O/T We'll fight them on the prom

Re: O/T We'll fight them on the prom

Postby Truth » Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:57 am

I'm on the defence again! Well folks check out the evidence of Phoenix's latest claims.

In his last post he states:-

Second, you pick the wrong f'ing paper Now that's DISINFO!!! I said this week's Visitor, that was on Wednesday July 23, not the 16th. I also named someone who had written, you didn't even check that letter was in your reply before you tried scoring points off me.

Well here is what he actually stated and note the date and time:-

Post subject: Re: O/T We'll fight them on the prom
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:06 pm

OK, I've read 4 letters on the visitor web site and they give a balanced opinion of the development, for & against. I agree with the editor's reply to one of them that implied they were biased towards an in-favour vote. The Visitor appear to be staying neutral, not sure about the Citizen

Phoenix your bringing this website into disrepute. I've been to watch Morecambe at Christie Park and they dont play dirty.

Last night I went out with my soulmate to our local and by last orders the whole of the pub were talking about this thread.

One guy stated that if the Town wanted a high rise residential development then we should sell the land for the best price we can get. Then this money could be used on improvements taxpayers wished to see. Like he said maybe giving £1 million to Morecambe FC for their new ground, etc.

As you obviously possess supernatural powers Phoenix, could you possibly inform us all what the winning lotto numbers are tonight :lol: :lol:
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Re: O/T We'll fight them on the prom

Postby campdave » Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:08 am

Truth following the classic internet argument tactic of accusing other posters of bullying as they desperately hold onto any shred of credibility in their argument.

Shame, it was an interesting debate, just unfortunate that Truth constantly sidestepped many of the questions asked, preferring to toss dirt around instead.

Morecambe featured in the "places to live" section in the guardian today. National press coverage AGAIN on the back of Urban Splash's involvement in the town.

Re: O/T We'll fight them on the prom

Postby Phoenix » Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:11 am

The town has just had a high rise development, been for a walk down Sandylands recently?

Keep the football club out of this discission, they're nothing to do with it unlike the winter gardens.

Last night I went out with my soulmate to our local and by last orders the whole of the pub were talking about this thread.

You'll have to tell us which pub we should avoid, unless we're having trouble sleeping :lol:

Come on then Truth, are you Posh's anonymous pone caller?

Re: O/T We'll fight them on the prom

Postby Keith » Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:33 am

Truth wrote:I am beginning to come to the conclusion that its probably not going to be possible to have a civilised debate here on the subject matter of the thread “We’ll fight them on the prom” as it appears to be far from a level playing field...

...Its a dirty game so far on this thread :shock: Any chance of fair play from now on Keith?

BTW Keith
I would have spiked Truth
. Can you explain what that means it sounds painfully threatening to me.

I wouldn't worry too much about the level playing field. I'm not a groundsman, I'm more of a gate keeper. So whether the ground is level or not, I decide who plays on it. Remember, this is a forum primarily for Morecambe FC fans, secondly for fans of other clubs and lastly, people like you who are not Morecambe fans and not talking about football. You have been told that I will 'spike' you if you continue to use this forum to express your own paranoia regarding the professionalism of the editor of The Visitor. Take your complaints to Mr Cooper's bosses or the Press Complaints, I'm sure Mr Cooper will roll his eyes momentarily at the extra paper work but will have no problem defending himself. Alternatively, as with other products that you don't like, don't buy or read it. Personally, I'd rather twiddle my thumbs and stare into space than ever pick up a copy of The Daily Mail but I don't write to the editor to tell him so.

As for this thread being "a dirty game so far" I think you've been dealt with very leniently. You have consistently failed to answer any of the questions put to you about the development of the town, failed to offer any constructive alternatives and indeed, failed to suggest anything else that would bring employment and regeneration to the town.

In short, you have insulted regular members of the forum, offered nothing to the debate, questioned the professionalism of one of the Morecambe FC fans in such a way as he can not reply fully (ie tell you to piss off).

You have in the last few days ruined a good debate and demonstrated that you are a thoroughly vindictive character who is so full of your own importance that you can not tolerate anyone else having a differing point of view.

The only reason this thread isn't locked and you banned is because you may wish to review your position and offer an apology, or at a minimum, stay quiet. I welcome alternative views to mine so you are welcome to debate with me and others in the future, that's what makes the board interesting but for now, tread carefully.
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Re: O/T We'll fight them on the prom

Postby Truth » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:12 pm

Posh states:-

once wrote a letter to The Visitor in response to one from a bloke slagging off then council leader Ian Barker. Now Ian isn't perfect (nobody is) but basically he's an honourable and decent person with good intentions and a burning desire to improve the community in which he lives. The person who wrote the letter made largely personal and unjustifiable attacks on him, which I found grossly offensive. I rarely write letters to the paper but I thought I'd stand up for Ian on a purely personal and non-political level.

Two days after publication Rachel got two phone calls, which the person hung up on. Then I answered one and the person on the end went, "first they lie to you, then they attack you and then destroy you" (or something similar). More calls followed after he'd managed to track me down, scare the missus and verabally abuse me over the phone. This person still writes to the paper occassionally.

Reading The Truth's post (and what an offensive name that is) there is something strangely reminiscent in the tone, personal stuff and an over-arching belief in their self-righteousness. I'm not saying it is them - far from it - just seems like the kind of thing I've had to deal with when trying to progress anything in Morecambe. Part of the reason I don't bother too much these days.

I dont know were you are coming from with this Posh and nor does my soulmate, family, friends or associates can understand what its got to do with the title on this thread. iIam being pressed now by the schoolyard bully here to address your question. There appears to be a bit of a cult here! :lol:

A good friend of mine could tell you alot about Councillor Ian Barker, the former leader of the Cabinet, who thanx to the democratic process was voted out by the Bulk ward constituency.
If you want to start a discussion on his track record could I suggest that you start another thread otherwise we'll lose the focus of the purpose of this thread, to identify what the majority want to see in the Central Prom redevelopment proposals. I'm sure Urban Splash would like to read this as it forms an excellent means of public consultation. Its a pity that they could have not set up such a forum as this on their website, but they chose not to.

Us also had a prime opportunity to display their proposals on the hoardings around the Midland since their submission to the Council Planning department in December 2007. They chose not to do this and instead used the hoardings as a PR exercise for advertisement of the company and their other out of town schemes and promote all the awards they had received from the authorities.

Two days after publication Rachel got two phone calls, which the person hung up on. Then I answered one and the person on the end went, "first they lie to you, then they attack you and then destroy you" (or something similar). More calls followed after he'd managed to track me down, scare the missus and verabally abuse me over the phone

If thats true its diabolical. Its very offensive that you are now accusing me of making abusive telephone calls without providing any evidence. if the phone call was abusive or threatening it certainly was not me. I treat others as I would like to be treated myself.

Sorry to hear about that I hope Rachel got over it. Did you inform the police and did you record the message? All calls are recorded on our phone, its easy to set up a user friendly system.

This person still writes to the paper occassionally

Which paper would that be? and could you provide the evidence on the new Cllr Barker thread
I suggested.

Cant understand why you have a problem with the name Truth, unless of course truth brings you out of your comfort zone.

Come on you shrimps, no Shrimps goal yet!
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Re: O/T We'll fight them on the prom

Postby Keith » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:45 pm

...and still nothing positive, no answers and no understanding of my last post.

'Twas fun but in the absence of anything else to say we'll call this one closed.
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