Postby P/T Indie » Tue May 10, 2011 7:56 am

Optimist wrote:Happy now P/T Indie? Now Sammys gone? JH to return??

I never had anything against Sammy just had a feeling things were starting to go a bit stale and it was time for a change. I will admit the alarm bells started ringing for me a bit earlier than most people what with the summer signings over the past couple of seasons and the poor starts.

However I am deff not one of these that was a loyal Harvey fan in the end with JH I thought we kept him a year or two to long and it was time for a change there as well.

It doesn't mean I don't appreciate the work they have both done for us I think they are both legends of the club but for both of them things went stale and it was time to move on. To see the state was Sammy was in on Sat was quite sad and I and hope he has a good rest before taking on his next challenege.
Eintracht Branschweigs answer to Shrimps Voices


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Postby LA1Shrimp » Tue May 10, 2011 8:32 am

I find it hilarious that some of you believe Sammy left due to 'bullying' on an internet forum. Mr McIlroy has been involved in pro football for over 40 years and am sure he has had to deal with a lot worse than the some booing and name calling on a forum, not that he even reads the forum.

He is a man of the game and fully understands that everyone has a sell by date and that at times you've gone as far as you can go, from listening to him at various points this season this is quite obviously the case.

The club needs a shake up in terms of coaching and coaching techniques. Look up and down the football ladder and coaching is changing dramatically, so much more emphasis is placed on sports science and physical development rather than the old school 'ball at your feet' method. We have been sadly lacking in this department for a number of years and unfortunately this year its shown, we have been out muscled a lot more than we have been outplayed. Take for instance Macclesfield who beat us comfortably on two occasions, they are not necessarily a better footballing side than us, however what they do possess is a team full of athletes who on both occasions totally dictated the way the game was played and beat us to virtually every challenge. We need to embrace this and look at signing players like Issac Reid, Sinclair who played up front, quick athletic players who cover vast amounts of grass, not the veteran of 400 games who has been passed by the modern game. Perfect example is Ainsworth who has maintained a fantastic level of physical fitness in order to prolong his career.

There are countless managers both employed and unemployed who are well trained in the modern way of coaching, not to mention masses of coaches/assistants who are also trained in this fashion. The old school manager is being weeded out of the game on by one and being replaced by a new breed of manager, we need to embrace this and move with the times or unfortunately we will be left behind.

It was time for a change, Sammy and Mark did a fantastic job in the years they were here and I for one will be eternally grateful however Morecambe football club existed long before them and will continue to do so arguably the hard work was done well before Sammy and Mr McGuigan for that matter, the hard work and foundations were laid by Brian Griffiths, Leighton James and Jim Harvey, the board of directors and staff at the time G Hodgson, R Taylor, P Cross, N Marsdin, D Durham etc who dragged the club kicking and screaming from the Northern Prem tranfsormed them into a very good Conference team which was ready made for Sammy to step in and add that extra dimension that was needed.

So lets pack in the hystrionics and doom and gloom, this is a natural progression as it was when Jim Harvey left, everyone has a sell by date in football. The game moves on very quickly and you have to change with that. We are doing, embrace it.
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Postby ockers » Tue May 10, 2011 8:38 am

very sound post
any suggestions for a new manager?
any further suggestions for players to bring in and maybe let go?
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Postby LA1Shrimp » Tue May 10, 2011 8:55 am

I am generally not one for picking out specific players however like I said I was very impressed with Isaac Reid at Macclesfield, for a right back he has a fantastic work rate, gets forward very well and is a very good defender. Sinclair I picked out as he is quick, mobile, works hard and provides a focal point for attacks.

I would look to keep Parrish, Wilson (if he settles himself down), Stanley, Flem, Carlton and Jev. If Huddersield release Spenny (which I think they will), I would try and get him, although we need to decide where he plays. Drummy I would offer terms to but look to him as a squad player same with McGready and Haining. I would be looking for a goalkeeper to push Roache too, as for me he is a good shot stopper but gets beaten from distance too often and at times looks cumbersome (I accept many will disagree with this).

