Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby bigreddog » Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:52 am

Having discussed the ballot process with colleagues the following is the decision on whether we have a ballot or not.

We welcome as many people who want to get involved with the Fans' Club as possible and thank all those who have indicated they are willing to stand for the committee.

In order to stay within the rules however, we are constitutionaly obliged to hold a ballot for the ten positions available. details of the ballot will follow as soon as possible.

The constitution as it stands allows for the committee to co-opt as many people to their ranks as they see fit after the committee has been elected. (therefore there would be no reason not to involve others who have shown an interest, if the committee members decide to)

This course will enable Fans' Club Morecambe to start on a constitutionaly sound footing and move forward in the planning process for next season with no accusations of favouritism or "stitch ups", I hope this clarifies the next steps.
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby bigreddog » Sun May 01, 2011 9:00 am

Ballot papers will be sent out to those people who have registered as members and have included an e-mail address. Other members will have the opportunity to vote in person at the AGM on Saturday 7th 5.30pm in the Globe Bar. Hopefully that will give all members, exiles and everyone at the match the opportunity to make their choice. It may not be perfect, but it's as good as we can do for everyone.

The Agenda for the meeting will be:

1. Welcome
2. Election of Executive Committee
3. Adoption of New Constitution
4. setting of membership fees
5. End and date of next meeting

In order to give people a chance to see the constitution in advance, I will post it here in a minute, it is as you would expect a bit long and wordy, but you can make your minds up either way. If anyone would like to propose an ammendment then they should e-mail it no later than 10am on the 7th May to

Many thanks.
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby bigreddog » Sun May 01, 2011 9:06 am

Fans’ Club Morecambe
The Official Morecambe Football Supporters’ Club

(a) The official name of the Club shall be the
Fans’ Club Morecambe also referred to in some documentation as the Official Morecambe Football Supporters’ Club (OMFSC)
- hereafter referred to as the Club.
(b) The Committee of the Club may adopt any suitable name to use for the purposes of marketing, member relations, or other public purposes.

(c) The supporters club is a “not for profit” organisation, and though it may need financial reserves to operate, its funds shall be used for the promotion of the objects of the organisation.

The object of the Club shall be:

(a) Represent the interests of Morecambe supporters who are members of the Club.

(b) Establish and maintain (wherever possible) a channel of meaningful dialogue with the Directors, Management, Players and Staff of Morecambe FC.

(c) Establish and maintain high quality services and communications with and for members.

(d) Promote and maintain the history of Morecambe FC within the local communities of Morecambe, Lancaster and beyond and, in doing so, encourage people to support Morecambe FC. To ensure the Club appreciates and welcomes its supporters. To encourage all Morecambe supporters to seek and maintain friendly relationships with supporters of other football encountered, whether at home or away.

(e) Increase the opportunities and ways in which supporters of Morecambe FC can express their affiliation with, and active support of the club.

(f) To give a voice to those supporters of Morecambe who would otherwise count amongst those most excluded from decision making and consultation processes.

(g) To campaign on behalf of the members of the Club.

(h) The members of the Club at an Annual General Meeting or the Committee may affiliate the Club to any legally constituted outside body or organisation considered appropriate, which enables the furtherance of the aims of the Club.


The Club is committed to promoting equal opportunities amongst its membership. In particular the Club's Committee shall strive to ensure the Club’s;

(i) Membership;
(ii) Committee and Officers;
(iii) Meetings and communication mechanisms;

all respect and promote the concept of Equal Opportunities and seek to maximise the involvement of groups such as those listed in Object (f) above.


(a) Membership is open to all supporters of Morecambe FC.

(b) The committee shall determine membership fees and any concessions.

(c) Membership runs from football season-beginning to football season-end. At the behest of the committee, non-voting benefits of membership may still be available for a short period to former members who have not renewed.

(d) Membership will consist of Junior Members from birth to 16; Adult Members will be from 16 and 1day, from the start of the membership year as decided by the Committee.

