O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby P/T Indie » Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:13 am

I see the far left of Labour are still in denial if it wasn't so serious it would be hilarious.

This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Then there is the great labour giveaway did they just rock up in a student bar and ask people what free stuff they want? Even my 7 year old would be able to work out at some point someone has to pay for all this.

I also don't undertsnd how renationalisation would work are they suddenly going to turn round to all these large companies and say sorry but you have to give your companies up? I agree things like the railways should have never been nationalised in the first place but it's to late to reverse it now.

Then there is the whole momentum issue and the far left ruling the party which your average center left person doesn't want.

All this and that's without even going into the whole national security, IRA, Jews etc I won't even go into that because a lot of that might be a media circus.

In a way Labour needed wipping out to kill of Corbyn and his cronies once and for all and for everyones sake go back to the party they once were but it seems the far left still don't get it and are hanging on.

If people aren't happy with the way thigs are well they need to blame the far left of Labour it's because of them we have not had a strong opposition, why so many people feel politically homeless and why the Tories have had free reign for so long.

Boris is an opportunist and he saw that Labour had abandonded a lot of it's voters in the heartlands and he's pounced.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby redrobo » Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:51 am

P/T Indie wrote:I see the far left of Labour are still in denial if it wasn't so serious it would be hilarious.

This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Then there is the great labour giveaway did they just rock up in a student bar and ask people what free stuff they want? Even my 7 year old would be able to work out at some point someone has to pay for all this.

I also don't undertsnd how renationalisation would work are they suddenly going to turn round to all these large companies and say sorry but you have to give your companies up? I agree things like the railways should have never been nationalised in the first place but it's to late to reverse it now.

Then there is the whole momentum issue and the far left ruling the party which your average center left person doesn't want.

All this and that's without even going into the whole national security, IRA, Jews etc I won't even go into that because a lot of that might be a media circus.

In a way Labour needed wipping out to kill of Corbyn and his cronies once and for all and for everyones sake go back to the party they once were but it seems the far left still don't get it and are hanging on.

If people aren't happy with the way thigs are well they need to blame the far left of Labour it's because of them we have not had a strong opposition, why so many people feel politically homeless and why the Tories have had free reign for so long.

Boris is an opportunist and he saw that Labour had abandonded a lot of it's voters in the heartlands and he's pounced.

Excellent post.

Momentum has a lot to answer for and until they are purged from the Labour Party the party they control will remain in the doldrums.

Listening to McDonald he and his cronies seem unable to accept that this country does not want a far left party in government. He in particular refuses to see that the electorates total dislike of Corbyn was partially to blame for their humiliation. And Corbyn still suggests that his policies received the backing of the country.....deluded or what....?

I'm no great lover of Boris but he's now got to fulfill the expectations of the country to deliver on his promises but for me tell the Scots to 'live with it' because home rule for the Scots is totally out of the question.

Interestingly in my consistency Tim Farron in Westmorland and Lonsdale increased his majority by circa 100% for the Liberal Democrats. A rare success for the party. and something that to date the media hasn't picked up on.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby thedoc » Fri Dec 13, 2019 1:49 pm

Interestingly in my consistency Tim Farron in Westmorland and Lonsdale increased his majority by circa 100% for the Liberal Democrats. A rare success for the party. and something that to date the media hasn't picked up on.

Tim Farron is an excellent constituency MP who is visible in Kendal and elsewhere and doesn't fiddle his expenses and otherwise line his own pockets whilst denying there is any poverty in his local area. Contrast this with our local MP. But Davis Morris has been re-elected by 6000 votes. I just don't get it.

But there is an old saying in politics: `people get the government they vote for'.

Too bloody true...
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Andy D » Fri Dec 13, 2019 1:51 pm

Jo Swinton even losing her own seat :lol:

Her sneaky little plan back fired BIG TIME.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Keith » Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:40 pm

P/T Indie wrote:This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about Dianne Abbott?
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Brian S » Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:48 pm

Keith wrote:
P/T Indie wrote:This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about Dianne Abbott?

Abbott's car crash interviews are legendary, along with the facts & figures she has to retract post interview. She's an undercover Tory :lol:
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Gone_Shrimping » Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:29 pm

P/T Indie wrote:I see the far left of Labour are still in denial if it wasn't so serious it would be hilarious.

This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Then there is the great labour giveaway did they just rock up in a student bar and ask people what free stuff they want? Even my 7 year old would be able to work out at some point someone has to pay for all this.

I also don't undertsnd how renationalisation would work are they suddenly going to turn round to all these large companies and say sorry but you have to give your companies up? I agree things like the railways should have never been nationalised in the first place but it's to late to reverse it now.

