Playschool or football....

Playschool or football....

Postby Howe Magic » Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:56 am

i declared on this board just over a week ago that i wont be watching the team again after 30 years of support after things i have heard and seen at games and on this message board....i thought to myself give it a few days so thats what i did - i came back on the message board as a guest and could not believe what i was reading (Your a better supporter than you etc - it was like an episode of playschool from the 70s and i really dont want to be part of this)....i hope the club gets out of the problems it finds itself in at the moment and goes from strength to strength in the future but i for one will be finding something else to do on a saturday as i dont want to be part of some of the things i have heard and seen over the past few weeks.....
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Phoenix » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:39 am

It's a shame you've let others influence you. If you've supported them for 30 years then surely you know what you go to watch is a game of football. If you don't like what's being typed on the forum, don't read it. If you don't like what's being said at a match, try standing somewhere else. Whatever's typed and spoken, the football won't change.

Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Hodgie » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:02 am

Just stop using the message board

go to football on a saturday afternoon. Enjoy it, come home

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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby campdave » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:32 am

Don't take everything so personally. Where I stand, I seem to often be surrounded by morons, I find their analysis of the game and club more amusing than anything else. Their opinion of a player changes every five minutes, he can be the worst player ever for the side and then a couple of minutes later their new hero.

Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Shrimpsscene » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:09 am

Hodgie wrote:Just stop using the message board

go to football on a saturday afternoon. Enjoy it, come home

it's simple

spot on hodgie!!
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby ezz » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:44 am

I agree with above posts if your such a loyal long serving fan, why use the forum as an excuse not go?
Get over it ;)
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Pandashrimp » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:41 pm

Agree with all the above responses. There is alot of utter bollocks posted on this forum (as there is bound to be on most forums ) but either ignore it, give some back or don't come on. I can't believe that over 30 years of Morecambe football THIS is your lowest point? Besides you can't stop coming the club needs your entrance fee more than ever :(

Maybe shrimpsvoices should introduce a 'bad banter' taxing system for posts deemed wprthy enough. Raise some much needed funds, pay out some contracts and shut some clowns up on here :lol:
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Keith » Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:25 pm

As I wrote at the time of the first 'I'm not coming because of what is written on Shrimpsvoices' posting, the bollox that is written on here is no different to the bollox that was spouted at games thirty years ago, it's simply a different medium. As others have said, if it upsets you, don't read it! Reading it as 'Howe Magic' or reading it as 'guest' is exactly the same!

As for not enjoying the matches, we're playing at the highest point ever... how can you not enjoy it???
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Mark S » Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:46 pm

I think this is the third or fourth time HM has told us he is not coming back. Sorry mate, but the first time I was sympathetic.........

The trouble with this forum is that you have no idea who is saying what, how old they are, how serious they are and how mentally balanced they are.

I have just read the Shrimpscene from Boxing Day where our Club Sec was slating 'a number of people' on here 'who claim to be in the know' and states that there was a thread on here claiming Robbie Fowler was signing, and that he was talking to Peter Mc to finalise terms.

The only one I can find is here

It doesnt say that he was finalising terms with The Chairman , which is key to Neil M's example as he then ridicules the story by being a bit sarcastic around his location at the time (China).

Having said that, if anyone is taking seriously, whether as a fan or as a club official, it is time to have a serious word with yourself.

People often equate the board with a pub conversation, but I think thats rubbish. You wouldnt have a pub where such a disparite bunch of people gather. We have Attention seekers, stirrers, serious types, funny types, clever types, immature types, and our fair share of thickos! ;)

My message to everyone on here is take EVERYTHING you read with a large pinch of salt. believe nothing and do not take anything seriously.

If you dont like the board, dont come on it. Or do and just ignore the bits you dont like. Thats what I do.
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Freez » Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:03 pm

"We have Attention seekers, stirrers, serious types, funny types, clever types, immature types and our fair share of thickos!"

I resemble that remark! :roll:
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Burnley Shrimp » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:54 pm

After 41 years of loyal support for the club I love, I too have decided to boycott Christie Park. The club is in deep trouble and I am disgusted that we can't sign any more players to add to the thirty odd we currently have on the books. Whats more I heard someone moaning at the last home game (which has deeply upset me) and to add insult to injury the club no longer sells Potts Pies. I just can't take any more.

I also get the feeling there are more popular people on here than me (which I find difficult to understand) and probably people who think they are more dedicated supporters than me, just because they travel to Brentford or Bournemouth on a Tuesday evening or something, c'mon, it's just not fair.

