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Ramblings of a toothless lunatic (Rated PG)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:33 am
by Aspers
So off I pops this morning to the corner of Park and Elizabeth Streets in Downtown Sydney, a beautiful spring morning here in God's great garden, took the lift t'theighth floor.

Walked into an oral reconstructure surgery, Paid my $1505.00 and sat in the chair.
This nice man stuck a needle in my arm, he said I might feel a bit groggy, groggy!!! within 2 minutes I was off my tits, this other chap then stuck some needles into my mouth, as you who know me will agree, I do have a penchant for the theatrical, I was instantly Dustin Hoffman in the Marathon Man, Lord Olivier was inserting instruments into my mouth, waiting for the pain, not a bit. One of the most pleasant 30 mins I have spent for ages. Larry extracted 2 upper wisdom teeth and I went into the recovery room, rested for 10 mins then off home.

Spent most of the afternoon at home watching TV and sucking on panedine Forte and Scotch.
Remeber the school dentist, that woman who held the mask over your face at Euston Rd and the butcher who ripped your teeth out, ( I once legged it from there and made it to Four Lane Ends before my mum got me),my goodness those days were barbaric and we have never recovered, our generation is so scared of the dentist, the fact that now they have stunning dental assistants who could audition for Australia's next top model helps a bit too.

As I had the day off work I didn't want to waste it so I got a haircut at Justcuts Bondi Junction, that Accy slapper has left but tother lass was OK, good cut and friendly. Why oh why do middle age men have to show off, Just because she was early 40's and very shaggable, I was expostulating about how famous I was and who my friends were, she was of course suitably impressed, so I then told her I'd get her a ticket for Idol, usually I can but if not I'll have to change my hairdresser. She also asked me if I could get 1 for her husband as well.
It'd better be haircut with happy ending next time if I do.

The song lets go fly a kite keeps running through my mind, I have no idea why, I think the other day early hours during a particularly insomnious occurance I think I watched Derran Brown hypnotise 2 guys on Manly beach trying to fly a metal chair as a kite, dunt matter anyhow.

2 men on a Desert Island 1 turns t'tother and says, I see Morecambe lost again, how do you know that? says totherun, Well it is Saturday. Oh I am so witty, aye you bugger off an all.

Meeting DeeBee tomorrow, he's showing us some software for our training package then I'm going to take him to lunch and drop him off at the Airport.
Lucky bugger, I'd love to pop home, doesn't matter if I come home now, we're losing anyway.

Well can't think of owt more to ramble about except that my wife has gone to the snow and taken my car, I'm driving a bright pink Nissan micra, good job I'm butch enough eh!!.

Toodles Luvvies