As for a manager again there are so many around its impossible to pick, there will be some fantastic candidates who are first team coaches etc, look at Karl Robinson doing a fantastic job and no one would have put him forward for a job 2 years ago, when he was putting out cones at Blackburn.

I am leaning towards Bentley though in some ways as he portrays many of the qualities I would be looking for in a manager. Young, ambitious, understand the modern game, dedicated, eager to learn and he also has a strong affinity with the club. My only concern with Jim would be his support and backroom staff, this will be vital. As I say there are so many possibilities its hard to say, people on here pick the obvious but its as much chance that it will be someone unkown to us.
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Postby ockers » Tue May 10, 2011 9:06 am

I think building a team around Roche Parrish Fleming Wilson Spencer(if hes here) add in some experience with Haining and Drummond is great i dont see that stanley would make a difference to be honest we had some great wins without him as much as we had poor defeats
i just dont think him and drummond can play as well together as maybe fleming and drummond
Reid would fill that problem right back slot if he was available
I think for any manager coming in whether jim is in the frame or not one of the problem areas is goals scored and how we score goals and who can score them
fans have been pointing to that weakness for the last two seasons
i think that is a big challenge to be able to get the right blend of strikers and creativity elsewhere on the park to get those goals
i see new blood coming in to get us there
going to be an interesting time ahead
id like to see jim involved in some capacity on and off the pitch hes a leader and we love him to bits
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Postby LA1Shrimp » Tue May 10, 2011 9:19 am

I see what your saying about Craig, however he adds workrate and a bit more dynamism going forward, Drummy has been a great player at this level though I think his days as a starter in the engine room are coming to an end. I think if we could obtain a ball winning holding midfielder then Craig and Flem would be an excellent midfield parternship as both are technically very good and work extremely hard supporting both defence and attack, which they could be afforded to do if we had the safety of a man covering at all times.

As for goals we need pace, players who are going to put doubt in defenders mind thus causing errors. This season we have spent all our time playing in front of defences, we dont get behind people so rely solely on set pieces, picking up scraps from these and efforts from distance. You sign somebody quick and the way teams set up against you changes completely, there defensive line drops ten yards deeper, so you play further up the field and in there half. Someone with pace who runs the channels drags centre backs out leaving space for players like Flem to push on and pick up pieces. Someone quick also acts as an 'out' ball, your under the kosh stick it in the corner and they chase it, instantly turns a team around and leaves them always having to keep players spare to cover. Our lack of pace across the park has made it very hard for us offensively as it cuts down your options so much, it has also meant the ball comes back at us that much quicker making defending equally as difficult.

The key for next year is bringing balance to the side as this year there hasnt been any and this is why at times out shape looks dreadful, we have players who push one without deploying players who then sit and cover. Its simple stuff that we havent done well.
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Postby ockers » Tue May 10, 2011 9:27 am

LA1Shrimp wrote:I see what your saying about Craig, however he adds workrate and a bit more dynamism going forward, Drummy has been a great player at this level though I think his days as a starter in the engine room are coming to an end. I think if we could obtain a ball winning holding midfielder then Craig and Flem would be an excellent midfield parternship as both are technically very good and work extremely hard supporting both defence and attack, which they could be afforded to do if we had the safety of a man covering at all times.

The key for next year is bringing balance to the side as this year there hasnt been any and this is why at times out shape looks dreadful, we have players who push one without deploying players who then sit and cover. Its simple stuff that we havent done well.

agree about the balance good point
I think youre being a bit premature on Stew i had him in my top three players this season and played some superb games
I think he could be our holding player with the young uns making the runs creating the space and driving us on and id like to see us perhaps go with a midfield three next season
we dont know what the budget is for players next season and im sure it isnt the 91% that we saw on mr sugars programme either :o
its going to be very interesting as it always is at this time of the season
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Postby Ntini » Tue May 10, 2011 9:29 am

ockers wrote:I think for any manager coming in whether jim is in the frame or not one of the problem areas is goals scored and how we score goals and who can score them

Hits the nail right on the head! We've been weak at the back for 2/3 seasons now and things WILL change. Don't be surprised if fans' favourites are left out of the picture by whoever is new coming in, and that includes the likes of Parrish and McCready. And that applies to the rest of the team, too. We only have a few players contracted for next season, and I don't think that's a bad thing as it gives the new man a clean slate to work with.

