Geraldine Smith Gone..

Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby George Dawes » Fri May 07, 2010 7:26 pm

OLDHAMADE wrote:I don't mind admitting that I voted for Geraldine yet again because she actually listened to what you had to say and acted on it (helped ofcourse by being on the same level as she comes from a working class Irish family who live on the border of our beloved West End)
Our daughter has cerebal palsy and we needed help on a matter we felt unsure on how to act.........No problem for her to meet us face to face and put over our concerns and no doubt many other people in the same position as us when she headed off back to Paliament.

Could Morecambe be going back to a faceless M.P who didn't even know you from Adam? Because he wasn't on the same level, didn't seem to have the time because most of the time he wasn't there and had different values like being loaded!

Yep we had a time like that before during the reign of one Mr Mark Lennox Boyd.........................Voice of the people? Not a chance he was only bothered about eating his cavier on melba toasts washed down with vintage Dom Perignon.

Today is a very sad day for Morecambe :cry:

good shout that, she will always fight morecambe's corner best local MP ive known of

but like the point Mark was making pity she didn't start fighting publicly that bit harder for the by-pass 10 years ago

i twice got in my car to vote and then thought why i dont like any of them and i dont think it will make any real difference who gets in am disillusioned with politics and this is the first time ive never voted
Last edited by George Dawes on Fri May 07, 2010 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby HALMA 1983 » Fri May 07, 2010 7:26 pm

Gnasher wrote:At least if our new MP is swigging champagne, it will be at his cost.

Like most you obviously think this is the latest news about Geraldines 'champaynegate' :lol:

Keep up! it was about 5 years ago but the newspapers would like you to think it was the here and now
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby Joel Ninety » Fri May 07, 2010 7:34 pm

Morecambe & Lancaster... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

Its not X Factor, so why did you help that TV presenter get in?

My conscience will be clear when the blue team ruin Britain again and you're all moaning about it.
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby HALMA 1983 » Fri May 07, 2010 7:50 pm

Joel Ninety wrote:My conscience will be clear when the blue team ruin Britain again and you're all moaning about it.

Like we know they will, The truth is people have never had it so good with low interest rates for a record time (it was 10% and rising to over 15% when we started out under the Tories)
I know it won't affect me the same like it did when we put our first step on the housing ladder if interest rates went sky high because i'm nearly done and have no unsecured debt of any kind but for some I really do fear the worst...................................Best of British!
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby Gnasher » Fri May 07, 2010 7:52 pm

Geraldine must have just been unlucky last year. When I've had electrical faults it's usually been a cable or socket or light fitting. Poor Geraldine, 3 circuit breakers, 5 light fittings, 2 lamps and the heating system. So cheap to repair, only £1,146.87 of our money spent in one fault.
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby HALMA 1983 » Fri May 07, 2010 7:58 pm

Gnasher wrote:Geraldine must have just been unlucky last year. When I've had electrical faults it's usually been a cable or socket or light fitting. Poor Geraldine, 3 circuit breakers, 5 light fittings, 2 lamps and the heating system. So cheap to repair, only £1,146.87 of our money spent in one fault.

Maybe she used that firm from Frontierland :lol:
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby HALMA 1983 » Fri May 07, 2010 8:12 pm

Just looking at some of the comments about politics from mates on another forum........You really couldn't make it up! :lol: :lol: :lol:

'Screaming Lord Such is about to table a deal. ......................................Free cider and marathon bars for all and he is going to bring back opal fruits' :lol: :lol:

'I've just heard Browns speech on the radio.
Thatcher stepped down with dignity, even though she may well have won on the second ballot, but Brown? He thinks that anyone who didn't vote for him is a bigot who has no right to speak up.
The man has a Mugabi complex. Now he's tasted power he will not let go until he is dragged from office.

Sorry if I'm banging on here, but as a father and a patriot I am very worried about our future.
Rant over' :D

'A hung Parliament?
Hanging's too good for that shower of thieves, liars and money grabbers' :lol:

'LOL thats what i thought when the mrs told me this morrning .. i said about bloody time they did somthing about them' .. :D
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby Curly » Fri May 07, 2010 10:30 pm

OLDHAMADE wrote:Just looking at some of the comments about politics from mates on another forum........You really couldn't make it up! :lol: :lol: :lol:

'Screaming Lord Such is about to table a deal. ......................................Free cider and marathon bars for all and he is going to bring back opal fruits' :lol: :lol:

'I've just heard Browns speech on the radio.
Thatcher stepped down with dignity, even though she may well have won on the second ballot, but Brown? He thinks that anyone who didn't vote for him is a bigot who has no right to speak up.
The man has a Mugabi complex. Now he's tasted power he will not let go until he is dragged from office.