Then there is the whole momentum issue and the far left ruling the party which your average center left person doesn't want.

All this and that's without even going into the whole national security, IRA, Jews etc I won't even go into that because a lot of that might be a media circus.

In a way Labour needed wipping out to kill of Corbyn and his cronies once and for all and for everyones sake go back to the party they once were but it seems the far left still don't get it and are hanging on.

If people aren't happy with the way thigs are well they need to blame the far left of Labour it's because of them we have not had a strong opposition, why so many people feel politically homeless and why the Tories have had free reign for so long.

Boris is an opportunist and he saw that Labour had abandonded a lot of it's voters in the heartlands and he's pounced.

Boris is probably the most astute politician in the UK at the moment. He won 2 terms as London Mayor in a city that is a Labour one. He may appear bumbling and dishevelled a bit like Lt Columbo but he understands what Joe public wants.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Gone_Shrimping » Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:36 pm

Keith wrote:
P/T Indie wrote:This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about Dianne Abbott?

She has made what could be described as racist statements in the past about white people being the problem in the UK. She has advocated an open borders policy of allowing anyone into the country. When she was asked what the cost of 10,000 extra police would be for a year she came out with the figure of £300,000. So that means the annual salary for one of these coppers would be £30 !
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Keith » Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:38 pm

She certainly had 'brain freeze' during a car crash interview. But she's hardly the only one! Johnson had plenty, including during the referendum campaign where he basically bumbled in to admitting that he knew the £320 million claim was a lie.

I've not heard her racist comments, fair enough if she's done that.

The media portray her as thick. A black woman, whose dad was a plumber and mum a nurse, who managed to get in to Cambridge in the early 1970's was impressive enough. She then got a Masters degree in History, which suggests she's anything but stupid.

Now who repeatedly told you she was stupid? Could it be the same right wing press that would stand to pose most if she & Corbyn had been successful? Hmm...
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Ispyshrimp » Sat Dec 14, 2019 9:38 am

P/T Indie wrote:I see the far left of Labour are still in denial if it wasn't so serious it would be hilarious.

This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Then there is the great labour giveaway did they just rock up in a student bar and ask people what free stuff they want? Even my 7 year old would be able to work out at some point someone has to pay for all this.

I also don't undertsnd how renationalisation would work are they suddenly going to turn round to all these large companies and say sorry but you have to give your companies up? I agree things like the railways should have never been nationalised in the first place but it's to late to reverse it now.

Then there is the whole momentum issue and the far left ruling the party which your average center left person doesn't want.

All this and that's without even going into the whole national security, IRA, Jews etc I won't even go into that because a lot of that might be a media circus.

In a way Labour needed wipping out to kill of Corbyn and his cronies once and for all and for everyones sake go back to the party they once were but it seems the far left still don't get it and are hanging on.

If people aren't happy with the way thigs are well they need to blame the far left of Labour it's because of them we have not had a strong opposition, why so many people feel politically homeless and why the Tories have had free reign for so long.

Boris is an opportunist and he saw that Labour had abandonded a lot of it's voters in the heartlands and he's pounced.

Some forget it was Labours over spending and failure to stop the banks offering loans/mortgages on houses which doubled in value over a 12 to 18 month period which led to the financial mess and the recession with a hard last 9 years to try and put things right.
Labour would have been stupid enough to lead us back there with their stupid ideas of again spending money we simply don't have for their plans.
those protesting against a Tory win need a reality check, look at the margins of victory, we are not talking of winning by just a few seats...
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby redrobo » Sat Dec 14, 2019 11:40 am

For me, the Labour manifesto wanted to do too much too soon.

Instead of concentrating their campaign on a couple of topics they kept introducing more and more 'sweeteners' in an effort to win support from a diverse electorate.

Maybe whoever takes over will be far more centrist in their approach rather than follow an agenda that for too many was too far left. However with Momentum having so much pull and power in the party I fear that the lessons of this week may not be taken on board and that a right wing government will rule for the next 10 years if not longer.

The thought of Rebecca Bailey taking over is frightening for the parties future.... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Keith » Sat Dec 14, 2019 12:06 pm

Ispyshrimp wrote:Some forget it was Labours over spending and failure to stop the banks offering loans/mortgages on houses which doubled in value over a 12 to 18 month period which led to the financial mess and the recession with a hard last 9 years to try and put things right.

Well, they forget it because that's not how it happened! Some people 'remember' things that didn't occur! Sub-prime lending was an American issue that became global. Every country was impacted upon.

