Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Keith » Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:32 pm

God, I wish the panel were prepared to rip his answers to shreds rather than letting him talk bollocks without taking him to task.

"sanctions weren't working"...
Really, well who insisted upon sanctions? You and Bush! So millions of children died because you wouldn't let them have food and medicine? Alternatively, if they weren't working, where were the weapons of mass destruction?

He wanted to send a strong message after 9/11...
WHAT THE ****! How was he allowed to continue to spout the crap that they thought 9/11 was in any way connected to Iraq??? That was a lie then, it's a lie now, it was always a lie. They knew there was no connection at the time.

"Saddam retained full intent to restart WMD programme"
So why didn't he say that to parliament at the time? If he'd gone to The House and said "Iraq don't have any weapons of mass destruction but we are sure Saddam would like them" does he still think he'd get the support to go to war? Of course not, so he lied...
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Heysham_Shrimp » Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:36 pm

Keith wrote:God, I wish the panel were prepared to rip his answers to shreds rather than letting him talk bollocks without taking him to task.

"sanctions weren't working"...
Really, well who insisted upon sanctions? You and Bush! So millions of children died because you wouldn't let them have food and medicine? Alternatively, if they weren't working, where were the weapons of mass destruction?

He wanted to send a strong message after 9/11...
WHAT THE ****! How was he allowed to continue to spout the crap that they thought 9/11 was in any way connected to Iraq??? That was a lie then, it's a lie now, it was always a lie. They knew there was no connection at the time.

"Saddam retained full intent to restart WMD programme"
So why didn't he say that to parliament at the time? If he'd gone to The House and said "Iraq don't have any weapons of mass destruction but we are sure Saddam would like them" does he still think he'd get the support to go to war? Of course not, so he lied...

I would have loved it if the panel had announced that the questioning today was going to be done by Jeremy Paxman and John Humphries !
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Keith » Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:43 pm

absolutely, they'd have ripped him to shreds!

BBC News are interviewing the Editor of the Telegraph who was asked about the panel. He said that the panel have... "upped their game in the last week [but] they are still letting him off the hook [for example] they ask him a question and he gives a politician answer to a different question [and] they don't take him back and make him answer the question they originally asked".
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Christies Child » Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:55 pm

Did we seriously expect anything less from that cheating, lieing, toffee nosed, arrogant, smug git.... :?: :?: :?:

And the panel are just letting him get away with being evasive time after time after time!

What's that they say about leopards and spots.....seems to fit adequately in bLIAR's case.

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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby NeilG » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:15 pm

We were duped into war by the Americans, the Bush administration was determined to go in there and they heeled the UK poodle to follow. It's not just about 9/11 or who was responsible for it, let's not forget Saddams invasion of Kuwait and his mass murder of the Kurds, it's ok getting angry at Blair but at the time he had the support of most of the country which cannot be denied.

This may also be a bit off topic but I felt equal disgust over the Falklands conflict with that lying bitch Thatcher in charge,her and Galtieris little challenge caused the deaths of hundreds of men from both sides in the freezing South Atlantic in an attempt to save their political careers, how would we feel if the Isle of Man was occupied by Argentinians ? wouldn't make any sense at all now would it.
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Heysham_Shrimp » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:21 pm

NeilG wrote:We were duped into war by the Americans, the Bush administration was determined to go in there and they heeled the UK poodle to follow. It's not just about 9/11 or who was responsible for it, let's not forget Saddams invasion of Kuwait and his mass murder of the Kurds, it's ok getting angry at Blair but at the time he had the support of most of the country which cannot be denied.

This may also be a bit off topic but I felt equal disgust over the Falklands conflict with that lying bitch Thatcher in charge,her and Galtieris little challenge caused the deaths of hundreds of men from both sides in the freezing South Atlantic in an attempt to save their political careers, how would we feel if the Isle of Man was occupied by Argentinians ? wouldn't make any sense at all now would it.

The major difference is that the Falklands campaign had an objective and an exit strategy.

People like Simon Weston who was scarred for life are still 100% in support of that war.

At no time did Blair have the support of the British people in the Iraq war. Along with Alistair Campbell he conned the other parties in the House of Commons into supporting it on the pretext that Sadam could strike at Britain with WOMD.
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Keith » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:36 pm

NeilG wrote:We were duped into war by the Americans, the Bush administration was determined to go in there and they heeled the UK poodle to follow. It's not just about 9/11 or who was responsible for it, let's not forget Saddams invasion of Kuwait and his mass murder of the Kurds, it's ok getting angry at Blair but at the time he had the support of most of the country which cannot be denied.

