Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby twosheds » Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:26 pm

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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby black morse » Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:38 pm

This get's us more and better publicity than any chanting the fans can do. Well done Faz.

Now if we could win on Saturday that would get us more publicity still ;)
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Ispyshrimp » Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:47 pm

Fair play to both Rawson and Ged, saying it as it is, this needs to be backed up by us fans, we were talked down from fully protesting last time which turned in to a Joke!!!

now's the time for everyone to hear our voice otherwise things are looking bleak and we will leave it too late

Would be nice for BOD to come out and communicate something going forward.
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby redrobo » Fri Apr 12, 2024 3:26 pm

Thanks Faz for such an honest opinion of what continues to frustrate us all.

Unfortunately I doubt the owner will view your excellent interview and if by chance he does I suspect he will not give a stuff as all he cares about getting a huge pay day on his investme t.

His loans to date have come I suspect with a terrifically high interest rate which has gone a long way in creating the financial position of myclub.

Jason simply do the right thing and lower your asking price and let all parties move on....PLEASE

Time for some sort of visual match day demo in the form of a huge banner with the words CLUB FOR SALE or something similar that can be seen on the match day highlights at least.
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Argumentative » Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:11 pm

Back to the banner idea RR. You are like a kid that keeps asking for the same thing over and over and over again. Yes why don’t you buy one and hold it up. People know the club is for sale that’s not the issue. Tge issue would appear to be what Freeze and others have pointed out is the asking price and people walking away when the price is known to them. You would be more effective having a banner saying lower your price.
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby redrobo » Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:14 pm

Argumentative wrote:Back to the banner idea RR. You are like a kid that keeps asking for the same thing over and over and over again. Yes why don’t you buy one and hold it up. People know the club is for sale that’s not the issue. Tge issue would appear to be what Freeze and others have pointed out is the asking price and people walking away when the price is known to them. You would be more effective having a banner saying lower your price.

Talk about a suitable name.....Argumentative.... :o

Everybody wants an outcome....some of us want to do more than rely on a march that probably never hit the news in places like Birmingham and Glasgow etc....

You seem to want to knock whatever I about you suggesting something for a change or is that too much to ask.... :?: :?: :?: :( :( :(
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Born again Bill » Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:25 pm

redrobo wrote:
Argumentative wrote:Back to the banner idea RR. You are like a kid that keeps asking for the same thing over and over and over again. Yes why don’t you buy one and hold it up. People know :D
the club is for sale that’s not the issue. Tge issue would appear to be what Freeze and others have pointed out is the asking price and people walking away when the price is known to them. You would be more effective having a banner saying lower your price.

Talk about a suitable name.....Argumentative.... :o

Everybody wants an outcome....some of us want to do more than rely on a march that probably never hit the news in places like Birmingham and Glasgow etc....

You seem to want to knock whatever I about you suggesting something for a change or is that too much to ask.... :?: :?: :?: :( :( :(

Mr tatty head in disguise Neil !
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Vinny » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:08 pm

Brilliant! Well said Faz. It needed to be said, and good to be in the news. He's absolutely right, the lads can let their frustration about this situation on the pitch. Faz is fast becoming an MFC legend. COYS!!!
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Billy bodger » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:23 pm

I have read on the BBC website what Faz has said about the owner and Morecambe’s situation, no doubt he held back, but he was succinct, and honest, he hit the button on the head. Ged, the same holding back, but was straight to the point, the players who go out and try to put in performances, good people who run the day to day side of things are at the end of their tether. It’s a wonder we have any staff or BOD’s who work to keep it going or fans that keep turning up home and away to support this Club.

Question; Why do you think these players have not taken up any of the offers? Ans; It all comes down to the Bond group and its effect on the Club.

We are in deep s#it if we cannot find a solution and that will never be found without an owner who starts it by being, the man who looks in the mirror and asks, am I achieving, or anywhere near achieving selling this Club and if the answer is no, why?

So Mr Whittingham, Make a change for once in your life, it will feel real good to make a difference and make it right? PLEASE.

With your total disregard
we have a broken Club
and all the fans souls.
We follow them home and away, you know
to everywhere they go
That’s why they want you to know.

It can only start with that man we never see
and we’re asking him to change his ways
and no message could be any clearer
if you wanna make a quick resolution
drop your price and make that change.

A Club that’s deeply scarred
and all the fans broken hearts
with all their washed out dreams
they follow this extraordinary team
because that where they want to be
That’s why they want you to know

It can only start with that man we never see
and we’re asking him to change his ways
and no message could be any clearer
if you wanna make a quick resolution
drop your price and make that change.

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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Argumentative » Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:48 am

how about you suggesting something for a change or is that too much to ask.... :

oh not to much to ask and I have. On here I suggested you buy the banner which states the obvious and hold it up. I also suggested more appropriate wording as I suspect Freez is correct in his assumptions on the reasons why there is no sale as yet.

In Vinny’s post about chanting I suggested 2 things 1/ looking into a fan buy out in conjunction with a business partner which in my opinion is the only way forward. 2/ or alternatively do nothing and stop wasting energy on a situation you can do nothing about. This leads to ill health which is pointless.