(e) (i) Only current full Adult Members (hereafter referred to as members) are entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting or stand for election to the Committee (subject to the restrictions outlined below). The Club President and Vice President(s) may vote

(ii) Junior Members are entitled to vote for Player of the Season awards. Hold an election to choose one member of the junior section to represent them on the Club’s Committee, he/she will be granted the same entitlement to vote as a full adult member.

(f) Any member may resign their membership in writing to the Secretary. No part of any membership fee is refundable and any voting rights are forfeited.

(g) Honorary membership may be granted by a majority vote of the membership present at an Annual General Meeting or by the Committee of the Club. However Honorary Members are not entitled to vote in any Club meetings or entitled to be Committee members.

(h) The Committee may propose to an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting the following posts –

President. The office of President to be held for two years, after which the post holder may be re-elected. The post may not be held for more than three terms.

Honorary Life Vice President for services to the Club or Morecambe FC. Holders of this post will be entitled to vote at meetings, but not to attend Committee meetings, unless they are elected by members.

(i) The Club may hold electronic data of members’ details, but will not divulge it to any third party other than Morecambe FC.

(j) The Committee may suspend or revoke a member from membership of the Club for serious misconduct, after proper enquiry and having given the member an opportunity to respond to the allegation of misconduct, for such period as it considers appropriate. Such a decision shall require a two-thirds majority of those present at the meeting of the Committee. The suspended member will have the right of appeal to the Appeals Committee, which will consist of equal numbers from the Committee and members of the Club, whose decision will be finial.


(a) The Officers of the Club shall be:

Membership Secretary

All the above officers are automatically members of the Club’s Committee, there will be a further five members of the executive committee making a total of ten. Further members may be co-opted onto the committee at the discretion of the officers.

(b) Officers shall normally hold office from the day of their election through to the formal end of the next Annual General Meeting.

(a) The Committee will stand down at the formal commencement of the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Before standing down, the officers may put to members present at the Annual General Meeting a proposal to amend the constitution of the committee for the next period of office.

(c) Those wishing to stand for election to the Committee must have been a member of the Club for at least the previous six months prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting.

(d) Members not present at the Annual General Meeting may also stand for election to the committee provided they contact the Secretary of the organisation in writing, indicating their desire to stand. Such written application to stand must reach the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.

(e) Should there be more candidates than agreed posts a secret ballot may be held to determine election to the committee, if requested by one or more candidate(s).

(f) The committee should make every effort possible to enable as wide a participation in the election of the executive committee, including making absentee balloting and e-balloting possible.

(g) The Committee may suspend a member from membership of the Committee for serious misconduct, after proper enquiry and having given the Committee member an opportunity to respond to the allegation(s) of misconduct, for such period as it considers appropriate. Such a decision shall require a two-thirds majority of those present at the meeting of the Committee. The suspended member will have the right of appeal to the Appeals Committee, which will consist of equal numbers from the Committee and members of the Club, whose decision will be finial.

(h) All ballot forms must be returned to the Secretary in a sealed envelope before commencement of the AGM. There can be no subsequent alteration to the ballot forms.

(b) Officers of the Club will be elected to serve a term of two years using the rota set below
Chairman and Treasurer (new election 2 years)
Vice Chairman and Secretary. (new election 1year then 2 years)
(c) It is the responsibility of the officers to ensure the rules governing nominations are circulated widely as possible amongst all members.
(d) In the event of a contested election for any one post, the contested offices shall be elected by a secret ballot of all members of the Club at the Annual General Meeting, unless any election is as contested under (h) below.
(e) Those wishing to stand for election as an officer are entitled to make a short address to the Annual General Meeting either in person, or, in the event of absence, in a written statement to be read by the convener of the Annual General Meeting.
(f) In the event of an uncontested election, the candidate(s) for Office(s) concerned shall be declared elected unopposed at the Annual General Meeting.
(g) In the event of there being no nomination for one or more of the offices to which this Rule refers, nominations of suitably qualified candidates shall be sought at the Annual General Meeting.
(h) When any post of officer falls vacant for whatever reason between annual general meetings, the Committee shall elect from its own members a replacement to perform the duties of that post, until the next Annual General Meeting, at which an election will take place in the normal manner to fill the post.