After nine years of the Tories 'working hard' to destroy public services (how surprising that the latest NHS figures showing the worst waiting times on record were held back until the day after polling ended?) by underfunding them, the Tories 'worked hard' to almost double the national debt, borrowing in nine years almost as much as every government in history combined (£1 trillion debt increased to £1.8 trillion).

Ah well, Morris has another five years of receiving cash from Russian donors, claiming UK mileage while on overseas trips and not seeing poverty in his own constituency. At least he'll single handedly build Eden Project, so that will be good.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby KenH » Sat Dec 14, 2019 12:27 pm

Keith wrote:Well, they forget it because that's not how it happened!

Brown continually lengthened his "economic cycle" as he borrowed/spent too much and it took far longer than he planned to get the deficit back under control.

His tax credits were a disaster - far too generous to people who didn't need them, which along with unlimited housing benefits helped cause inflation, particularly house price/rent inflation.

His tax policies were a disaster. Tax evasion rocketed under his years, he messed up the introduction of IR35, he gave tax breaks to small limited companies which was completely unnecessary and totally missed the target when huge numbers of window cleaners, odd job men etc converted from being a sole trader to a limited company.

All his years of growth were just an illusion, backed by borrowings, including ruinious PFI deals that NHS trusts will be paying for decades to come.

He sold off huge amounts of the country's gold reserves at historically low prices.

Whether or not the financial crash had happened, the UK were in a terrible financial state before it happened. In the event, it was a brilliant excuse so Brown could blame his financial mismanagement on a global issue. He'd have had nowhere to hid if the crash hadn't happened.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby redrobo » Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:21 pm

After nine years of the Tories 'working hard' to destroy public services

Utter and complete rubbish.....

Why would any Government whatever its colour do that.....knowing full well the public outcry there would be and the humiliation it would receive in any General Election.... :?:

And as for the Labour Party's outcry about the press, did you not see the interview between Boris and Andrew Marr where AM didn't allow Boris to answer any of his questions.... :evil:

Never mind another probable 10 years to get over it.... :roll:
Last edited by redrobo on Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Gone_Shrimping » Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:31 pm

KenH wrote:
Keith wrote:Well, they forget it because that's not how it happened!

Brown continually lengthened his "economic cycle" as he borrowed/spent too much and it took far longer than he planned to get the deficit back under control.

His tax credits were a disaster - far too generous to people who didn't need them, which along with unlimited housing benefits helped cause inflation, particularly house price/rent inflation.

His tax policies were a disaster. Tax evasion rocketed under his years, he messed up the introduction of IR35, he gave tax breaks to small limited companies which was completely unnecessary and totally missed the target when huge numbers of window cleaners, odd job men etc converted from being a sole trader to a limited company.

All his years of growth were just an illusion, backed by borrowings, including ruinious PFI deals that NHS trusts will be paying for decades to come.

He sold off huge amounts of the country's gold reserves at historically low prices.

Whether or not the financial crash had happened, the UK were in a terrible financial state before it happened. In the event, it was a brilliant excuse so Brown could blame his financial mismanagement on a global issue. He'd have had nowhere to hid if the crash hadn't happened.

Spot on. Also before the USA sub-prime bank crisis had even happened Brown had already created a structural deficit. A structural deficit can not be reduced by economic growth but can only be eliminated by expenditure reductions (or cuts as the Guardian call them !)
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Ispyshrimp » Sat Dec 14, 2019 2:17 pm

redrobo wrote:After nine years of the Tories 'working hard' to destroy public services

Utter and complete rubbish.....

Why would any Government whatever its colour do that.....knowing full well the public outcry there would be and the humiliation it would receive in any General Election.... :?:

And as for the Labour Party's outcry about the press, did you not see the interview between Boris and Andrew Marr where AM didn't allow Boris to answer any of his questions.... :evil:

Never mind another probable 10 years to get over it.... :roll:

Spot on

I think the Torys have got some harsh flack for the way in which they have tried to balance the books, We went from spending like someone with a credit card on 0% interest for years to then suddenly realising that its needs paying back, although when it needed paying back it was someone else having to take the flack for paying it back.
Some harsh decisions needed to be made however if they hadn't of been things would have only got worse.
Public spending is normally one of the first things that takes the hit as that's pure expenditure, those who work for the public sector then found that they were put a pay freeze, however many businesses in particular also put their employees on a pay freeze to help get them through the recession caused by Labour, however the public sectors lack of pay was the only thing to hit the headlines, they chose to ignore many others who also failed to increase their earnings but had bills going up at the same time.