I have pointed out in the past that I am done with MFC for the latter reason but continue to read this forum. It still has some gems in it like the Doc who is always entertaining but 2 things are prevalent namely people wanting others to put substantial amounts of money and loose it into a business so you can watch football and expecting as a customer to have a intimate knowledge of the business and have a say on how things are run. Now as a customer of a business people have no right to this whatsoever but as a partial fan ownership you have. The reality of things at the moment is that MFC is worthless. It has no tangible assets to sell apart from a strip of land. So the only way forward is a buy out for the fans who have a passion for MFC and not just in it for the proft that ship has sailed to port Bond group. I admire the passion of fans on here but that’s a passion someone else should not have to pay hefty price and take 100% of the gamble to subsidise.
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Billy bodger » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:35 am

Argumentative wrote:how about you suggesting something for a change or is that too much to ask.... :

oh not to much to ask and I have. On here I suggested you buy the banner which states the obvious and hold it up. I also suggested more appropriate wording as I suspect Freez is correct in his assumptions on the reasons why there is no sale as yet.

In Vinny’s post about chanting I suggested 2 things 1/ looking into a fan buy out in conjunction with a business partner which in my opinion is the only way forward. 2/ or alternatively do nothing and stop wasting energy on a situation you can do nothing about. This leads to ill health which is pointless.

I have pointed out in the past that I am done with MFC for the latter reason but continue to read this forum. It still has some gems in it like the Doc who is always entertaining but 2 things are prevalent namely people wanting others to put substantial amounts of money and loose it into a business so you can watch football and expecting as a customer to have a intimate knowledge of the business and have a say on how things are run. Now as a customer of a business people have no right to this whatsoever but as a partial fan ownership you have. The reality of things at the moment is that MFC is worthless. It has no tangible assets to sell apart from a strip of land. So the only way forward is a buy out for the fans who have a passion for MFC and not just in it for the proft that ship has sailed to port Bond group. I admire the passion of fans on here but that’s a passion someone else should not have to pay hefty price and take 100% of the gamble to subsidise.

All presumption! Local business people have looked into buying the Club and that’s going way way back to when the Club was put up for sale and as we know that’s gone nowhere?

Now you once again float the idea of fans buying a share of the Club. Here in Morecambe do you in all honesty believe fans will dip their hands in their pockets to help buy the Club? Do you think a substantial number of fans have the capacity to do that? So say 2,500 fans put in £1,000 (not a lot to some, but a fortune to others and an amount they don’t have spare), you will have £2,500,000. Would local business people resurrect their bid if that money was ever raised, (not on your Nelly)?

In the end they would have to pay an amount too high for what they are buying. As you have pointed out numerous time's and more importantly in your last post ‘MFC’ is worthless’, so that speaks for its self!

All I would say is, it seems your passion for the Club is still there, so come back and support them with the £199, early bird season ticket. That’s not a lot to lose if things go pear shaped (yet for many it is), it’s a lot less than £1,000 or what ever it would be, if we went down the road you suggest.
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby Argumentative » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:19 am

Billy thanks for your reply.
Nice to see some sense on here. I should have said that MFC is worthless to any new investor but not to the Bond group as they can still put in the minimum and get it back with interests any time they want. As you say it is rumoured that local business has walked away and Freez has indicated that others have done so, so by extension what makes anyone think some other person is going to stand up to the plate and invest. My point is that if someone sees the fans as a partner they might!!
I suspect that you are right that the fan base is small and unlikely to increase to the numbers needed not to make the cost of this prohibitive and it is a no starter from that point of view so I refer all to my second suggestion of not investing time into something you cannot change as pissing into the wind rarely has a positive outcome. The Bond group are refusing to have a conversation because they do not have to, so please just chill go and watch if you want to as it makes you happy. Talk about the football and as the future of the business what will be will be. All the best everyone stay safe and I hope I am wrong.
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby black morse » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:59 am

Something is only worth what someone will pay for it. So, taking that as fact, as it stands the club is worth nothing as said above, however, the Bond Group are not going to give the club away. It is obvious by now that no one person or group is going to pay Jason's asking price whatever it is. As BB says 2,500 fans are not going to donate £1,000 each but there are some out there (myself included) who would donate considerably more if they were confident local business men would come in and get the club out of the mess it's in. I think it's got to the stage now where Argumentative's suggestion should be looked at and a bit of sounding out done.
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Re: Brilliantly honest interview with Faz on BBC Sport.

Postby fulwoodshrimp » Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:13 am

It's all a total shambles and beyond understanding how a disreputable businessman can bring our beloved club to its knees. Whittingham ruined Worcester Rugby Club and is now doing the same to the shrimps. It is hard to get inside his mind and try to work out how he will profit if the club goes under. Surely it is better business if he sold the club for a reasonable price with a modest profit. If he drives the club under his investment will be worthless and he will have lost everything. We need to do something as fans but what can we do? We cannot stand by and watch our club fold. Is there any value in the trust asking to meet the owner?
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