Refund for online ticket

Refund for online ticket

Postby Potted Shrimp » Wed Dec 29, 2021 4:22 pm

I pre-bought a ticket for the game today, I am travelling from Devon but my hire car hasn’t arrived due to an error and I won’t make the game. I have contacted reception who were helpful , but all they could do was put me through to the club shop which I have phoned a few times but can’t get through. I have left a voicemail.

Would the club refund the ticket or allow me even to swap it given the exceptional
Circumstances, as I am gutted I can’t make the game. I can’t usually attend weekend games due to my work so I can only make a few games a season.
Potted Shrimp
Posts: 450
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:23 pm

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