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Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:18 pm
by Morecambe Player
Just wanted to mention about Les publicly.

Whilst everyone knows what a great job he does generally, this week, I'm not sure if he's managed to sleep, let alone do his normal job of work. If he's taken leave in order to do his MFC stuff, then all the more credit. If not, how he's fit it all in without collapsing, I'm not sure.

As for the end of an era, there's loads he's done that most of us don't know about, but after the game on Thursday he was inundated with people wanting items of kit from players etc. I was at the corner of the back of the main stand as people were coming back with socks and shorts and things, with massive smiles on their faces.

On Friday morning, he was sorting out loads of stuff into the skips, making sure that the sponsors got their shirts, keeping them safe, but also having time to chat to the likes of me pestering him. And all this with his usual smile and happy go lucky self.

Then on Saturday, he was here there and everywhere as the viewing got underway and he was sorting out the auction lots, as well as selling off some of the shirts too. What a shame that whilst the table was obviously unguarded for a moment that someone took their opportunity to nick Sammy Mac's training top which was due to be auctioned.

Then at auction time, he was showing all the stuff off, bringing it all in and afterwards sorting more stuff out. Not to mention offering to transport an item for free in order to get it sold. And he was doing telephone bids too!!

Les has worked tirelessly for the club, and I hope that he gets a well deserved rest and his wedding goes superbly this summer.

When I saw Les on Friday morning, I told him about Les Chapman, kit man at Man City, who is obviously full time, and has 2 full time assistants, but the jobs are pretty much the same whether in the Premier League or League 2, so the fact that Les (and Tommy) do it part time, and holds down a full time job, is amazing.

Les, I salute you. Sorry if this post embarrasses you, as I know that's the kind of modest guy you are, but I wanted to pay you a bit of a tribute.


Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:23 pm
by Blackpool Shrimp
Totally agree..i have know les for over 20 years and its people like him and tommy who keep the things ticking over behind the scenes..without people like these our club and many others would be in a sorry state..well done lads and keep up the great work

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:26 pm
by marky No.1
Well said Lance but the least you could have done was spell his name right! :lol:

All his family Debbie Allison Ian Bob and others work tirelessly for the Club.

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:31 pm
by Ntini
Les and Tommy are two of the nicest blokes you could ever meet. They're the unsung heroes of the club who don't get given the praise that they deserve! I just hope they realise how much we all appreciate them.

Les, Tom... we salute you as two of the MFC heroes of Christie Park. Long may it continue in the Globe Arena!

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:46 pm
by Morecambe Player
marky No.1 wrote:Well said Lance but the least you could have done was spell his name right! :lol:

? Is it Lez?

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:47 pm
by Christies Child
Thanks to both Les and Tommy..without such helpers our club wouldn't be the professioanl that it is.

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:49 pm
by morecambe mick
Morecambe Player wrote:
marky No.1 wrote:Well said Lance but the least you could have done was spell his name right! :lol:

? Is it Lez?

Lesley I thought.
So Les isn't wrong.

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:57 pm
by marky No.1
Morecambe Player wrote:
marky No.1 wrote:Well said Lance but the least you could have done was spell his name right! :lol:

? Is it Lez?

Sorry it is me that is wrong .thought it was a u not an i :oops:

But you know what thought did :lol:

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:16 pm
by Stanley Bowles
The backbone of the club, along with Chess and his posse. All down to earth dedicated honest members of a great team .Without there wouldnt be, my what a sooper team we have all round :D :D

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:34 pm
by Posh
One of life's special people. Never a bad word, always thinking of others, funny and kind hearted. A big part of what makes Morecambe FC great. Hope he has a great wedding and honeymoon, and a better kit room at the Globe!

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:04 pm
by bigreddog
To all those who volunteer their time for Morecambe FC, and all those who have in the past, you have my thanks, my admiration and my respect. but you're right Lance, the likes of Les Dewhurst and Tom Sawyer are absolute legends for the club and the community. without them and people like them we wouldn't have a club. I am honoured to be in their company from time to time and they are both absolute gentlemen. the fans are the life blood of morecambe fc, for me Rod Taylor is the heartbeat and always will be, but Les and Tom are the lungs. As important as Jim Bentley and Sammy McIlroy IMHO.

I am going to have the immense privilege of going on Les' stag night, he's a good bloke, a friend, an integral part of the greatest love of my life (after the wife and kids) and if he's embarrassed by that, then tough, he'll just have to learn to live with adulation.

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:25 am
by thegentlegiant
Les does a fantastic job, so thank you Les keep up the fantastic work!

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:15 am
by Keith
There are a few special people at the club and Les is towards the top of that special list. Debbie is a lovely person too who has also put in a fair few hours for the club over the years! Hope they both have a fantastic wedding and are very happy for many, many years to come!

Thanks for everything you've done for 'my' club.

Re: Les Dewhirst

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:31 am
by John L
Les is the kind of down to earth bloke who makes this club what it is, as is Tom. Always has time for a chat, just like on Thursday night on an almost deserted pitch, putting the world to rights with tin in hand! If only there were more folk in the world like Les! All the best for the wedding, mate, and see you down at the Globe in a few months! :)