Postby shrimpnsave » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:28 pm

capellos comment....

what on earth does that mean...............
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Postby darrenlock » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:31 pm

No idea I am backing Capello's idea of not bringing footballers wives and girlfirneds to Africa when France wow it in 1998 no-one was allowed near players for a month before kickoff and look what happened


Postby Opinionated » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:40 pm

John Terry publicly stated only Rooney and Joe Cole are capable of breaking down defences. Capello responed by saying Terry should have spoken privately.

I have backed Capello so far but I think he is cracking under the pressure. Terry's speech was motivating, he is a natural leader who is showing some passion at exactly the right time. I really hope Capello doesn't leave Cole on the bench just to prove a point.
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Postby shrimper » Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:59 pm

If the main thrust of Terry's failed coup was to ask if the players could have a drink then he needs to shut his £120,000 a week gob and remember why he's there.

If there were concerns in the camp about the system being played then he should have done what Capello said and raised it properly with him. The 'motivating' part of Terry's speech should also have been left to the dressing room,

Outwardly he should have said how the players had let everyone down and that they would put it right because they know the whole nation is behind them. Many have paid a big chunk of their annual wage (or about a day of Terry's pay) to go out and watch them. There are thousands more who have booked time off work and paid for tickets to go and watch the knockout game/s in the perfectly reasonable expectation of England being there still.

All he's done is to try to score cheap points off his manager and put the pressure on Capello by using the media - which does no-one any good whatsoever, particularly not our team's chances in this competition.

Big mistake and totally unprofessional. But typical of Terry to think of himself and sod everyone else, including his team-mates whom he clearly didn't consult before making his announcement..
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Postby mrpotatohead » Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:05 pm

terry is an arrogant tosser, who still thinks he is the skipper, lampard seems to be distancing from him, and he has done joe cole no favours :roll:
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Postby RedRedWine1 » Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:24 pm


John Terry is a cockney gobshite, if half of the defence wasn't crocked I'd send him home. Complete blancmange of the highest order. Even Fwank wouldn't back him up at a subsequent press conference (clearly pissed off). A self appointed leader, Terry has undermined the rest of the squad and dealt Joe Coles chance of a World Cup start a massive blow by going public on his and no doubt other players grievances....this is totally and utterly wrong and if there were problems, they should have been addressed in house. He's guilty of pandering to the advice of the English press, who are lefty tossers at best and know the square-root of rock-all. Steve McClaren was guilty of the same, they won't suffer fools gladly and switch tact when it suits them. The look on Capello's face said it all when the interviewer was asking thoughts on player power and the players input into team selection. The death stare and follwoing pause could have been filled with "what are you talking about you massive div, I'm the bloody manager, let me manage!!!!"

People need to make a decision and stick with it. Capello was lauded for his authoritarian style that stood for none of the monkey business that blighted previous campaigns. He successfully guided England through qualifying at a canter to rapturous applause. Now people want him to soften up and change his approach, mainly because so far the players have not held their part of the bargain and actually shown up for any part of the tournament. Individually and collectively the entire squad has been a complete shower. If we were in any other group we'd probably already be out, as it stands we are one good performance away from topping the group and getting a run going.


Postby wijit » Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:29 pm

Much as terry is a tosser of the highest calibre, he's not wrong is he? You take a look at the players for most of the Algeria game. Every man and his dog could see (including the players, surely?) it was screaming for a change, but how long did it take to happen? Too bloody long. Tosser yes, right yes.
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Postby George Dawes » Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:15 am

i must admit J Terry as gone about things the wrong way

but Capello should have sorted his Number one goalkeeper out a long time ago, and why is he doing the same mistakes Sven did by putting Gerrard out wide left just to accommodate Lampard

and this business of telling his players whos playing 2hrs before kick off. i cant see how that helps the team, he could tell em a bit earlier

and his English is awful i dont think that helps with communicating with people
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Postby Aspers » Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:47 am

Terry is a cad and a boundah!
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Postby durhamshrimp » Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:08 am

Opinionated wrote:Terry's speech was motivating, he is a natural leader who is showing some passion at exactly the right time.

It's all relative to who he's compared to i.e. the rest of the squad. It's like saying he's the cleverest person in the Big Brother house.

I find him quite dull and uninspiring.


Postby Dazzer » Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:24 am

I think most of Terry's speech could be commended, but to sit their in front of the worlds media and say only Joe Cole (and Rooney) can create any chances is gob smackingly stupid.
How on earth does that boost the morale of the players that have been playing and will play on Wednesday?

It's all Terry's fault anyway, If he'd been having it away with Rob Green's girlfriend instead of Bridge's we would'nt be in this mess.
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Postby Aspers » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:41 am

It's all Terry's fault anyway, If he'd been having it away with Rob Green's girlfriend instead of Bridge's we would'nt be in this mess

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Postby scar » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:35 am

Capello was brought in to manage England on the remit of a disciplined regime as the FA acknowledged the players had far too much of a say in the managment of the team.

What Terry is trying to do is bring things back to the point where it used to be before Capello.... late nights out on other playerrs wives, telling the manager whos playing etc.

We've come through the qualifying stages reasonably well only to shy away in the limelight, the reason? Only the players will know, but they fail to be seeing their performances as poor at best. Yes they have to move on from it, but i've always been a great believer in acknowledging the weaknesses before you can correct them.

Team wise, start with Lampard and Gerrard in the middle, Lennon and Cole on the wing and actually attacking the wing then Rooney and Defoe up front with Crouch on if needed if we're not getting anywhere playing passing football. But i'm no manager, it's Fabio's call and i'll be supporting the team no matter what. If they lose or put on a similar dismal performance and fail to proceed, then make changes to the team, not the management.
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Postby ezz » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:41 am

Cappello did have his number one sorted, but he bottled it majorly and is rightly dropped. The lad cant go into the rest of the tournament each game knowing the whole nation is at your throat (lets not lie most are).
Everything Terry said sounded like a pissed up fan, none of it needed to be said to the media but to the manager. Now he has probably stuck cole on the bench for the rest of the tournament whilst stating that the current 11 are crap and can create nothing......gerrard, lampard, lennon, heskey. Big words from a defender who lets face it is only here because there is noone else
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Postby halftimeresults » Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:51 pm

was it just me that thought Cappello sounded like Mr Miyagi from Karate kid?

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