Expect BIG changes. I don't think next season's squad will look anything like the one that Sammy had this year.

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Postby ockers » Tue May 10, 2011 9:35 am

players with pace is also a key element needed as pointed out by LA1 Shrimp
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Postby LA1Shrimp » Tue May 10, 2011 9:35 am

Sorry I didnt really explain very well about Drummy, I think he is currently coming to the end of his days playing in the role he does, which is getting up and down supporting both attack and defence. I think with his abilities on the ball and reading of the game he would be great for another few years in the holding role, the issue for me would be whether Stewart has the desire and/or responsibility to play there without charging forward etc.

I pointed out at the Blackburn game pre season that we should play 4-1-3-2, I still firmly believe this. The days of a rigid 4-4-2 are long gone, players need to be interchangeable, we in this country are eventually starting to realise the Dutch model of Renus Michels was correct, all players should be competent in a number of positions. Our 3 of our front 5 should be virtually interchangeable when in possession.
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Postby ockers » Tue May 10, 2011 10:24 am

LA1Shrimp wrote:Sorry I didnt really explain very well about Drummy, I think he is currently coming to the end of his days playing in the role he does, which is getting up and down supporting both attack and defence. I think with his abilities on the ball and reading of the game he would be great for another few years in the holding role, the issue for me would be whether Stewart has the desire and/or responsibility to play there without charging forward etc.

I pointed out at the Blackburn game pre season that we should play 4-1-3-2, I still firmly believe this. The days of a rigid 4-4-2 are long gone, players need to be interchangeable, we in this country are eventually starting to realise the Dutch model of Renus Michels was correct, all players should be competent in a number of positions. Our 3 of our front 5 should be virtually interchangeable when in possession.

i like your idea of 4 1 3 2 with stew as the one think thats what paul scott was here to do
have you put your name forward for the managers job yet as you obviously have sound knowledge of the game?
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Postby LA1Shrimp » Tue May 10, 2011 10:36 am

Scotty was here to do that unfortunately he seems to have some issues with injuries whether that be in his muscles, bones or all in his head remains to be seen.

4-1-3-2 I think would work really well for us as its so versatile, when your attacking its easy to move one forward so your going 4-3-3 and when in defence one drops and your back in to a 4-1-4-1. Stops you getting stretched.
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Postby thegentlegiant » Tue May 10, 2011 10:42 am

ockers wrote:very sound post
any suggestions for a new manager?
any further suggestions for players to bring in and maybe let go?

I can only see Roche and Parrish being the safe players when a new managers comes in, both ver good and consistent players, id not like to be an incoming manager having to tell most of the squad that you have a few weeks to impress or your gone!!
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Postby SupermarketShrimp » Tue May 10, 2011 1:04 pm

ockers wrote:
I think youre being a bit premature on Stew i had him in my top three players this season and played some superb games

Yes, and I'm afraid that's half the problem why we finished 20th. His legs have gone and its at times painful watching far inferior players just waltz past him. His quality will always win us the odd game and still look like a class player though which is why he's look more than competent in an otherwise poor side.
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Postby Sammy h » Tue May 10, 2011 5:49 pm

Pace is key. We need some pacy wingers and forwards. The be all and end all of scoring goals!
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Postby heysham_mfc » Tue May 10, 2011 6:46 pm

Sammy h wrote:Pace is key. We need some pacy wingers and forwards. The be all and end all of scoring goals!

With Tony Capaldi priced at 20/1 to becombe the new manager we can't yet rule out that we will have Leo Messi rocking up at the Globe Arena this summer :lol:
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Postby ezz » Wed May 11, 2011 10:25 am

Wouldn't mind a striker who will just get the ball and shoot, we need a proper greedy bugger up front or a midfielder who'll just have a go more often.
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Postby Seasider9601 » Wed May 11, 2011 10:43 am

One of our ex forwards, Jason Walker, helped fire Luton to Wembley last night.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/footbal ... 475888.stm
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