Anyway that's it I am boycotting the club and will not enter the Crusty Pie again, (at least not untill the 17th against Gillingham, providing that bloody perma frost has thawed out and I will defo' be moaning if it hasn't).
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Bare Ben » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:18 pm

I don't think sarcasm is necessary, but i don't think boycotting CP is either. The thought of doing that has never crossed my mind and you are one of the supporters I would have thought would feel the same John. I would also have thought that we have some of the best personalities for supporters, and I include you in that, even if we do talk a lot of balls 8-)
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Number 1 » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:21 pm

Howe Magic wrote:i declared on this board just over a week ago that i wont be watching the team again after 30 years of support after things i have heard and seen at games and on this message board....i thought to myself give it a few days so thats what i did - i came back on the message board as a guest and could not believe what i was reading (Your a better supporter than you etc - it was like an episode of playschool from the 70s and i really dont want to be part of this)....i hope the club gets out of the problems it finds itself in at the moment and goes from strength to strength in the future but i for one will be finding something else to do on a saturday as i dont want to be part of some of the things i have heard and seen over the past few weeks.....

That's a real shame. Your posts are always worth reading and your comments more than welcome amidst the dross that often appears.

I'm not sure how many message boards you contribute to, but I'm a member of loads, football ones, car ones, hobbyist ones for various things, and the one common denominator in them all is that at some stage, some idiot comes on saying stupid things that winds everyone else up. A message board is an extension of life in a way. You're talking to your mate in the pub and it ends up with a few of you talking, and one of them has had one or two too many, and you know that when they've had a few they talk shite. So you either laugh at them spouting crap, or take offence, or go home, or to another part of the pub. It's the same here in a metorphorical kind of way. With regard to what you hear at games, it's the same scenario. The fact is, the vast majority of the 1800 or so people at CP support the team and the manager and but for perhaps moving to a different space in the ground, and taking with a pinch of salt what people write on here, I'm not sure there's a great deal to get worked up about. What is for sure, is that your support at the ground is needed more now than it ever was, and can you really turn your back in the club's hour of need?
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Keith » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:56 pm

Number 1 wrote:A message board is an extension of life in a way. You're talking to your mate in the pub and it ends up with a few of you talking, and one of them has had one or two too many, and you know that when they've had a few they talk shite. So you either laugh at them spouting crap, or take offence, or go home, or to another part of the pub. It's the same here in a metorphorical kind of way.

I actually agree with you entirely but I don't think you go far enough. A message board is like being a football fan itself. In real life, how many of you would call Uriah Rennie "a wanker" to his face? (This guy does kick boxing to keep fit!) yet will happily sing "the referee is a wanker" when in the North Stand? In the same way, it is easy to be a hero when no one can identify you, be that from behind a keyboard or in among a large group.

As Mark said, don't take anything on here seriously! For goodness sake, we're admin on here, WE DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! We urge everyone else not to either (and that includes anyone who may be writing in the match day programme!)
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby durhamshrimp » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:41 pm

Howe Magic wrote:i declared on this board just over a week ago that i wont be watching the team again after 30 years of support after things i have heard and seen at games and on this message board....i thought to myself give it a few days so thats what i did - i came back on the message board as a guest and could not believe what i was reading (Your a better supporter than you etc - it was like an episode of playschool from the 70s and i really dont want to be part of this)....i hope the club gets out of the problems it finds itself in at the moment and goes from strength to strength in the future but i for one will be finding something else to do on a saturday as i dont want to be part of some of the things i have heard and seen over the past few weeks.....

Your choice so bye then.

I would say however that I resent the negative spin you put on things about the situation the club finds itself in. I'd say the club is in a better position now that it has ever been. Consolidating League football and heading to a new ground. We were dreaming about these things about 3 years ago and still people moan.

Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Pandashrimp » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:52 am

Exactly durham shrimp. Personally i am not feeling great about MFC at the moment but, as its been said "look at the bigger picture", i have been supporting MFC for a mere 12 years and this is dreamland from just 3 years ago. Many wouldn't have imagined it better.
I personally feel, that this is the worst 'squad' we have had for a long time, but yet we scrap and fight for every point this year and try to keep looking at positives like this. Thankfully the state of L2 means we look pretty safe for May, and hopefully we can have some enjoyable days out in the second part of the season and more importantly build towards next year.
The club needs your support, nobody likes a second half of the season with nothing to play for, but throwing in the proverbial towel is just plain silly.
Also Lets be fair a decent cup run next year and nobody will care what bollocks is chatted on here and attendences will skyrocket.
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby shrimper » Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:21 am

I hope - and believe - that John will re-think.