(a) The Treasurer shall cause adequate financial records to be kept and shall be responsible for the proper administration of the Club's financial affairs.

(b) The funds of the Club shall be kept in a Bank, Building Society or equivalent under the name of OMFSC. Withdrawals shall be under the signed approval of at least two duly appointed Officers, (one of which must be the Treasurer) of the Club who have been elected by the committee to undertake that task. No member of the Committee is personally liable for any expense or cost incurred on behalf of Club in running it activities.

(c) The Treasurer shall submit a statement of balances and an income and expenditure account at the Annual General Meeting in the year following that to which the accounts relate.

(d) The Treasurer can refuse to release funds only if the release of the funds would cause the club to be insolvent.

(e) The Club may not borrow money from any banks or commercial lenders or individuals at any time. If this deemed necessary then the Club will be deemed insolvent and non-functional - the Officers of the Club will enforce rule 14 (d).


(a) The Officers shall fix the date of the Annual General Meeting.

(b) The Secretary will be responsible for the production of an Annual Report to be sent to all members of the Club not less than twenty one days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. This report should normally contain, at minimum, written statements from the Chairman, a report of accounts from the Treasurer and Secretary.

(c) The Secretary shall also send notice of, and the agenda for, the Annual General Meeting to all members of the Club not less than twenty one days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

(d) The Officers shall report on its Club’s during the preceding year to the Annual General Meeting in person or in writing through the convenor of the Annual General Meeting.

(e) The quorum shall be 21.
(f) Should the Annual General Meeting not be quorate, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall normally be held no earlier than four weeks, but no later than six weeks, from the date of the Annual General Meeting.

(g) The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be subject to the same rules as the Annual General Meeting.


(a) Committee Meetings will be held on an as needed basis

(b) The Chairman of the Club will normally chair Committee Meetings. If not present the Vice Chairman will chair meetings.

(c) The Committee may invite members of the club to attend Committee meetings and to speak on any issue but only Committee members may vote at such meetings.

(d) It is the duty of the Chair of the meeting to ensure all views of Committee Members are heard during Committee Meetings.

(e) It is the duty of the Secretary to circulate an agenda to Committee members together with any relevant papers prior to the commencement of the meeting.

(f) A Minutes Secretary to compile and produce a record of each meeting shall be appointed by the Committee. Accurate minutes of the previous Committee Meeting, shall be agreed as such, subject to any necessary amendments, by the committee at each meeting.

(g) Voting at Committee meetings will normally be through an open show of hands, though a secret ballot may be held at the discretion of the Chairman.

(h) The Committee can also appoint one or more sub-committees consisting of three or more committee members for the purpose of special enquiry or supervising specific functions where the committee decide a sub-committee can more conveniently and more fully undertake such a role than an individual Committee Member. The chair of any appointed subcommittee is accountable to the Committee as a whole and must report to the committee as agreed on the sub-committees formation or more frequently where deemed appropriate.

(i) All functions and activities undertaken by the Club or on its behalf will be within the law or other relevant rules or such as needed.
(I) The number required for the executive committee to be quorate will be six. In the event that a meeting is not quorate any and all decisions made at that meeting must be ratified by the following quorate meeting prior to implementation.
(j) In the event of a tied vote at a committee meeting, the Chair of that meeting may use a casting vote.


(a) An Emergency General Meeting may be called:

(i) By agreement of the majority of Officers of the Club, or

(ii) By agreement of the majority of the Committee

(b) The quorum shall be 21 members. If there is no quorum a second date within 10 days will be fixed. If there is again no quorum any motion(s) is lost by default. With the exception of dissolution (see below), any resolution may be passed at an Emergency General Meeting with the approval of a majority of members present.

