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Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:47 pm
by Christies Child
Only 1 point today has seen us drop down the pecking order.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Why is it that we do good against the top teams but struggle v the poorer ones?

:?: :?: :?:

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:11 pm
by mounse mk2
Without trying to be sycophantic to anyone.........

....Surely a draw away from home is not a bad result. I'll await all the responses from the people who actually went to the game to give us a decent analogy.

We will pick up points unexpectedly like i'm sure we will lose to or draw to teams were we expect more from the game.

Like Jimmy Greaves said..............

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:18 pm
by Vinny
Get real Neil. Applaud and celebrate a point won away from home and, by all accounts, a great O'Carroll equaliser to come from behind. There are no easy games in this league. It is still very early in the campaign and we are only 5 points from a play-off position. Conviction breeds conviction. Stay positive. Football League and we're 'avin' a laugh ;)

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:35 pm
by marky
To be fair, he does have a point. We often struggle against teams who are probably at our level, or worse. Even Matt Donlan's report (who is the eternal optimist) reads as if we were extremely lucky (which is great but anyway). In that regard, I suppose it is a point gained rather than two lost. Still, it does worry me that Barnet have shipped 15 goals already this season and only scored 4. Based on the report, the latter isn't surprising but based on the former we perhaps should have done a little better. However, judge after 10 games they say and judge after 10 games I will :)

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:57 pm
by Shrimpsscene
the bus to a man think u talk bollocks neil u werent there a good point today talk us all through the game?

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:01 pm
by mounse mk2
Shrimpsscene wrote:the bus to a man think u talk bollocks neil u werent there a good point today talk us all through the game?

Go on Sean. You poor mans Martin Shaw.

Go for it.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:14 pm
by Shrimpsscene
mounse mk2 wrote:Go on Sean. You poor mans Martin Shaw.

Go for it.

Group opinion...i dont know u but if u would like to get in touch my email is martin did a fabulous job and im just a bit confused by yr comment care to explain?

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:55 am
by Christies Child
My opinion.

You think what you want.

The records over the year suggest that we don't do that well against poor teams.

Did i actually suggest that we played played crap today, but as the final result is all that counts.......??????

PS I'm delighted that everybody on the bus was delighted with the point.. :o :o :o

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:19 am
by Phoenix
The records over the year suggest that we don't do that well against poor teams.

Based on statistics alone which is how you seem to have based your comment, why haven't you classed Morecambe as a poor team? Forgetting the -ve starters, we'd be 4th off the bottom of the league not that far above Barnet. You know we're not poor because you've seen us play this season, to classify Barnet as poor without having seen them play is harsh.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:54 am
Excellent shout phoenix,we are very early in the season, results do not yet reflect the table, some people are just itching to post because they have nothing better to do.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:01 am
by campdave
Christies Child wrote:The records over the year suggest that we don't do that well against poor teams.

Over the calendar year (if that's what you're talking about - it isn't clear) we haven't done well against anyone, good or poor

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:55 am
by marky
:lol: That's true. Of course, the fact one of Barnet's players was stabbed and murdered the other day might have spurred them on a little as the squad were only told before yesterday's game. By the way, why haven't most of the SVers who went yesterday posted so far? Whilst we're on the subject, we made up 5.4% of the attendance yesterday, which is pretty shocking even with the distance involved.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:22 am
by marky No.1
marky wrote: By the way, why haven't most of the SVers who went yesterday posted so far? Whilst we're on the subject, we made up 5.4% of the attendance yesterday, which is pretty shocking even with the distance involved.

At least 5 of us who would have normally gone were at a sportsmans do at the Trimpell. Paul Merson was the brilliant speaker on the night being very open about his troubles on and off the pitch - some of the stuff that goes on :shock: . We were panicking a bit earlier on in the evening as he was still commentating on Sky Sports News at 6 p.m. :o

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:26 am
by Shrimpsscene
marky wrote::lol: That's true. Of course, the fact one of Barnet's players was stabbed and murdered the other day might have spurred them on a little as the squad were only told before yesterday's game. By the way, why haven't most of the SVers who went yesterday posted so far? Whilst we're on the subject, we made up 5.4% of the attendance yesterday, which is pretty shocking even with the distance involved.

