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O/T BP and the Yanks

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:41 pm
by Christies Child
I'm totally pissed with the Yanks and their attitude towards BP. The fact is that it was an American rig manned by American workers that caused the accident by not having a safety valve fitted.

The Yanks seem to have conveniently forgotten their involvement in the Bopol (forgive my spelling!) accident that has caused thousands of lives and is still causing problems to the people in the area.

Re: O/T BP and the Yanks

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:53 pm
by shrimpnsave
Christies Child wrote:I'm totally pissed with the Yanks and their attitude towards BP. The fact is that it was an American rig manned by American workers that caused the accident by not having a safety valve fitted.

The Yanks seem to have conveniently forgotten their involvement in the Bopol (forgive my spelling!) accident that has caused thousands of lives and is still causing problems to the people in the area.

didnt you know that usa have double standards.....its in there Constitution :lol:

Re: O/T BP and the Yanks

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:14 pm
by Morecambe Player
Christies Child wrote:I'm totally pissed with the Yanks and their attitude towards BP.

You mean pissed off? Just using "Pissed" is an Americanism, which is rather ironic in the circumstances...

Re: O/T BP and the Yanks

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:04 am
by morecambe mick
Morecambe Player wrote:
Christies Child wrote:I'm totally pissed with the Yanks and their attitude towards BP.

You mean pissed off? Just using "Pissed" is an Americanism, which is rather ironic in the circumstances...

Pedentary aside I would guess that not many on here would disagree with CC.

Wasn't it also an American company who built the rig, wasn't it also the American government who said that more more rigs were to be drilled in shallow waters, forcing the companies to go to deep water. I believe the deeper water has caused extra problems with the operation to cap the leak.

wasnt the part thats bust and caused this mess

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:55 pm
by Arnside Red
manufactured and fitted by a US company as well, Obama not handling this inci ent very well is he :x

Re: O/T BP and the Yanks

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:46 pm
by Martin
I don't think Obama fully understands the technical & logistical problems involved and seems to have made little effort to ind out. He seems to be reacting to public opinion which is clouding his judgement. He would be better served offering what help the mighty USA can supply rather than verbally beating BP with a stick.

Re: O/T BP and the Yanks

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:07 pm
by Christies Child
Obama has a bloody cheek asking BP to set up a special fund to compensate those afected by an American companys cock up.

No mention of the Union Carbide accident of years ago that have resulted in just £17,500 of fines. Compensation to those who lost loved ones and suffered terrible injurys themselves are reported to be 3p.....(yes 3p).

A women of 80 lost 16 memebers of her family and her sight due to the cloud of gas. And what did she get in terms of compensation...3 bloody pence!

As far as I'm concerned the Yanks can whistle Dixie for compensation.

:evil: :evil: :evil: