Lingwood Security statement

Lingwood Security statement

Postby shrimper » Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:38 pm

Hi chaps. I have nothing to do with this situation other than knowing the original complainant (obviously) and also knowing the Lingwood family very well.
They know I'm a fan and a regular on this board so asked me to pass on the following, which I do:

"Dear MFC Fans,

It is with great regret that I write this note today.

The reason that I write is due to the fact that I have found my Company name being used on this website in a very negative manner and this concerns me considerably.

After serious investigations, I have now spoken with the member of my Steward Team that has caused all the disruptions at the last home game. I can assure you all that this matter has now been dealt with and will not happen again.

I would like to apologise personally to all of the fans that were distressed by the incident. As we all know, attending Morecambe FC games is all about having a good time and safe family fun.
With this in mind, I would like to stress the importance of health & safety at every game. Our stewards would usually cover the AWAY end of the stadium and sometimes they can be placed under very difficult situations and need to react to any eventuality which may arise as a potential H&S risk. They are all fully trained and should handle any incidents with professionalism and conviction. However, we have to remember that they are all human and can and do make mistakes.

Unfortunately, our Steward had made a bad judgement call when trying to remove some home fans at the last game and for this instance we do apologise profusely.

We do appreciate your comments, however, if in the future, you feel that Lingwood Security Stewards have acted in a manner in which you find inappropriate, then I would appreciate that you speak directly with us in the first instance, at least giving us the opportunity to rectify the situation.

Our Head of Security, Denby Murgatroyd, is present at every home game and is always available should you wish to speak with him - please seek him out and we can deal with any grievances immediately for you.

By working together with the fans we can only make Morecambe FC safer and stronger.

Kindest Regards,
Alan Lingwood.
Managing Director."
Is the glass half full or half empty? Mmmm? hard to say - but it does look like there's room for more beer!
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