I've seen a lot of a certain 'type' of fan get to a stage of what some might call 'burn-out' over the years.

They are usually the ones who shout loudest, live each trip, each game, each incident and really do get wound up in all the excitement, controversy, anxiety and, occasionally, argument that surrounds our club.

They are usually very committed, loyal fans but eventually with some it just all gets on top of them and then something - and it can be (to others) a trivial thing - just makes them snap and fall out of love with it all.

They start thinking 'I'm not enjoying this any more'. They've lived it full-on for so long that one little incident - or a build up of a few - can tip them over the edge.

If I have a message to John it's this: Chill out a bit. It IS an important part of all our lives (I'd have it as second to my family, however sad that might seem) but it doesn't have to be so 'life and death' serious.

Some of us have a motto - 'don't let the football spoil your day out' and it's a pretty good one to guide your support of the club we all love if you want to keep doing so and enjoying it.

Get a smile back on your face, John. Have a quiet chuckle about those who say daft things and get things into perspective. And let's see you there again cheering the Shrimps on to the next 'high' on the roller coaster we call football.

It would be sad to lose you from the terraces.
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Howe Magic » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:08 am

went to the snow dome in manchester yesterday and also shopping at the trafford centre with my lass it was fantastic and to be really honest did not miss football one little bit....if anyone as not been to the snow dome its well worth a visit for any level kids or adults - we are going again next saturday we enjoyed it that much
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Gnasher » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:39 am

We didn't miss the football either :lol:
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby PUNKISDEAD » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:31 am

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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Christies Child » Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:26 pm

Mark S wrote:I think this is the third or fourth time HM has told us he is not coming back. Sorry mate, but the first time I was sympathetic.........

The trouble with this forum is that you have no idea who is saying what, how old they are, how serious they are and how mentally balanced they are.

I have just read the Shrimpscene from Boxing Day where our Club Sec was slating 'a number of people' on here 'who claim to be in the know' and states that there was a thread on here claiming Robbie Fowler was signing, and that he was talking to Peter Mc to finalise terms.

The only one I can find is here

It doesnt say that he was finalising terms with The Chairman , which is key to Neil M's example as he then ridicules the story by being a bit sarcastic around his location at the time (China).

Having said that, if anyone is taking seriously, whether as a fan or as a club official, it is time to have a serious word with yourself.

People often equate the board with a pub conversation, but I think thats rubbish. You wouldnt have a pub where such a disparite bunch of people gather. We have Attention seekers, stirrers, serious types, funny types, clever types, immature types, and our fair share of thickos! ;)

Not sure which type I can lay claim to.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

My message to everyone on here is take EVERYTHING you read with a large pinch of salt. believe nothing and do not take anything seriously.

Exactly. ;) ;) ;)

If you dont like the board, dont come on it. Or do and just ignore the bits you dont like. Thats what I do.
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby George Dawes » Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:55 pm

At the start of the season, me like a lot of people would have been pleased to see Luton Rotheram Bournemouth, being deducted points, as it made Morecambes L2 status more secure

but in a way it's caused Morecambe a lot of hassle, in a domino effect, because the lack support and attendance's dropping, causing loss of revenue, then the transfer embargo

looking at things now we may have been better off having a relegation battle, which i think we could have just about survived with the current squad we have, with more game being like 6 pointers, it would have caused more excitement and interest with bigger gates

like now our season is just about over and it's only half way, so to speak :roll:

i think the Football league should, take this into consideration about this next time, in future just drop clubs down a division, or just face a "HUGE FINE!!"
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Re: Playschool or football....

Postby Keith » Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:22 pm

Howe Magic wrote:went to the snow dome in manchester yesterday and also shopping at the trafford centre with my lass it was fantastic and to be really honest did not miss football one little bit....if anyone as not been to the snow dome its well worth a visit for any level kids or adults - we are going again next saturday we enjoyed it that much

Okay, we've done this to death now. I'm happy for you that you've found something else to do on a Saturday. I'm not convinced that you coming back to tell people about how else you will be filling your Saturday, and encouraging them to do the same, is of any value to the club. I hope you have fun, then come back soon, but this thread is now at an end.
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