Sorry if I'm banging on here, but as a father and a patriot I am very worried about our future.
Rant over' :D

'A hung Parliament?
Hanging's too good for that shower of thieves, liars and money grabbers' :lol:

'LOL thats what i thought when the mrs told me this morrning .. i said about bloody time they did somthing about them' .. :D

I think they already have, seeing as your mates are quoting a dead guy :lol:

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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby skyecat » Fri May 07, 2010 10:40 pm

I voted for Geraldine, I think she's got Morecambe's interest at heart - ok, maybe the bypass issue is a bit awkward, but if the western is never going to get built anyway, it doesn't matter that much how much she goes on about it does it? - and aside from that - it wasn't a local election I was basing my decision on it was more a national one.
I don't have kids, so don't need child care, don't need university fees, CSA, Family Allowance, not eligible for tax credits etc etc... so I may not be the most informed person and emotional person to make a decision, but I do remember the populous "owning" water, gas, electricity, rail and buses - and now they've all been sold off.
I also remember Thatcher going to war with the Falklands, IMO for political gain.
I seem to recall Cameron going on about wanting to enhance and improve the sense of community - strange that - IMO opinion, it was they who demolished it an the thought of it in the first place.
How times change - and yes, times do change - and with all the aforementioned industries not being in public ownership, maybe the Tories can do less damage than last time?
I'm not after arguments or anything, but I'm sure there'll be a few that disagree, but I like most, don't know all the ins and outs of every topic on every manifesto - so I can only vote from where I stand - and I did!!
I was fortunate? enough to have David Cameron and Gordon Brown visit my place of work last year (not at the same time!) and I guess I have had a better opportunity to base my opinion - and I wouldn't trust Cameron as far as I could throw him and Brown came across as a genuine guy who cared and took responsibility for his actions and thought things through before acting - now I may be wrong, and I may not see everything from his perspective, but if someone thinks about the general populous and considers consequences etc and then makes decisions with their best interest at heart, with the right intentions, that'll do for me.
Also, with the banking scenario, he made a really good account of himself when asked about why he bailed them out etc - in a nutshell... what would happen to our mortgages, pensions, share schemes, loans, credit cards, savings, ISA's PEP's and all the rest of them if the banks weren't about ? - not to mention the property prices when most homes would have been repossessed if he hadn't stepped in. now, bankers bonus's - that's a different matter completely and don't get me started!!
Right, my twopenneth has officially been thrown in!!
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby Heysham_Shrimp » Sat May 08, 2010 5:37 am

Joel Ninety wrote:My conscience will be clear when the blue team ruin Britain again and you're all moaning about it.

Like we know they will, The truth is people have never had it so good with low interest rates for a record time (it was 10% and rising to over 15% when we started out under the Tories)
I know it won't affect me the same like it did when we put our first step on the housing ladder if interest rates went sky high because i'm nearly done and have no unsecured debt of any kind but for some I really do fear the worst...................................Best of British!

The interest rate is only low because the economy is on its arse. Brown and Darling have racked up so much debt (a lot of it was before the banking crisis) that it will take a generation to repay.

Add to that the £5 billion a year stealth Tax on everyones pension funds which you will only notice when you come to retire and the fiasco of Brown selling off Britain's gold reserves at a time when the gold price was at its lowest ,then the thought of them be re-elected would have been laughable.
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Re: Geraldine Smith Gone..

Postby Stewie » Sat May 08, 2010 9:20 am

taken from

How Mrs Smith voted since 2001 on major issues.

Voted a mixture of for and against introducing foundation hospitals.
Voted very strongly for allowing ministers to intervene in inquests.
Voted strongly for a stricter asylum system.
Voted strongly for removing hereditary peers from the House of Lords.
Voted moderately for a wholly elected House of Lords.
Voted very strongly for more EU integration.
Has never voted on replacing Trident.
Voted moderately against equal gay rights.
Voted moderately against introducing student top-up fees.
Has never voted on a transparent Parliament.
Voted very strongly for Labour's anti-terrorism laws.
Voted very strongly for the hunting ban.
Voted moderately against laws to stop climate change.
Voted a mixture of for and against introducing a smoking ban.
Voted moderately against greater autonomy for schools.
Voted very strongly for the Iraq war.
Voted very strongly against an investigation into the Iraq war.
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