Postby mcambeBANTAM » Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:32 pm

Hi there to all you Shrimps...hope lots of you will be making the journey on sunday..Do you think you can muster at least 500 of you to make the effort after such a good win for you lot today......oh and by the way do you lot think we are a big club ????
£20 its... a lovely stadium well worth it!!! how much for away supporters at christie ??
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Postby james456 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:36 pm

mcambeBANTAM wrote:Hi there to all you Shrimps...hope lots of you will be making the journey on sunday..Do you think you can muster at least 500 of you to make the effort after such a good win for you lot today......oh and by the way do you lot think we are a big club ????
£20 its... a lovely stadium well worth it!!! how much for away supporters at christie ??

Daylight robbery is what it is but we'll be there ;) My attendence estimate is 350. Straight after xmas and ticket prices are high but with the shrimps in good form, we should bring a reasonable following.
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Postby mcambeBANTAM » Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:57 pm

350 will be poor we took 1699 fans to lincoln today (aboutb the same distance as bradford/morecambe.........20 quid is not dear for the view you get (LUTON SH*TOLE) ....unrestricted.....and wot is it more than christie ??3 or 4 quid !!! think of the premiership experience...LOL
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Postby firthy_SexGod » Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:22 am

mcambeBANTAM wrote:350 will be poor we took 1699 fans to lincoln today (aboutb the same distance as bradford/morecambe.........20 quid is not dear for the view you get (LUTON SH*TOLE) ....unrestricted.....and wot is it more than christie ??3 or 4 quid !!! think of the premiership experience...LOL

You are indeed correct my fello Bantam, i'd much prefer to pay 20 bar to watch my team at the Wembley Of The North than pay 3 squid less at the likes of Morecambe and Luton ect not to mention all the spivs and skintorevs at these likes......I think if they couldn't manage to muster up 500 or more their status of being as massive as Bradford will quietly decrease, what d'ya say? So then fella's, looking FORAD to your big day in Bratfud...Actually witnessing a crowd at a football match is hard to come by in Lancashire, oh so I here anyway?

Travel safely and dont get to mullerd over the Xmas period. ;)
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Postby Aspers » Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:49 am

We get mullered every night round here. 8-)
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Postby Neil G » Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:35 am

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Last edited by Neil G on Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Christies Child » Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:40 am

Neil G wrote:Don't think we will take many this time what with the over zealous stewarding policy and hiked prices. Mind you Bratfud do have a super large premiership stadium to maintain so I suppose visiting fans should feel honoured a) to be there and b) to pay for its upkeep while they're still playing tin pot football. They need to get promoted this season they're far too good to be playing teams like Morecambe ;)

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Postby Burnley Shrimp » Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:00 am

After going last season I thought about boycotting the game this time around. However I'm now going with an extra two in tow. One an exile who's home for x mas and the brother in law who's a regular home and away Leeds fan but just wants to watch a decent team for once (m'cambe of course).

Why did I consider boycotting the game? Pure and simple I don't begrudge £20 for myself, nice stadium and all, but £12 for kids. Seriously what is that all about? I have been ripped off up and down the country for several seasons now at rip off merchants like Bratfud, paying extortionate amounts for the boys when they were as young as 8 and 9. It really gets my back up and Bratfud at £12 have to be the worst!! Why oh why can't they just charge a couple of quid for say under 10's and a fiver for 10 to 16 year olds??? They'd make it back because more parents wouldn't be priced out of going then. Anyway I'm going and fortunately the youngest is off to the mother in laws so I shall only have to scowl once as I hand over 12 hard earned for the 13 year old :o
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Postby Keith » Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:12 am

Christies Child wrote:
Neil G wrote:Don't think we will take many this time what with the over zealous stewarding policy and hiked prices. Mind you Bratfud do have a super large premiership stadium to maintain so I suppose visiting fans should feel honoured a) to be there and b) to pay for its upkeep while they're still playing tin pot football. They need to get promoted this season they're far too good to be playing teams like Morecambe ;)

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Do we need a 'tongue in cheek' smilie?

It must be tough being a Bradford fan, so we should cut them a bit of slack. After all, if you think about it, there are kids still at school who will have been to watch the Christmas fixtures in 2000 and witnessed Chelsea v Bratford on the 23rd December and Bratford v Sunderland on the 26th. On the same days we were at home to Scarborough then away to Southport. Both clubs have travelled a long way since then, one up, one down (repeatedly).