based on your last sentence................
Did you go?
what was your opinion of the game?
who was your man of the match?
if you couldnt go why not?
most people who went yesterday will probably echo thta a point was a very goo dpoint against an improved barnet team
imagine being a gillingham fan this morning?
many fans cant afford to travel for what is an expensive day out
commentaries on morecambe world will compensate those who cant make away games

most of the lads i travelled with will have a few sore heads so will may post later others playing for supporters team at 100pm
we had a great day out and a good result
great banter with away fans and police too
great to be going to places like this playing League Two football and im sure a great many people do both home and away

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:37 am
by outsider
Was my 1st trip to Barnet , and had a good laugh thanks to those on the sardines bus, anyone got a mirror? :lol:
Also thanks to Matt for getting my lads name read out at half time, great birthday treat for him, and while 3 points would have been nice the 1 we got was welcome in the end.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:57 pm
by marky
Shrimpsscene wrote:based on your last sentence................
Did you go?
what was your opinion of the game?
who was your man of the match?
if you couldnt go why not?

Sean, as a representative of the football club you realy ought to be less discourteous. You've already insulted CC in a drunken rant (and given the nature of what you said about 1,500 others who will have an opinion on yesterday's result). Did I, or did I not, state that based on reports yesterday was a point gained rather than two lost? Anyway...

Did you go?
No I am part of that merry band of Morecambe ex-pats.

what was your opinion of the game?
My opinion, based on reports both journalistic and your own comments is that we appear to have come away with a lucky point.

who was your man of the match?
I think my answer to the first question gives clues as to that aside from which man of the match hasn't come up once in this thread until you mentioned it.

if you couldnt go why not?
a) The train fare from Newcastle to Kings Cross would have been £65.55 and a zones 1-6 travelcard to get to High Barnet is £7.
b) I can't drive
c) I would be very uncomfortable being amongst people who are either already drunk, or sing (neither of which are my cup of tea).

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:40 pm
by Skid
This epitomises why this forum has gone downhill.

We have people starting threads who don't go to games, others commenting on games when they haven't even been, same 'fans' picking out negatives regardless of the result.

Nothing gives us the god given right to go to a team who have previously lost all their league games, just 'turn up', and expect Barnet to rollover and die.

We are Morecambe FFS, I'm quite happy that we're playing League 2 football. I haven't been able to watch us yet this season due to other sporting commitments, but it is brilliant watching my team in the 'big league'. It could be argued what right have we got playing the likes of Luton, Wycombe and Shrewsbury, lets just be grateful where we are and enjoy it eh?

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:05 pm
by Keith
Skid wrote:This epitomises why this forum has gone downhill.

We have people starting threads who don't go to games, others commenting on games when they haven't even been, same 'fans' picking out negatives regardless of the result.

No it doesn't [in my opinion] epitomise why the forum has gone down hill. If we could only ever pass comments or opinions regarding things we've actually seen we'd have a very empty forum! What HAS been a problem is an increase in the bickering (he says, joining in... oh the irony! :roll: ) People should be able to post their opinion, whether positive or negative, then have it responded to, pulled apart if need be, without the need for the conversation to become personal.

Skid wrote:Nothing gives us the god given right to go to a team who have previously lost all their league games, just 'turn up', and expect Barnet to rollover and die.

We are Morecambe, I'm quite happy that we're playing League 2 football. I haven't been able to watch us yet this season due to other sporting commitments, but it is brilliant watching my team in the 'big league'. It could be argued what right have we got playing the likes of Luton, Wycombe and Shrewsbury, lets just be grateful where we are and enjoy it eh?

Now that part of your post (without the "FFS") is an excellent response to the original post and to be honest, an opinion I agree with. I *hoped* that we would beat Barnet because they've had such a poor start to the season, but a draw down there is no bad thing, as I don't think they will be down there come the end of the season.

So let's get back to having a love in... even when we disagree with each other!

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:50 pm
by marky
Skid, I only get to see 3 or 4 games a season but I don't think that excludes me from having an opinion. What I will say is the only game I've watched thus far is the Rotherham debacle and I suspect that has rather coloured my views. I do base my opinions on reports both journalistic and the many 'eyewitness' reviews we get both on here and off the forum. I don't think we had a 'right' to beat Barnet (or any other team in this or lower leagues). However, I believe we 'should' have beaten them on paper. The reports that we were somewhat lucky to get the point is where the worry comes from. Anyway, in response to Keith, I think we'll both be down there at the end of the season but of course it'd be great if we weren't.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:40 pm
by Plain Peter
Keith wrote:If we could only ever pass comments or opinions regarding things we've actually seen we'd have a very empty forum!


