Today's match

Today's match

Postby thatbloodycat » Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:34 pm

Sammy needs to get his players playing better - soon as possible because judging by today's performance it wasn't good football. The first half was appalling. Thank God for Wayne Curtis in the second half he was the only player playing half decent football.
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Re: todays match

Postby Arnside Red » Sat Sep 20, 2008 7:07 pm

well not quite, Stanners made the biggeat difference, he really controlled the middle of the park, provided the killer pass and generally seemed to inspire the rest of the team to step up a gear (even Twissy improved slightly), although Hunter had been his usual battling self as well, though Howe had his poorest game i have seen but got no real service up front, Wayne and Stanners definatly our savours today
Arnside Red
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