Postby shrimpnsave » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:21 pm

should it be banned in the uk like france?????
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Postby halftimeresults » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:22 pm

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Postby mrpotatohead » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:33 pm

It should be compulsory in fleetwood :!:

for both sexes :!:
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Postby Opinionated » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:44 pm

shrimpnsave wrote:should it be banned in the uk like france?????

halftimeresults wrote:yes

If only it was that straight forward! I don't think anyone should be allowed to hide their identity. Also, the Qur'an doesn't state that the Burka must be worn.
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Postby Posh » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:11 pm

No Darrenlock has as much right to post on SV as anyone else.

As for the BURQA...
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Postby darrenlock » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:20 pm

Cheers Posh

Burka in France banned i did not think the french would do it.

And for human rights I cant see this happening in the UK I cant see this.

Britain is not strict enough 2 cope with subjects like that?


Postby George Dawes » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:42 pm

YES! on this note only if i was to go to the bank in a black balaclava IRA/SAS/BANK-ROBBER style! i would get wrestled to the floor! and arrested..

just on that note alone them do-gooders who stick up for them trying to be self-righteous they can always go and live in a Muslim country if they think our women are slags and go back to the stone age.
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Postby scar » Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:17 am

DawZi wrote:just on that note alone them do-gooders who stick up for them trying to be self-righteous they can always go and live in a Muslim country if they think our women are slags and go back to the stone age.

The above statement could be right out of the handbook for your average Taliban member. It shows no understanding of their religion, beliefs or ways.

We live in a tollerent moderate country and I'd like to think we've evolved to be understanding and welcoming to all, after all it was us years ago who went around the globe impressing our ways on them and thus the Empire was born.

It should be up to an individual as to how they dress, it's not a religious requirement and as such just like Motorcycle helmets, in certain areas for identification they should be removed. Other than that, if they want to look like a walking black letter box, let them!

Andf i'm no dogooder by a long stretch of the imagination
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Postby wijit » Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:38 am

If it was a non-religious choice to wear these, then when requested to show themselves for genuine purposes there should be no problem.
But as we know, there often is, and religion is the reason quoted. They need banning, even if only because they were forced upon an already surpressed sex by an amazingly dominant religious faction. We have already seen one terror suspect leave the country wearing one (male, wearing his sisters burqua) and we have no idea how many other individuals opt for this method to disguise their movements.
It does discriminate, but this is sadly a necessity.
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Postby Plain Peter » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:05 am

Being forced to wear the burqa/niqab is abuse against women.
But the women have no choice but to wear the thing if they want to leave their home and lead a 'normal' sort of life.
If the burqa/niqab was to be banned in public in the UK, then those women who have to wear them will be banned from the street too, forever.
I think there should be restrictions that in certain places, or doing certain jobs that the burqa/niqab should be proscribed. Driving a vehicle is a definate no-no.

If I had a list of 10 things I'd like to rid or ban from our streets, then I don't think the burqa/niqab would be on that list.
Plain Peter


Postby CASS » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:29 am

Due to the action of one or two nutters people have become a little jumpy of this traditional dress, For example on a recent flight back from Sweden amongst the people waiting to board where a couple, she,dressed in a Burka and he in what looked like a night shirt and sandels.
My co worker commented that some of our fellow travellers looked a little uneasy. The flight attendant took the boarding card off the lady without seeing her face and we all set off back to the UK.On arrival at Ringway we all snaked around the barriers at passport control and on looking around there seemed to be an air of anticipation as the couple approaced the desk.
The official at the desk was of Afro- carrib decent, he said something to the lady and got no reaction,then he suggested with his hands that she lifted up the top of the Burka so he could see her face matched the one on her Passport. After consulting the man in the nightshirt she lifted the burka. The official seemed to take an age, looking at her, looking at the passport,and looking at her again. During this drama I looked around at our fellow travellers and there seemed to be quite a bit of the nudge,nudge wink,wink form of communication going on. I don't entirly agree with the "When in Rome" mantra but I think that if you move to a new country that you should at least make a little effort to fit in. Peter is right, if things altered the women would have to suffer an even worse life,and I think the Frogs are heading for a shit load of trouble. As for here, it's to late...Religon,Money and latterly Oil " The root of all evil"
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Postby Plain Peter » Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:13 am

I've probably mentioned this before :roll:
I used to regularly fly between Riyadh - London. We used BA as against Saudi Arabian Airlines.
At Riyadh, waiting for the flight there would be Saudi women dressed in their black stuff.
Once the aircraft had flown out of Saudi airspace you'd see a steady stream of these bin-bags going to the loo with a bag. They'd be in the bog for ages, but what came out was more often than not like 'wow'. Not dressed to kill, but elegant ladies, with expensive streamlined dresses, and faces to makes you peepers pop.
Their male companions meanwhile, knowing that Allah couldn't see them anymore were enjoying something a bit stronger than Saudi Champagne from the bar.
Of course there would be a few who disembarked as they embarked.
Fascinating to witness though.
Plain Peter


Postby durhamshrimp » Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:41 am

I hope it isn't banned. I'm a ninja and the ban would hit my industry hard.


