatening in the slightest and probably should of been the last game i'd of expected problems at. Your fans were a credit. Unfortunately I cant say the same about mine and no doubt those who went last night, will on their first visit to BP take us as Chavvy Little f**kers and rightfully so.

Worst bit was when it actually kicked off in the home ends. This stemmed from problems amongst fans and persistant standing and little kid's not being able to see. These muppets cant understand the concept and even though we travel home and away they still find it in their right to call us pr*cks - yet the lad who got thrown out first didnt understand the fact that I had a 5 year old kid behind me who could see nothing but my back when I stood up. Interesting i've never seen any of them at games home or away and i'm very familar with the regulars faces at least on our travels.

I walked up sheepfoot lane after the game annoyed with the actions of our younger fans and then had to witness one young female morecambe fan singing "d d d........" about one of your players and having some rather unsavoury songs sung back at her.

I did find the "your support is f**kin sh*t" chants cringeworthy to say the least. Your support was anything but sh*t and you should be commended for supporting Morecambe. I cant recall any of them being at Doncaster when we played them in the JPT away last year and anyone who travels away on a tuesday night for this competition deserves top marks.

Once again, well done and hope those who do went dont tar us all with the same brush. Hope you had a good trip apart from them. Although you did get the customary Oldham rain by the end of the night.

Hope you get a trip to Elland Road in the next round.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Simpo » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:24 pm

I'm sure the CCTV footage will be thoroughly checked, we've done a good job of getting rid of this element of our support when it appeared in the past, a good few years ago now.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Phoenix » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:45 pm

Your staff & stewards were pleasant even after the last penalty and whoever recommended the chilli chicken pie to me deserves special thanks, bootiful.

Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby orange » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:47 am

Hang on....

We went to Oldham for the first game of the season and got pelted by bottles as well from the home end.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Morecamber » Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:55 am

I was the person in the green hoody btw.
I'm not to sure what to think really. In the first half I thought it was going to be fine when we were giving friendly banter to your fans and we were getting some banter back. Then at half time this was when it got worse. Out of no where sweets were getting chucked at us, one of them hit my mates head. We kept getting them lobbed at us then a few bottles came are way. I complained and they said we are looking for the people on the cameras. It came to the second half and the first lad got ejected and the Oldham fans reacted but not alot. Then when the second fan got ejected he was walking up the stairs he jumped back into the crowd and all it kicked off. We were getting coins chucked at us. Also towards the end of the match and after the penaltys we were getting threats given to us. :(

Onto the game, I thought Oldham were the better side in the first half. We played much better in the second and got into the game. Also, a brilliant penelty shootout :D
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Ryanw mfc » Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:08 am

thought they were the hard men of football by giving about 10 of us grief
throwing coins and bottles and the stewards seemed to do nothing
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Seasider9601 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:09 am

It was blindingly obvious to one and all last night that those nobs in the Rochdale Road home section were not regular Latics fans, but has been said, part time little chavs who took advantage of the free admission. Can't really have seen them giving that load of abuse to the 510 Millwall fans on the opening day of the season, can you ???!!!! Everyone of the planks giving us abuse was aged around 14-15 and it scares me to think how these kids are being "brought up" or should I say, dragged up. They won't be there at Tranmere, they won't be at the home game against MKDonalds Franchise FC either I'm sure.

Strange match for me last night, me being a Morecambe fan and also a Latics fan (my father was Oldham as was my Grandfather, both living on Middleton Road in Chaddy).

Heroics by Roche indeed. We should have been 4-0 down by half time by rights. Lee Hughes was unbelievable til he went off.

Friendly staff Latics have too. Turnstiles ops, programme sellers, canteen staff etc. All very talkative and courteous. Can't believe Gordon Lawton is STILL editing the match programme though after all these years !! Credit to the guy.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby sgt major » Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:33 am

Didnt go - had to work but, and I'm not condoning our silly little boys who were the subject of scrutiny at Forest, however where is the consistency in stewarding that lets chavs throw stuff and get away with it.

Surely all clubs should try and seggregate in a manner that doesnt cause a flashpoint. It takes me back to Aldershot where the home and away fans are seperated by a huge net, coins did manage to get through the holes!!

If, as Orange mentioned, it has happened before when they played his beloved Milwall have the stewards, club officials and police not done anything about it - who employs these people anyway!!

Makes me glad we have a good seggregation policy at our club.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Rocky_Latic » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:48 am

It was blindingly obvious to one and all last night that those nobs in the Rochdale Road home section were not regular Latics fans, but has been said, part time little chavs who took advantage of the free admission. Can't really have seen them giving that load of abuse to the 510 Millwall fans on the opening day of the season, can you ???!!!! Everyone of the planks giving us abuse was aged around 14-15 and it scares me to think how these kids are being "brought up" or should I say, dragged up. They won't be there at Tranmere, they won't be at the home game against MKDonalds Franchise FC either I'm sure.

