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Ramblings of a Christmas Lunatic. o/t (Rated P.G)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:30 pm
by Aspers
Sitting here thinking about bamboo rafts.
When I was in Fiji couple of years ago I had family (through marriage and adoption) who lived in the Mountains. Their huts were very clean and the hard packed mud floor had been swept, best rugs had been hung on the walls and we sat down to enjoy a bowl or 3 of kava. We went on to visit more family in another village and it was an hour by road or 15 mins by raft. I obviously chose the raft and off we went on a raft made of tubes of bamboo lashed together with some sort of stringy plant. About 2 days later I am on a ferry to a Fijian island paradise for the day, out in the middle of the sea I see the occasional raft just floating around the Coral Sea. I often think of that holiday.

Bananas are quite cheap here at the moment, $1.99 a kilo, might just have 1 for breakfast in a minute.

I won a big Christmas ham in a raffle the other night, (priced it in the shops nearly $100.00) going to score it in diamond shape then rub orange marmalade into it and slow roast it for a few hours, make some gravy with the juices, should feed the 20 odd people I have coming for xmas dinner quite well, along with the Turkey and yes I have sourced some brussell sprouts, can’t wait to piss the kids off by making them eat 1. HA!

The santa list went out the other day all typed in special font and printed from the computer, what happened to the old scribble it on piece of paper and burn it up the chimley. No this is pinned to the fridge, I guess Santa will want a coldie before he continues his journey, I hope so or he won’t see the list.

Football’s not going too well at the moment, languishing around the bottom, I quite enjoy languishing around the bottom of some well endowed female species on the odd occasion, not too sure about division 2 though, no worries, only takes us til xmas to get going, reckon we’ll be up and at em before too long.

Big Sam got sacked, I liked him, no nonsense type of chap, I wonder if the new owners of Blackburn know what they have done, I think not.

Just caught a house fly, squashed its guts over my hand, I’ll just go and wash them, all better now.

Got a huge compliment from miss 11 this morning who said, “Dad your pancakes are better than Macca’s”, praise indeed.

So Oprah has been in Sydney filming her shows all paid for by the Australian taxpayer, apparently our tourist industry is not doing so well so they show Oprah climbing the bridge, they also brought out 200 of her audience, parties galore all week, I was invited to 1, couldn’t go I was washing my hair that night. Old Rusty went out on the harbour with her, I think she should start a religion, I think she must be 1 of the most popular Sheila’s on the planet, maybe apart from Ping Pong Penny the dancer in that club in Bangkok. Got a couple of lads I know who have young wives from Thailand, makes me laugh, they come back and say oh yes she was a cleaner at the local primary school when everyone knows her chins hit more balls than Greg Normans putter .

Hailstones here yesterday arvo, I mean WTF this should be bush fire season not skiing season, all getting ready for the end of the Mayan world thing. Bring it on I say, I’m going to get myself into as much debt as I can then the day before the world ends tell everyone I can’t pay them and say, “What you going to do? Kill me “

The banks are rising their interest rates independent of the reserve bank, tossers but we all know that.
I see your mini revolution came to nothing. I expected a much better showing from the students, anarchy and revolution is good for a country once in a while, unless you’re the person trying to stop it. The police get a rough time don’t they. Doesn’t everyone know that if we all did the right thing life would be so much more pleasant,. Got caught for drinking and driving and got a caution. I had a coffee and was sipping it driving along the freeway at 110kms, when this highway patrol car put his lights on behind me. Not breaking the speed limit dead on it with cruise control, all lights, blinkers working, tax OK, insurance Ok what could he possibly want. Apparently you have to have 2 hands on the steering wheel when driving along. Now the road was empty he told me the fine was $234.00 and 3 points off your license, fair play he did only caution me which means if I get caught again I’ll get the fine. Merry Christmas Officer I said as he returned to his car.

Right then that’s me for another minute, might just dive in the river and go for a swim.
If you want to see where I live go to That’s the apartment under my house, Its called back of the moon

Merry Christmas girls and boys, safe travels if Northampton’s on.
Aspers. xxxx

Re: Ramblings of a Christmas Lunatic. o/t (Rated P.G)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:35 am
by marky No.1
Wonderful. A much better day to wake up to :P