Postby Keith » Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:59 am

France has a 'fundamentally' different approach to the church & the state and as such, this ruling would affect them differently to if introduced here. I wouldn't ban it but would make it clear that certain things are not a 'right', so not wanting to lift the veil before boarding a flight? Fine, don't board the flight. Simple choice. I don't recall ever removing my crash helmet when fueling up my motorbike. On only one occasion did they refuse to switch the fuel on (would never happen on the Isle of Man!) On that occasion I rode on to another garage but if I'd been too low, I'd have had to remove it... tough (if oil companies want me to remove my £300+ helmet, they need to give me somewhere to put it down that isn't covered in chemicals!)

Choice & consequence, you make your decisions and accept that your choice may result in some restrictions.
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Postby George Dawes » Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:40 am


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Postby Keith » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:28 am

DawZi wrote:Image

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I'm sure this woman would also pick up a few sideways looks...

It wouldn't define jealousy would it?

BTW Good on her, what ever makes her happy is her business, so using this image as an example not a judgement.
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Postby bigreddog » Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:01 pm

The MP who has put forward his private members bill to ban the Burqa says it's because he feels intimidated by them and that it says something about the oppression of expression in society. so let him pass his bill, but as he's started us on this road I think it's only fair that we then go on to ban the following:

all hoodies ( especially ones made by Bench) - worn by intimidating teenagers and chavs
all burbery of any sort, hats, tops anything - see above
all denim, especially denim jackets - I dont like that heavy rock vibe from those types
all football tops - it's the tribalism that troubles me
any merchandise associated with manchester united - I'm just offended generally
baseball caps being worn by people not playing baseball - that's just thrown in because I can
fat birds wearing crop tops - you do the math on that one
people wearing trainers and tracksuits who are not partaking in sport - they just seem a bit criminal to me
all fahion worn by that bloke Ian Poulter - he just looks so ridiculous
oh yes and while we're on the subject we should ban those funny looking jewish fellows with beards and large hats, that's some religious thing too isn't it.

I may be wrong, but I sort of have this instinct that if I ever lived in a country where other people only ever looked like me, dressed like me and thought like me, it wouldn't be the country I'd want to live in anymore. But maybe banning someody wearing what they want ( within reason of course) is just us being..well British. Isn't it?
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Postby Keith » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:30 pm

bigreddog wrote:I may be wrong, but I sort of have this instinct that if I ever lived in a country where other people only ever looked like me, dressed like me and thought like me, it wouldn't be the country I'd want to live in anymore. But maybe banning someody wearing what they want ( within reason of course) is just us being..well British. Isn't it?

Nope, I can assure you, you're not wrong, in fact if I even visited a country where everyone looked like you, dressed like you and thought like you it would be a really crap holiday! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby George Dawes » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:32 pm

Keith wrote:
DawZi wrote:Image

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I'm sure this woman would also pick up a few sideways looks...

It wouldn't define jealousy would it?

BTW Good on her, what ever makes her happy is her business, so using this image as an example not a judgement.

well it could, she as the freedom to do just that unlike them Muslim women in that photo i shown under there law or husbands say so

and am going to use this image to show what she would expect in some muslim countrys


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Postby durhamshrimp » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:47 pm

So if they were banned they'd then have the freedom to wear what you said they could.


Postby Keith » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:49 pm

You're missing the point. You've assumed that the two women are jealous but they may actually think it is disgusting for all we know. They may choose to dress as they do.

You're unlikely to find me defending any aspect of any religion where it is forced upon anybody in any way, shape or form. Nor are you likely to find me ever defending any type of capital punishment. But by the same token, I don't think that removing 'freedom of choice' or 'freedom of expression' is a positive thing to do either.
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Postby John L » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:13 pm

Keith wrote:I'm sure this woman would also pick up a few sideways looks...

It wouldn't define jealousy would it?

BTW Good on her, what ever makes her happy is her business, so using this image as an example not a judgement.

You sure that's not Peter Stringfellow? :lol:
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Postby Plain Peter » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:49 pm

Keith wrote:You're missing the point. You've assumed that the two women are jealous but they may actually think it is disgusting for all we know. They may choose to dress as they do.

You're unlikely to find me defending any aspect of any religion where it is forced upon anybody in any way, shape or form. Nor are you likely to find me ever defending any type of capital punishment. But by the same token, I don't think that removing 'freedom of choice' or 'freedom of expression' is a positive thing to do either.

Unusually, I'm with Keith on this.
The first image shown is really pretty tame. Neither lady in black have their faces covered, nor are their body forms bulked out so as to hide their female shape. As for the blond, so what, she's on the same image, proves nowt.
As for the execution, words fail.
Plain Peter


Postby George Dawes » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:01 pm

go on i will bite

Unusually, I'm with Keith on this.

The first image shown is really pretty tame.

the first image am pointing out our women have freedom of choice

As for the execution, words fail.

proves the opposite.

anyway am not arguing, BURKAS should be banned.
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Postby Plain Peter » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:08 pm

DawZi wrote:anyway am not arguing, BURKAS should be banned.

Okay, just supposing you forced your missus to wear a burqa in public, and you were happy with that.
Suddenly, the burqa was proscribed in public.
How would that affect you and your missus?
Plain Peter


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