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Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:03 pm
by shrimper

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:19 pm
by Posh
Terrible. One of the best football supporters in the country and someone who should be treasured not treated like dirt. If he gets a banning order then we really do live in a sorry world.

Here's what Jase organised for their game against Newcastle. Yep bought the materials and got on with a lot of the work.



Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:25 pm
by halftimeresults
But hold on here, he was arrested for being drunk and desorderly .

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:35 pm
by shrimper!/..._comment_reply

You read all the stuff on the various links then make your mind up.

Personally I think he's made an uncharacteristic mistake in getting involved (because he'd had a pint or two on such a fantastic occasion) and he'll get some sort of punishment. But, as it is out of character and as emotions could be expected to be running a little high, I think there is a degree of mitigation that could be taken into consideration.

The fear is that he'll be considered as just another football yob if no-one tells people otherwise.

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:46 pm
by Seasider9601
That Bobby Robson banner is unbelievably brilliant.

And Jase (I don't know the guy) did that banner all by himself or had it organised ?

Fantastic. Seems a top bloke to me.

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:58 pm
by scar
Had Jase's (and I don't know the guy either) been just for D&D then a fair amount of mitigating circumstances I would imagine would be taken in to consideration and he'd get a slap on the wrist, like most folk who end up arrested for D&D.

tomorrows chip wrapper wrote:Jason Graham........... was charged with being drunk and disorderly, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer.

Graham is accused of kneeing an officer in the thigh.
the assault on a Police officer and resisting arrest is a far more serious offence and probably the reason ASFC aren't "officially/publically" supporting him.

It just goes to show how well our stewards and Police were when dealing with the few who invided the pitch during the last couple of home games at CP.

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:04 pm
by Muzzer
I am in no way a fan of Accy,
However from what i have read, the police in the situation were wrong here. "a missile was thrown on the pitch"
from the statement seems agressive and deserved, but if you read other comments it was a toliet roll which the stanley fans throw on all the time.
I believe that it was just the nights occation playing a premiership side, with police and stewards taking things over the top thinking that football is somehow back in the 70's and they were about to start scrapping.

The worst thing i read was that a 15 year old boy was repremanded for shouting 'dirty language'. WHAT!??!! this is utterally bizarre. I know im preaching to the wrong crowed here about swearing (with the stupid child asking please dont swear before each game) but really?

At a football game, im sure many fans were doing it to each other fans and the ref, its all part of the game really. and to be honest, im sure the 15 year old child is not going to be charging at the United fans after the game and vise versa.

Now i dont not know Graham, but what is said in the paper and over the message boards seem like he was drunk and not in a fit state, so i shall leave this comment

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:13 pm
by George Dawes
now there's being "charged with being drunk and disorderly, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer."

and there's being "charged with being drunk and disorderly, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer." at a football match

there two different things and the latter normally ends with a sterner punishment

now i would say with a good solicitor and the faith the lad as a good previous record along with ASFC backing and character statements with his good work for the club he should be ok

oh and police assault can mean just putting a finger on them ABH(actual bodily harm)

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:21 pm
by shrimper
Muzzer wrote:I am in no way a fan of Accy,
However from what i have read, the police in the situation were wrong here. "a missile was thrown on the pitch"
from the statement seems agressive and deserved, but if you read other comments it was a toliet roll which the stanley fans throw on all the time.
I believe that it was just the nights occation playing a premiership side, with police and stewards taking things over the top thinking that football is somehow back in the 70's and they were about to start scrapping.

The worst thing i read was that a 15 year old boy was repremanded for shouting 'dirty language'. WHAT!??!! this is utterally bizarre. I know im preaching to the wrong crowed here about swearing (with the stupid child asking please dont swear before each game) but really?

At a football game, im sure many fans were doing it to each other fans and the ref, its all part of the game really. and to be honest, im sure the 15 year old child is not going to be charging at the United fans after the game and vise versa.

Now i dont not know Graham, but what is said in the paper and over the message boards seem like he was drunk and not in a fit state, so i shall leave this comment

No need for that, Muzzer!