Obviously having a HUGE team, playing in a HUGE stadium and charging HUGE prices is the only way they can cling on to a time when they were playing Man Utd and Liverpool rather than Morecambe... bless.
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Postby BCFC Morecambe » Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:39 am

All you lot do is moan, moan, moan,

You talk about us not being what we once were, quite rightly so, but to be honest their isn't one of you morecambe fans that wouldn't swap the success that we did have, for what must of seemed like an eternity in the non league..!!

I for one as a Bradford fan am pleased for Morecambe and the fact they made league status, but there sure does seem to be a few of you that just want to have a pop.

As genuine football fans, Morecambe fans should relate to the ups and downs of Bradford City, not because they have had their own, but because as you are recognised as some of the friendliest fans around, should be able to realise that after the fire in 85, we actually deserved a little bit of luck and some good fortune which brought us the premiership years..!!

How many of you guys will before you die see your team play week in week out against the elite in english football..??

For those driving the short distance tomorrow, safe journey and best of luck for the rest of the season.

Anyone need any info on parking, pubs, best route, feel free to pm me.

BCFC Morecambe
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Postby Burnley Shrimp » Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:55 am

I think the problem started last season Dan with the Garry Thompson saga. You wanted him, we didn't want to lose him, fair enough, but there were a number of your fans on here regularly who came across as very superior and arrogant who just sort of assumed that any player would crawl across broken glass to play for the Bantams whilst at the same time being less than complimentary about our club and what we have achieved over the past few years. I know a lot of them were probably kids but it sort of tars your fans as being an arrogant bunch and makes the likes of us all the more keen to put one over on you.

We don't have much to lose because if you beat us it's expected, whereas if we turn you over it's a bloody good laugh, not just for us but for everyone who likes a good old giant slaying. Although whether that's strictly the correct term to use at the moment is debatable!
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Postby BCFC Morecambe » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:00 pm

I agree totally mate,

But then again is it not about averages, the fact we have 12,000 regular visitors to VP, and possible even more stay aways that like to be cyber warriors surely means that there are more numpties about.

The main reason Morecambe is recognised as a family club and friendly is because everyone pretty much knows everyone, and if the younger ones step out of line, someone has a quiet word in their ear and it stops...!

Harder to do with the number we have.

Should be a good game tomorrow, you guys on form, and we haven't hit 2nd or 3rd gear yet, hopefully a couple of our injured players returning tomorrow should give us a much needed lift.

Enjoy the game

BCFC Morecambe
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Postby Phoenix » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:14 pm

But then again is it not about averages, the fact we have 12,000 regular visitors to VP, and possible even more stay aways that like to be cyber warriors surely means that there are more numpties about.

But you don't have 12,000 regular visitors to VP. What is announced is not the figure goinjg through the turnstiles. At our game last year you announced 5,000 more than went through the turnstiles because of the season ticket counting. That's 5,000 that didn't turn up.


Postby campdave » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:21 pm

mcambeBANTAM wrote:Hi there to all you Shrimps...hope lots of you will be making the journey on sunday..Do you think you can muster at least 500 of you to make the effort after such a good win for you lot today......oh and by the way do you lot think we are a big club ????
£20 its... a lovely stadium well worth it!!! how much for away supporters at christie ??

£20 to sit in a plastic seat with my knees above my ears, billy bargain indeed.


Postby Mark S » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:21 pm

Where we have a lot higher percentage of the population that dont turn up! :lol:

Dan - You might want to look at the top of the thread to see who started this nonsensical 'my Dads bigger than yours' discussion before you give us all a bollocking.

BTW - I am not sure that the terrible tragedy of 1985 meant that that you deserved to get to The Premiership.

Good luck tomorrow, I think it will be a really tough, tight match. I just hope that you dont assault our star player again to ensure a victory. ;)
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Postby Phoenix » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:21 pm

Not talking rubbish at all, 13,000 announced but the turnstile figure from the control room was just over 8,000.

<Typed before a mod removed a BCFC message>
Last edited by Phoenix on Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Postby Mark S » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:23 pm

Dan - As a guest here, please keep it civil. Thanks
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Postby BCFC Morecambe » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:33 pm


A message board is a place for debate which is what it was..?

nothing more, i find it insulting that you take my post off, and then comment on the thread personally, hardly the right thing to do.

As a message board, you should take comments, negative or not, and not use the powers of being an administrator to pick and choose what you allow to stay or go whilst commenting sly-ly yourself.

"Where we have a lot higher percentage of the population that dont turn up! "

BTW im not interested in who started it, i was having a decent convo / debate until you delete what you want to.

Wouldn't mind you telling me what part of what i written was not civil, and not within the banter which was both ways.

Don't worry Mark, after you have deleted this i wont be returning.

