Ralf Little

Ralf Little

Postby skyecat » Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:15 pm

did anyone hear Radio 2 this afternoon with Mark Radcliffe and Emma Forbes? - they had Ralf Little on of Royle Family fame - it turns out he played a bit of semi pro football and got about £200 / week a couple or so years back - he said (seriously I think) that Accy Stanley offered a place on their team!
It also turns out that his co star actor in his current TV progam on BBC3 on a Sunday night, Massive - was one of the 2 lads in the Milk advert all those years ago - Accrington Stanley - who are they? - Exactly!
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Re: Ralf Little

Postby Shrimpsscene » Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:32 pm

wasnt it Staines Town he played for ?
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Re: Ralf Little

Postby marky No.1 » Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:10 am

Enjoy yourself.... It is later than you think
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Re: Ralf Little

Postby red snapper » Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:50 pm

He played at Christie Park in the recent charity game.
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Re: Ralf Little

Postby Phoenix » Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:31 pm

He played at Christie Park in the recent charity game.

He certainly did and I have nothing but admiration for the guy. While the rest were showered and in the bar, he was still going along the carwash signing autographs and posing for photos. He literally had to be dragged away to get changed and out again for more signatures and photos. In the dressing room he was chatting about his charity football, having arrived in manchester at 3am to catch some sleep before coming to morecambe. Happy to pose for more photos, sign Edgey's programme, even the cupboard doors, etc. He's something to do with Arsenal and 2 weeks before morecambe he was in the same side as Pelé.

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