Keith wrote:People should be able to post their opinion, whether positive or negative, then have it responded to, pulled apart if need be, without the need for the conversation to become personal.

:lol: :lol:

Keith wrote:So let's get back to having a love in... even when we disagree with each other!

:lol: :lol: ;)

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:54 pm
by shrimper
On the face of it this may have seemed like a couple of points lost. But I think it was all down to the 'confidence' or otherwise of the Barnet side.

They clearly saw this as a great chance to at last get at least a point and will have targeted it as such (rather than, say, trying not to get beat).

Again, on the face of it, they were playing at home to a team that had started the season in a less than spectacular way (so were clearly beatable) but who might be a bit complacent having had a couple of good wins and travelling to the team that had made the worst start of all.

They came out of the blocks quickly and in very positive fashion. They did that last season and we weathered what they threw at us before taking over the game and getting a very professional 1-0 win.

I think that again may have been our game-plan. Hold them until they run out of ideas, then strike.

But their early goal changed that - and it was a good goal. To be fair Adomah and Burchill both looked quick and lively and gave us some problems.

After equalising I thought we may go on to win and there were a few passages of play when we cut through them and you could almost hear their fans sighing 'oh no, here we go again!'

I think had we scored mid-way through the second half when we had a couple of good spells, we would have gone on to settle it comfortably. We may have pushed on at that point and pressed home the advantage of our recent confidence.

But the pace they had shown earlier kept us on the back foot a bit and we seemed to settle for the point rather than risk losing it.

Shrewsbury fans must have seen our start and thought it would be easy for them last week - but they hadn't seen our decent performances against Bury and Daggers.

Likewise Barnet, for all we know, may have been unlucky not to already have had a few points from a couple of their games - they certainly didn't look a team in total disarray.

And, from what I heard, it seemed as though the crowd were still behind their manager, which was good to see.

I think we will have to work very hard to get every point this season, even against sides who, currently, look to be in a bad way - just look what Chester have done in recent weeks after everyone (me included) had them down as relegation certs who would be lucky to see out the season.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:07 pm
by Seasider9601
Shrimpsscene wrote:
mounse mk2 wrote:Go on Sean. You poor mans Martin Shaw.

Go for it.

Group opinion...i dont know u but if u would like to get in touch my email is martin did a fabulous job and im just a bit confused by yr comment care to explain?

Indeed Sean. Care to let us know EXACTLY what you mean by your comment Mounse Mk 2 ??????

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:51 pm
by Heysham_Shrimp
Seasider9601 wrote:
Shrimpsscene wrote:
mounse mk2 wrote:Go on Sean. You poor mans Martin Shaw.

Go for it.

Group opinion...i dont know u but if u would like to get in touch my email is martin did a fabulous job and im just a bit confused by yr comment care to explain?

Indeed Sean. Care to let us know EXACTLY what you mean by your comment Mounse Mk 2 ??????

wasn't Martin Shaw in The Professionals and Judge John Deed ?

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:51 pm
by BHmfc
I believe CC has a valid point irrespective of going to the game or not, and before anyone asks, no, i did not go, simply because i chose not to, but having watched Morecambe for over 40 years and travelled the country to see them, i, like most supporters study form to try and predict results. Looking at this seasons results, Barnet (before Saturday) had played five and lost five, conceding 14 goals, we however had turned the corner (or so we'd hoped) and after the great result and performance against Shrewsbury i was expecting 3 points at Barnet. I must admit i was disappointed with the draw and after listening to the radio and reading match reports, even more so, because it sounds like a poor performance against a team who would be rooted to the bottom of the league if it were not for the points deductions. Finally, can people stop all the bitching and cheap swipes at fellow posters just because they don't agree with their postings, it's all becoming rather tedious, after all, we are all entitled to our opinion.

Re: Good v Poor

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:13 pm
by Bigmikep
A point was not too bad especially when you see the last team we beats result