I'm not sure I agree that 'it can't be denied', a huge amount of the country were against it and those that were for it were almost entirely made up of people who either believed the lie about WMD's and 45 minutes from attacking us or the lie about connecting Saddam with 9/11. I think a massive amount of the country believed it was about primarily, oil and possibly religion secondly.

NeilG wrote:This may also be a bit off topic but I felt equal disgust over the Falklands conflict with that lying bitch Thatcher in charge,her and Galtieris little challenge caused the deaths of hundreds of men from both sides in the freezing South Atlantic in an attempt to save their political careers

Agree 100%. It saved Thatcher from a massive political defeat and Galtieri had invaded in the first place to save his own political career.

NeilG wrote:how would we feel if the Isle of Man was occupied by Argentinians ? wouldn't make any sense at all now would it.

Well, I think from the way Gordon Brown & Alistair Darling view us, they'd be delighted. In fact, from the way they are treating us, so would most of the people living here! Do you know that as of April 1st, you will need insurance to travel to the Isle of Man and I will need insurance to travel to the UK because the Labour government have ended the reciprocal health agreement. But you can travel to Kazakhstan and Kazaks can travel to the UK without insurance because the UK has maintained the reciprocal agreement with them (and a few other places ending in 'stan'). Bring on the Argies!

Back to the war criminal... "we should be prepared to take on terrorists". Yes we should, so why didn't you attack Saudi Arabia since that's where the terrorists come from and they are a repressive regime, that isn't democratic, where women can't even drive a car?
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby NeilG » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:58 pm

The major difference is that the Falklands campaign had an objective and an exit strategy.

People like Simon Weston who was scarred for life are still 100% in support of that war.

At no time did Blair have the support of the British people in the Iraq war. Along with Alistair Campbell he conned the other parties in the House of Commons into supporting it on the pretext that Sadam could strike at Britain with WOMD.

I think you missed my point, it's a shame that any war should have support really and with respect to Simon Weston there are hundreds of families in this country who are scarred for life and dealing with the deaths of their sons daughters, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers because of war.

I did intend my post to be 'A' political but I suppose the phrase 'that lying bitch Thatcher' revealed some allegiances. ;) Let's not forget the Iraq war was supported by the conservatives too until it all started going tits up. That aside, I recall seeing a very convincing press call with Colon Powell where he presented satellite photographs of Saddams WOMD being moved around and eventually being concealed in underground bunkers :roll: We were conned and lied to by our biggest and best friend and nobody blames them, Blairs hands were tied by history, I don't particularly care if you concur or not, it's just my opinion.
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby darrenlock » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:05 pm

Good post Keith Tony Blair and ex president Bush thought going to Iraq would benefit the country but it has made it alot worse please tony talk to the parents who losts they children why you sent them abroad i got a 17year old step son going to afganisthan/Iran if conserative win general elections and it scares me what can happen.

Why did Labour send troops to iraq where they didn't have the facilities good enought for the troops why not spend more money on equipment and get this cash by sending umemployed people into too work.

Boy 60 years this country was great under my grand-dads era that fought off the nazi's and Iraq conflict is a joke please government look after people that wanted to join the army because they beleieve it was for the better and i cant see what good about having rubbish equipment and poor wages and you see in uk people on benefits not working because of lazyness and drinking problems and now these complain because of foreign workers funny dont you think.

If those people wanted too work in the first place they would never have came in large numbers.

Rant over sorry for grammer mistakes

Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Heysham_Shrimp » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:08 pm

NeilG wrote:
The major difference is that the Falklands campaign had an objective and an exit strategy.

People like Simon Weston who was scarred for life are still 100% in support of that war.

At no time did Blair have the support of the British people in the Iraq war. Along with Alistair Campbell he conned the other parties in the House of Commons into supporting it on the pretext that Sadam could strike at Britain with WOMD.

I think you missed my point, it's a shame that any war should have support really and with respect to Simon Weston there are hundreds of families in this country who are scarred for life and dealing with the deaths of their sons daughters, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers because of war.