Unfortunately it was similar against Millwall, but that was tit for tat from both sides and was to be expected - after all, it's Millwall and there following was made up of all lads and men (hardly any kids, families, etc), most of whom spent the entire game staring into the home end and making gestures. That wasnt the gobby little kids though. That was the youth who've come off bans. Millwall scored in the opening 15 seconds that game - one of our fans lobbed a pie, to which they replied with bottles of wee. Set the tone for the entire game and passion was always going to run high in a game that ended 4-3. Those little scrotes were nowhere to be seen that day though, they'd of probably ran home crying if someone who'd actually given what they threw decided to throw it back. You dont expect it to be similar for Morecambe in the JPT

This is the first season we've been allowed in there on a weekly basis. If we hadnt knocked down the Lookers in the summer (stand to the right of the one you were in), then we'd of probably been kicked out by the police already. What these little mongs dont realise is that some of us have been waiting years to be allowed in that stand to get a good atmosphere and banter going. Some people dont seem to realise what banter is though. I'm only 23. Lordy who was sat further down the front than me is 18 or so, yet we can manage it. Why cant the ones a few years younger. Sadly though, this will probably be the talk of the school playground today :|

After they kicked off with the stewards they started yelling S.M.B - which is apparantly Saint Mary's Boys. Does explain a bit. :|

Sorry to hear about your experience Morecamber. Me and a few mates did as much as we could telling the little mongs they were an embarrassment. A few mates of mine got threatened, though they just got laughed in their faces and in the end they didnt do a thing. It's a shame you get a ban for fighting at football and a few of us are in jobs (or want to go into jobs in the future) that mean we cant run the risk of smacking a gobby little kid and getting a criminal record. No matter how much some people around me where itching to put the little mongs in place.

The sad thing is, when these kids got thrown out after theyd tried headbutting the stewards. They only got thrown out of the ground and according to one or two of the stewards have put complaints in. I doubt they'll be there against MK Dons.

Anyway. Good luck in the next round. Hope you get a decent trip or winnable home tie.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Seasider9601 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:04 am

" What these little mongs dont realise is that some of us have been waiting years to be allowed in that stand to get a good atmosphere and banter going. "
Been reading in the much missed "Beyond The Boundary" (told you I was a Latics fan too ! Bring it back Pete !!!) about the campaign to get back into the Rochdale Road End. Now you've got it, don't let the little fcukwits spoil your gig !!!!
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby trueshrimp » Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:02 pm

a good win last night at oldham f.c. it is what we needed. the lads battled hard in the second half.
it was cold and raining hard last night.

lets hope we have a good win saturday against shrewsbury.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Seasider9601 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:06 pm

They don't call it Ice Station Zebra or whatever for nowt .........!!

Here's something. The first EVER Latics match I saw in April 1980, Peter McDonnell was in goal for Oldham. The first EVER Morecambe match I saw in January 1986, Peter McDonnell was in goal for Morecambe ! ! !
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby CASS » Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:25 pm

Seasider9601 wrote:They don't call it Ice Station Zebra or whatever for nowt .........!!

Here's something. The first EVER Latics match I saw in April 1980, Peter McDonnell was in goal for Oldham. The first EVER Morecambe match I saw in January 1986, Peter McDonnell was in goal for Morecambe ! ! !

And here's something else :!:
First ever league match I played in Peter McDonnell (aka Sponge) was in goal for Milnthorpe youth Club..Circa 1968 ish
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby red snapper » Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:37 pm

Peter McDonnell still involved with football. He's with the Westmorland FA. Sometimes refs our Sunday League games in Kendal. Works at Croppers Paper Mill I think.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby thegentlegiant » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:36 pm

I would also like to add even though they were alot of trouble makers there the rest of the Oldham fans were fantastic i had one Oldham fan tap me on the shoulder and say (Good Game, Well Played) sportmanship at its best. Also the Morecambe fans fantastic they reacted with singing rather than trouble which just shows you how good our support is.

Thanks for the game Oldham,

Also i hope we don't play Leeds in the next round as i support Morecambe and Leeds strange mix but first ever game i went to was Leeds vs Coventry boxing day 1996.

I really hope we don't face them as i would not know where to stand!!!
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Posh » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:38 pm

CASS wrote:
Seasider9601 wrote:They don't call it Ice Station Zebra or whatever for nowt .........!!

Here's something. The first EVER Latics match I saw in April 1980, Peter McDonnell was in goal for Oldham. The first EVER Morecambe match I saw in January 1986, Peter McDonnell was in goal for Morecambe ! ! !

And here's something else :!:
First ever league match I played in Peter McDonnell (aka Sponge) was in goal for Milnthorpe youth Club..Circa 1968 ish

WOW! COINCIDENCE or WHAT! The first EVER kickabout at the first EVER wedding between my friends John and Daveene - I passed the ball to a bloke who joined it and it was Peter McDonnell. Final score Me and PMcD 37 Random Children 11 and under 36 - get in!
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Morecamber » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:52 pm

thegentlegiant wrote:I would also like to add even though they were alot of trouble makers there the rest of the Oldham fans were fantastic i had one Oldham fan tap me on the shoulder and say (Good Game, Well Played) sportmanship at its best. Also the Morecambe fans fantastic they reacted with singing rather than trouble which just shows you how good our support is.

Thanks for the game Oldham,

Also i hope we don't play Leeds in the next round as i support Morecambe and Leeds strange mix but first ever game i went to was Leeds vs Coventry boxing day 1996.

I really hope we don't face them as i would not know where to stand!!!

Can we play Leeds next round I thought they were in the east* section.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby John L » Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:52 pm

Morecamber wrote:
thegentlegiant wrote:Also i hope we don't play Leeds in the next round as i support Morecambe and Leeds strange mix but first ever game i went to was Leeds vs Coventry boxing day 1996.

I really hope we don't face them as i would not know where to stand!!!

Can we play Leeds next round I thought they were in the east* section.

Indeed we can't! The following teams will be in the north-west draw:
Bury, Carlisle United, Chester City, Crewe Alexandra, Morecambe, Rochdale, Stockport County, Tranmere Rovers.
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Re: Behaviour of Oldham "fans" tonight

Postby Keith » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:59 pm

Home to Chester so we can be favourites to win a round for the first time ever??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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