To all the decent MFC fans, safe journey.
BCFC Morecambe
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Postby BCFC Morecambe » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:35 pm

campdave wrote:
mcambeBANTAM wrote:Hi there to all you Shrimps...hope lots of you will be making the journey on sunday..Do you think you can muster at least 500 of you to make the effort after such a good win for you lot today......oh and by the way do you lot think we are a big club ????
£20 its... a lovely stadium well worth it!!! how much for away supporters at christie ??

£20 to sit in a plastic seat with my knees above my ears, billy bargain indeed.

At least you get a seat......and not a park bench...;-)
BCFC Morecambe
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Postby mcambeBANTAM » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:39 pm

But you don't have 12,000 regular visitors to VP. What is announced is not the figure goinjg through the turnstiles. At our game last year you announced 5,000 more than went through the turnstiles because of the season ticket counting. That's 5,000 that didn't turn up.[/quote]

what was the attendance at christie last year when we played you ???
also what was your next highest attendance was there a big difference ??? why is this all about how many fans we have /you have ?
we have a great following no matter what size the city of bradford is i live in morecambe and like many more set off out of the area on a regular basis to watch football elsewhere ...
morecambes attendences have progressively got worse have they not ? your marketing department want lining up and shooting
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Postby Phoenix » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:42 pm

what was the attendance at christie last year when we played you ???

Don't know, don't care.

why is this all about how many fans we have /you have ?

You've missed the point completely. It's all about you saying how many fans you have when you don't. Your bogoff season ticket deals artificially inflate your attendances because the free season tickets aren't used.

To clarify things before I go out for the afternoon, the 8,000 turnstile figure was given to me by a Bradford copper that had been in the control room shortly after the 13,000 had been announced. No bull, no lies, just the fact.


Postby Mark S » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:52 pm

BCFC Morecambe wrote:Mark,

A message board is a place for debate which is what it was..?

nothing more, i find it insulting that you take my post off, and then comment on the thread personally, hardly the right thing to do.

As a message board, you should take comments, negative or not, and not use the powers of being an administrator to pick and choose what you allow to stay or go whilst commenting sly-ly yourself.

"Where we have a lot higher percentage of the population that dont turn up! "

BTW im not interested in who started it, i was having a decent convo / debate until you delete what you want to.

Wouldn't mind you telling me what part of what i written was not civil, and not within the banter which was both ways.

Don't worry Mark, after you have deleted this i wont be returning.

To all the decent MFC fans, safe journey.

The bit where you called someone a moron :roll:

As for your other comments :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mark S
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Postby Phoenix » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:53 pm

The bit where you called someone a moron

Was that me? Don't think I've got that one on my list of names yet :lol:


Postby BCFC Morecambe » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:55 pm

Mark S wrote:
BCFC Morecambe wrote:Mark,

A message board is a place for debate which is what it was..?

nothing more, i find it insulting that you take my post off, and then comment on the thread personally, hardly the right thing to do.

As a message board, you should take comments, negative or not, and not use the powers of being an administrator to pick and choose what you allow to stay or go whilst commenting sly-ly yourself.

"Where we have a lot higher percentage of the population that dont turn up! "

BTW im not interested in who started it, i was having a decent convo / debate until you delete what you want to.

Wouldn't mind you telling me what part of what i written was not civil, and not within the banter which was both ways.

Don't worry Mark, after you have deleted this i wont be returning.

To all the decent MFC fans, safe journey.

The bit where you called someone a moron :roll:

As for your other comments :lol: :lol: :lol:

DISGRACE.....are you an ambassador of the club...?
BCFC Morecambe
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Postby Mark S » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:57 pm

BCFC Morecambe wrote:Mark,

A message board is a place for debate which is what it was..?

nothing more, i find it insulting that you take my post off, and then comment on the thread personally, hardly the right thing to do.

As a message board, you should take comments, negative or not, and not use the powers of being an administrator to pick and choose what you allow to stay or go whilst commenting sly-ly yourself.

"Where we have a lot higher percentage of the population that dont turn up! "

BTW im not interested in who started it, i was having a decent convo / debate until you delete what you want to.

Wouldn't mind you telling me what part of what i written was not civil, and not within the banter which was both ways.

Don't worry Mark, after you have deleted this i wont be returning.

To all the decent MFC fans, safe journey.

The bit where you called someone a moron :roll:

As for the rest :lol: :lol:

You need to look up insulting..... I would say that saying you deserved to get to the Premiership because of a tragedy is a bit insulting.

"Where we have a lot higher percentage of the population that dont turn up! " If you read again and get past the personal prejudice you hold for me, you might realise that is a dig at our locals not your club.
Mark S
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