Those are my mate's kids who were asked to record the message as part of our ethos of being a 'family club' - something we're all proud of.

Could just as easily have been my kids you're calling 'stupid' in which case I'd ram that 'stupid' floppy grey hat right up........ - "NO! and two... and three.... aaaaand, relax!"

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:37 pm
by Muzzer
shrimper wrote:No need for that, Muzzer!

Those are my mate's kids who were asked to record the message as part of our ethos of being a 'family club' - something we're all proud of.

Could just as easily have been my kids you're calling 'stupid' in which case I'd ram that 'stupid' floppy grey hat right up........ - "NO! and two... and three.... aaaaand, relax!"

i wasnt saying the child was stupid, i was saying the message was stupid :roll: . I have never agreed to that message. Fair play to everyone trying to stamp out swearing and everything, i just will never believe you can stop it at a football ground, unless you repremand every person that does swear at a game

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:43 pm
by Seasider9601
You will never stop swearing mate, no.

But when you're trying to encourage support to the club, and families (ie the supporters of tomorrow and beyond), we need to make every effort we can to promote the family club image. Which is what the message does.

Anyway ! Back to the topic !!!

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:45 pm
by shrimper
Muzzer wrote:
shrimper wrote:No need for that, Muzzer!

Those are my mate's kids who were asked to record the message as part of our ethos of being a 'family club' - something we're all proud of.

Could just as easily have been my kids you're calling 'stupid' in which case I'd ram that 'stupid' floppy grey hat right up........ - "NO! and two... and three.... aaaaand, relax!"

i wasnt saying the child was stupid, i was saying the message was stupid :roll: . I have never agreed to that message. Fair play to everyone trying to stamp out swearing and everything, i just will never believe you can stop it at a football ground, unless you repremand every person that does swear at a game

Sorry Muzzer, my apologies. When you said 'stupid child' I thought you meant 'stupid child'.

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:51 pm
by Muzzer
Seasider9601 wrote:You will never stop swearing mate, no.

But when you're trying to encourage support to the club, and families (ie the supporters of tomorrow and beyond), we need to make every effort we can to promote the family club image. Which is what the message does.

Anyway ! Back to the topic !!!

Yes i agree very much so! I do not feel it is necassary to swear at a football ground. But you can never stop it. Football initself is frustrating and im not even talking about Morecambe here either but ok, parents dont want their children to hear swear words, and i can not really say i know how this feels, but im pretty sure they will have heard it all before anyway (from friends or even parents)

My point was that i think to get arrested for swearing and abusive language is not necassary and the police were going over the top

sorry about the o/t on the o/t :/ :lol:

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:56 pm
by Seasider9601
Football IS initself frustrating Muzzer, yeah ! You're so right.

I remember away at Telford in 93/4. Last qualifying round of the FA Cup before the League Teams enter the fray and we're 0-2 down and Griff's team playing like a bag of the proverbial brown and smelly stuff.

One of our fans is ranting and raving and swearing losing patience etc and it's not long before he gets warned by the Police to mind his language. His reply, "sorry officer. It's just frustration."

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:05 pm
by Sammy h
I agree with Shrimper about the floppy grey hat :lol:

Sorry Muzzer!

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:13 pm
by Muzzer
Sammy h wrote:I agree with Shrimper about the floppy grey hat :lol:

Sorry Muzzer!

Who are you?

Hahahaaaa, going to stay the season!

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:27 pm
by Keith
I think there has to be a recognition that sometimes the manner of the policing can make or break a situation. The Isle of Man TT is renowned for the laid back, trouble free policing. About ten years ago, perhaps more, the IoM Chief Constable arranged to bring in a few extra coppers from the UK to up the numbers. I saw a guy who was stood on a rubbish bin so he could watch the entertainment. A scouse copper walked up and kicked the plastic bin, almost causing the guy to fall, and growled "get down from there". The response was an almost universal 'what the **** do you think you are doing!' from the people near-by, myself included. I didn't know the drunk but knew a wrong-un, and it was in uniform not stood on a bin. Next thing is he's on the radio calling for back up threatening to arrest the lot of us. Hmm, 2,000 bikers to 20 police? Not the best threat he could make, especially as some pretty big lads were now squaring up to him. Pretty soon some local police had arrived and I actually saw a couple of locals physically lead the protagonist away leaving the rest of the locals to defuse the situation. The only trouble I've ever witnessed at the TT and it was caused by a policeman from Liverpool. As far as I'm aware, UK police have never been brought to the Island since. We do however have a few German motorcycle police at every TT!