(c) Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting involving a change to the constitution shall be not less than one calendar month.

(c) Amendments may be proposed by:

(i) Elected Officers, or

(ii) The Committee, whereby the majority of either are in favour of an amendment, or

(iii) Members constituting not less than 40% of the total membership of the Club who have expressed to the Secretary, in writing, their wish to see an amendment to the constitution.


(a) Any amendment proposed to this constitution shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing not less than six weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting called for the purpose.

(c) An amendment to these Rules shall require a two thirds majority of those present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Any motion lost cannot be resubmitted for one year and a month.

(d) Other than the rules governing the calling of such a meeting, the rules of an extraordinary meeting convened for the purpose of considering amendments to the constitution shall be as per those for an Emergency General Meeting outlined above.


(a) The Committee is may propose the dissolution of the Club at an Emergency General Meeting.

(b) To dissolve the Club two-thirds of the Committee must vote in favour of a
resolution proposing dissolution.

(c) On the dissolution of the organisation, once any debts have been settled, any outstanding monies or property of the Club shall be given to supporters’ organisation(s) with similar aims and objectives of the Club. The Officers of the Club may invite requests for money from organisations within the club. Any monies must go into activities that benefit all supporters of Morecambe FC or other football activities

(d) It will be the responsibility of the former Officers of the Club to dissolve the Club.
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby Keith » Sun May 01, 2011 10:33 am

A couple of questions/points regarding membership:

bigreddog wrote:Fans’ Club Morecambe

(h) The Committee may propose to an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting the following posts –

President. The office of President to be held for two years, after which the post holder may be re-elected. The post may not be held for more than three terms.

(i) The Club may hold electronic data of members’ details, but will not divulge it to any third party other than Morecambe FC.

(h) President can not be elected for more than "three terms" or 'three consecutive terms'?

(i) By divulging information to a third party (Morecambe FC) you may lose an exemption from notification under the Data Protection Act. My understanding would be that by not divulging to anyone the organisation is exempt. I *think* that you would also need an explicit 'opt out' regarding sharing of information with another organisation.
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby bigreddog » Sun May 01, 2011 11:21 am

Many thanks for that Keith, you are absolutely right. Maybe it should say something to the effect that though we would not pass on information to any third party, we may act as an intermediary of some sort. how would that work?

The president thing (though one doesn't actually exist at the moment) would be three consecutive terms I think.
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby Keith » Sun May 01, 2011 11:44 am

Personally, I'd be inclined to simply not share the data with any other organisation. That way you are exempt under the DPA without any questions. This would not preclude you sending an e-mail out to all members on behalf of the football club, so the club send the secretary a press release (or whatever) and the secretary forwards it on to the members. This type of marketing is within the realm of the organisation.

Only serving three consecutive periods makes sense but as written, it is three periods in a life time!
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby bigreddog » Tue May 03, 2011 8:24 pm

The ammendments to the constitution suggested by keith will be integrated into the final document for saturday, so many thanks keith for your help and advice.

between Sam Hamblett and i we've attempted to e-mail as many members as possible with ballot papers, though there has been the inevitable "mailer demon" thrown back in the process so apologies if that includes you. any further votes can be cast in person on saturday at the AGM.

Hope to see everyone then.
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby thegentlegiant » Wed May 04, 2011 9:57 am

when returning ballot papers please ensure you forward them onto darren -

Darren can you give me a buzz tonight please 07752817619, cheers
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Re: Fans' Club Morecambe AGM and Executive Elections

Postby Gnasher » Wed May 04, 2011 12:09 pm

Data protection document for a not-for-profit organisation ... ersion.pdf

and just to be sure, you can answer the questions at

If you give the information to anyone else, including the club, you will probably not be exempt and you must ask your members whether they give you permission to use their details for such purposes.
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