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Ball Boys

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:55 am
by Pobble
Now we have the makings of a good ground why don`t we do the job properly and have Ball Boys for evening matches ? All other clubs do. It surely can`t be a question of money because I spoke to four or five lads who were in the stand who would have willingly done the work for nothing. I don`t mean we should have used the lazy, half asleep lot that we had at CP last season, let us get some alert kids who actually look as though they might make footballers eventually.
A far as last night was concerned, why did we not use some of the gang who moved the goalposts before the game, then stood at the end of the North Terrace, surely they would have been happy to be on the touchline, they would have been an improvement on waiting for a Steward to throw the ball back. !
A Coventry supporter thought the reason for no Ball Boys was that maybe we had run out money. That was strange because the club did very well financially out of the row of seats I was on. They sold all the seats TWICE.
Maybe the extra revenue will go towards a scoreboard