It's a tough job but there should always be a recognition that if the stewards/police have made a 'tactical' mistake, resulting in a situation being exacerbated, as appears to be the case here, they should recognise that and let it drop. As is said on the Acci forum thread, banning orders are to stop hooligans going to football, Jase isn't a hooligan.

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:31 am
by mellow
Assaulting a police officer, oh dear. It's hard to have any sympathy.

As for the flags, good grief, how old is he?

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:46 am
by slackAlice
As for the flags, good grief, how old is he?

How old should you be for flags ?

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:19 am
by scar
mellow wrote:Assaulting a police officer, oh dear. It's hard to have any sympathy.

As for the flags, good grief, how old is he?

Aye up Mellow, hows things this year down Haig Avenue?

Flag comment is a tad harsh don't you think. There are many folk from many clubs who hang flags etc.

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:04 pm
by Aspers
Seems like Jase was in the wrong.
200 quid fine, 100 hours community service no conviction recorded and a banning order IF he does it again.

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:57 pm
by maccawozzagod
I don't think Jase was in the wrong particularly.

I thought it was well known that 'resisting arrest' is nothing more than wriggling about a bit

I also thought it well known that 'assaulting a police officer' is touching them with any bit of your body other than what they have got hold of

For gawds sake if you were going to assault a police officer in the true sense of the phrase you'd do more than knee them in the thigh!

The whole events of wednesday left a lot to be desired from the stewards and police. It should be well known at your own club that the fans like to stay and sing everyone out of the ground - after a big cup match with a good performance it would be even more so? ~After the Fulham FA Cup match last year we were still on the terrace an hour after the game!

In pretty much most walks of life if you show too much aggression in front of a group you are going to meet resistance, that's what happened - it's not like the SU are, or pretend to be, Green Street is it?

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:14 pm
by Jase (SU)
Cheers Shrimps, the support is really appreciated.

I am in desperate need of character witnesses, probably from the lads we played football with over the years. Jimmy G etc

Can you please e-mail them to

Thanks in advance

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:27 pm
by Opinionated
maccawozzagod wrote:I don't think Jase was in the wrong particularly.

I thought it was well known that 'resisting arrest' is nothing more than wriggling about a bit

I also thought it well known that 'assaulting a police officer' is touching them with any bit of your body other than what they have got hold of

For gawds sake if you were going to assault a police officer in the true sense of the phrase you'd do more than knee them in the thigh!

The whole events of wednesday left a lot to be desired from the stewards and police. It should be well known at your own club that the fans like to stay and sing everyone out of the ground - after a big cup match with a good performance it would be even more so? ~After the Fulham FA Cup match last year we were still on the terrace an hour after the game!

In pretty much most walks of life if you show too much aggression in front of a group you are going to meet resistance, that's what happened - it's not like the SU are, or pretend to be, Green Street is it?

The thing is the SU seem to attract trouble. This can be at away matches as well which ends the theory of your stewards being fully to blame. You are constantly pushing the boundaries of acceptance. Throwing objects and lighting flares at football matches is just stupid. You know the rules so why brake them. The whole concept of the Stanley Ultras is pretentious. Singing after the game, silly amounts of flags and now the aggressive attitude. It overshadows the football. It's almost as if the Ultras are bigger than the club!

Re: Jase (Stanley Ultras) O/T

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:47 am
by Keith
Opinionated wrote:The thing is the SU seem to attract trouble. This can be at away matches as well which ends the theory of your stewards being fully to blame.

Do they? This is the first I've heard of this. I'm not aware of them causing any trouble at Christie Park although I do remember them being in the Morecambe end, supporting Morecambe in a play off match. Where where they causing trouble?