I did intend my post to be 'A' political but I suppose the phrase 'that lying bitch Thatcher' revealed some allegiances. ;) Let's not forget the Iraq war was supported by the conservatives too until it all started going tits up. That aside, I recall seeing a very convincing press call with Colon Powell where he presented satellite photographs of Saddams WOMD being moved around and eventually being concealed in underground bunkers :roll: We were conned and lied to by our biggest and best friend and nobody blames them, Blairs hands were tied by history, I don't particularly care if you concur or not, it's just my opinion.

So going back in history to 1939 you would not have approved of Britain going to war with Germany ?

The Falklands is a British dependency , the inhabitants have British passports. I dont think
Mrs Thatcher could have lost to Michael Foot in 1983 if King Herrod had drawn up her manifesto !

Iraq is nothing to do with Britain apart from the fact that they have oil. If we hadn't acted Saddam would have been ousted by the people.

Blair and Bush should be facing a war crimes trial in a perfect world.
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Keith » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:12 pm

Bliar has just actually lied blatantly. He quoted the child mortality rate in Iraq under the latter years of Saddam "despite Saddam having as much money as was needed for medicine and immunisation for children".

That is a total lie, they were not able to bring in medicine due to the sanctions. That is why the millions were dying under Saddam.

"He [Saddam Hussein] was a monster"

Yes I agree with him on that comment, however the rest of his lies remain repugnant. "The best for the Iraqi people is that they have a clear and democratic future"... unlike Saudi's, the country who actually bred and funded the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

It's a shame they never once asked about OIL.
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Christies Child » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:26 pm

darrenlock wrote:Good post Keith Tony Blair and ex president Bush thought going to Iraq would benefit the country but it has made it alot worse please tony talk to the parents who losts they children why you sent them abroad i got a 17year old step son going to afganisthan/Iran if conserative win general elections and it scares me what can happen.

Why did Labour send troops to iraq where they didn't have the facilities good enought for the troops why not spend more money on equipment and get this cash by sending umemployed people into too work.

Boy 60 years this country was great under my grand-dads era that fought off the nazi's and Iraq conflict is a joke please government look after people that wanted to join the army because they beleieve it was for the better and i cant see what good about having rubbish equipment and poor wages and you see in uk people on benefits not working because of lazyness and drinking problems and now these complain because of foreign workers funny dont you think.
If those people wanted too work in the first place they would never have came in large numbers.

Rant over sorry for grammer mistakes

What a lot of people object to is £500 per week being given to incomers those who perpetuate violence against this country whilst others out of work who have continued to pay their share of taxes throughout thier working lives often receive nothing......and before anybody says it...yes it is personal!
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby darrenlock » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:35 pm

Well CC i work whenever i can get work no matter what i have good grades don't do drugs/smoke it annoys me Tony Blair and Gordan Brown british jobs for british people he says i work for a chicken company for two and a half years before it set on fire and probably won't re-open.
And now all the work goes to the polish community and i cant claim job's seekers because i work on agentcies and if im lucky i get 25hours a week on mininium wage funny.

So Labour thank you for nothink Tony blair sit in your mansion and don't worry us Brits will continue for pay taxs for no reason oh and a stupid conflict WORLD WAR 2 was SIX years this stupid conflict 7years and what good has happen ermm nothink.

Man i swear i forget my nationality only time im happy is weekends when im at Christie Park North Stand screaming the shrimps.

Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby Christies Child » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:42 pm

Darren not an attack at you mate......sorry if you felt it was directed at you.
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby George Dawes » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:13 pm

i dont hold Blair personally responsible for the unjust war on a Iraq, even if the Torys had have been in power(who are lot more old school and imperialistic than left wing labour) i have absolutely no doubt what so ever they would have gone into Iraq with USA

ie. if Labour had have been in power when the Falklands/Malvinas conflict was on they'd have rolled over

the Conservatives are more proud of Great Britain's History than Labour who are more ashamed by it's large number of left wing members
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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby darrenlock » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:34 pm

Frustration im only 24 and im sick of this Labour lies like Blair.Brown , alistair Campbell look at other countries like France and Italy the way they handle Iraq and the credit crunch .

Dont worry CC i know what you meant just me personally i fell angry about work situation with polish and wanted to work so angry.

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Re: Bliar... (this might be slightly off topic!)

Postby shrimpnsave » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:23 pm

most of the panel were given peerages in his time as p.m by (guess who) you guessed it

do you honestly think they were going to grill him as he should have been :lol: :lol:

all a preety much rubber stamp charade.........................................
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