Hey all !

Hey all !

Postby Ian Kane » Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:04 am

Fairweather fan here ! I can only manage 5 - 6 games a season as work, and my commitment to Spurs (sorry about that !), keep me away from Christie Park. It was an encouraging start to the season by all accounts and survival (play-offs for some) seems a task the team is more than capable of. I'm always looking out for the results that matter to me and Soccer Saturday has been a godsend ! The new website is fantastic ! With LIVE commentary coming soon, it is a must for the supporters who can't attend all games as well as the chat room (OK, NO capital s on shrimps !).

I've been an avid reader of Shrimpsvoices for several years now, and the real sense of welcome you receive, no matter who you support, is fantastic. After reading the thread about Morecambe being the "Most Popular Club" it makes you proud to be part of a community that has had such recognition (I live in Heysham but I'll take it !).

The only downside to the message board is the bickering that goes on. I understand that this message board is made for the opinions of the Morecambe faithful, but sometimes it goes that little bit too far. Also, it's better not to bite and encourage these people !

On the whole, I love coming here and reading about my local football team, the opinions of the fans & the outsiders who join in. I think this sentiment is shared by most football fans who come here and post. A BIG thank you to Keith for hosting the message board as it is now, and to catpoocook for the formative years of Shrimpsvoices.

Take care all, I hope to see you all at a home game soon,
Ian Kane

P.S (Don't hold this against me) I used to be the stadium announcer at The Giant Axe ! For those who remember, I was the guy in charge after the tsunami for the game against Barrow. I got annoyed when I wasn't told about the silence we were having and the Ref blew without me knowing. Mark S, if you need some cover ! Ha Ha !
Ian Kane
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:23 pm

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