I find it funny that we still have people protesting about Boris getting in as PM, he's not perfect, many MP's are not perfect like many normal people, however given the result of the election, Boris was preffered by a landslide over Labours Corbyn, people need to get over it and allow Boris to prove he's up to the job. same as those who voted Brexit, people voted and the result is the result.

we all have opinions on politics that why is causes so much of a divide however given someone like myself that struggled on the back of Labours poor management of the economy, I'm a long time forgiving
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Westgate Wanderer » Sat Dec 14, 2019 2:33 pm

It seems to be the norm nowadays if some don't like the result of a democratic vote to ask for another one. Can't ask for another vote just because you don't like the result!! IF Boris gives the Scottish another go can the English vote in it this time? Might make it more interesting. ;)
Don't worry be happy!
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Keith » Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:24 pm

redrobo wrote:After nine years of the Tories 'working hard' to destroy public services

Utter and complete rubbish.....

Why would any Government whatever its colour do that.....knowing full well the public outcry there would be and the humiliation it would receive in any General Election.... :?:

How do you explain the "utter and complete rubbish" of the stats released yesterday?
Waiting times for A&E and hospital operations worst on record, NHS figures show
Funny how they were only released AFTER the election?

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/heal ... 45436.html

Ispyshrimp wrote:Some harsh decisions needed to be made however if they hadn't of been things would have only got worse.

Well, the harsh cuts have happened for sure. But national debt is almost double what it was nine years ago. Austerity was and is a political ideology.

Still, you've won. Hopefully everything will be wonderful. Just don't get old, sick or poor.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Posh » Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:24 pm

Gone_Shrimping wrote:
Keith wrote:
P/T Indie wrote:This wasn't just Brexit this was also to do with John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot the thought of Dianne Abbot been foreign secretary is enough to scare anyone into voting Tory.

Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about Dianne Abbott?

She has made what could be described as racist statements in the past about white people being the problem in the UK.

Not true. She made ONE post on Twitter saying, "white people love to play divide and rule". She apologised immediately afterwards. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politi ... -rule.html

She has advocated an open borders policy of allowing anyone into the country.

Not true. There is no evidence she said this, she even clarified it herself. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... h-migrants
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Keith » Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:29 pm

Ispyshrimp wrote:given someone like myself that struggled on the back of Labours poor management of the economy, I'm a long time forgiving

Genuine question, how did you struggle under Labour but improve over the last decade?
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby shrimperteer » Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:46 pm

redrobo wrote:For me, the Labour manifesto wanted to do too much too soon.

Instead of concentrating their campaign on a couple of topics they kept introducing more and more 'sweeteners' in an effort to win support from a diverse electorate.

Maybe whoever takes over will be far more centrist in their approach rather than follow an agenda that for too many was too far left. However with Momentum having so much pull and power in the party I fear that the lessons of this week may not be taken on board and that a right wing government will rule for the next 10 years if not longer.

The thought of Rebecca Bailey taking over is frightening for the parties future.... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Spot on.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby shrimperteer » Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:46 pm

redrobo wrote:After nine years of the Tories 'working hard' to destroy public services

Utter and complete rubbish.....

Why would any Government whatever its colour do that.....knowing full well the public outcry there would be and the humiliation it would receive in any General Election.... :?:

Complete rubbish
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Wild Bill » Sat Dec 14, 2019 4:05 pm

Ispyshrimp wrote:
redrobo wrote:After nine years of the Tories 'working hard' to destroy public services

Utter and complete rubbish.....

Why would any Government whatever its colour do that.....knowing full well the public outcry there would be and the humiliation it would receive in any General Election.... :?:

And as for the Labour Party's outcry about the press, did you not see the interview between Boris and Andrew Marr where AM didn't allow Boris to answer any of his questions.... :evil:

Never mind another probable 10 years to get over it.... :roll:

Spot on

I think the Torys have got some harsh flack for the way in which they have tried to balance the books.

Yes, it was totally unfair that they tried 'balancing the books' by instantly cutting the the top rate of tax for high earner (such as our friends the bankers) and implemented a decade of austerity on the nation.

Well, at least they managed to pay off some national debt. Oh, wait a minute? It doubled to £1,821.3 billion. Cracking job guys. Best vote them back in again I say?
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby Andy D » Sat Dec 14, 2019 4:06 pm

This was no ordinary General Election this was in reality the 2nd EU Referendum, people's vote.

An estimated "7" Million Labour voters who voted brexit turned their backs on Labour in working class Labour strongholds in the likes of Barrow, and even Leigh in Manchester Andrew Burnham's old seat.

Labour needs to get back more to the center of politics.
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Re: O/T David Morris in trouble again!

Postby sandgrown » Sat Dec 14, 2019 4:12 pm

never forget the note Labour left in the Treasury when they lost the 2010 election.

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