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Let Sammy do his job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:55 pm
by heysham_mfc
I wish people would just let the manager get on with his job and stop moaning so we have not have the best of starts but Sammy knows what he is doing and i'm sure he will turn things around given time

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:11 pm
by Duffman
Many moons ago I used to post on this forum a lot but then it quickly went downhill almost overnight. No one can have an opinion now without getting slated. Football is a game where you pay you're money to watch it then have an opinion. If people weren't able to "moan" or express their feelings on what they've seen today what's the point of this forum?

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:17 pm
by Dazzer
Callum wrote:Many moons ago I used to post on this forum a lot but then it quickly went downhill almost overnight. No one can have an opinion now without getting slated. Football is a game where you pay you're money to watch it then have an opinion. If people weren't able to "moan" or express their feelings on what they've seen today what's the point of this forum?

Excellent post - I would echo every word of that.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:20 pm
by mfcbro
Well said callum.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:35 pm
by HALMA 1983
In full agreement with Callum, great post by the way!
I couldn't manage to get there today due to this job, so can't comment on todays game but reading between the lines on here I can see it's been another bad day at the office.
The most worrying is the attendance that's heading back to conference levels, hope we can turn a corner soon and get that first win but it's only going to happen when our Best side is put out.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:10 pm
by Keith
Callum wrote:Many moons ago I used to post on this forum a lot but then it quickly went downhill almost overnight. No one can have an opinion now without getting slated. Football is a game where you pay you're money to watch it then have an opinion. If people weren't able to "moan" or express their feelings on what they've seen today what's the point of this forum?

Are you suggesting that admin are censoring you if you post negatively? Or are you saying that if you post negatively, people argue with you or suggest you "stop moaning"?

Just wondering.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:21 pm
by Plain Peter
Interesting thread.
Hope it opens up.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:24 pm
by BHmfc
Callum wrote:Many moons ago I used to post on this forum a lot but then it quickly went downhill almost overnight. No one can have an opinion now without getting slated. Football is a game where you pay you're money to watch it then have an opinion. If people weren't able to "moan" or express their feelings on what they've seen today what's the point of this forum?

agree 100%- if you look at today's posts there is 1 member who stands out for his 'digs' at other posters, don't you agree Campdave?

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:26 pm
by Duffman
Keith wrote:
Callum wrote:Many moons ago I used to post on this forum a lot but then it quickly went downhill almost overnight. No one can have an opinion now without getting slated. Football is a game where you pay you're money to watch it then have an opinion. If people weren't able to "moan" or express their feelings on what they've seen today what's the point of this forum?

Are you suggesting that admin are censoring you if you post negatively? Or are you saying that if you post negatively, people argue with you or suggest you "stop moaning"?

Just wondering.

I'm not referring to the admin or moderators at all Keith, apologies if it looks like that. I was having a look at the forum and was tempted to post my thoughts on the game today which I've not done in awhile. I then saw this message and thought I'd get it off my chest. This forum was great 18 months or so ago but it seems a shame that if you criticise a player or the managers tactics you are in someway not a true supporter of the club.

People might be "moaning" on here after the start to the season we've had so far but when you've been to the game, which you have been looking forward to since the last, and its not a performance you had wished for then of course its ok to have a "moan" because as "true fans" we've watched the game and got behind the team.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:34 pm
by marky
At the end of the day, a manager lives and dies on results. Nobody is above being criticised, be it manager, players, chairman, etc. Libel is a different matter of course, but that hasn't been a problem (at least no posts are libellous though some may have been zapped). A forum is all about debate. Some people want to let Sammy get on with it and don't like him being criticised. I'm of the opinion that criticism is an integral ingredient of a successful forum. I just wonder, heysham_mfc, if you are very happy with everything that has occured so far this season and if you agree with every decision Sammy has made.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:01 pm
by Number 1
This is the place for opinions. After all, opinons are like arseholes, everyone has one, and each one slightly different.

Some posters find criticism of their posts offensive, so feel they have to defend themselves, others positively enjoy the healthy debate.

At this moment in time, things are not going to plan and people have differing views as to why that's the case. They should be heard, and they shouldn't be afraid to do so.

The manager isn't above criticism, and the lack of picking Stanley, Drummond, and O'Carroll for the starting line up, particularly seeing as how 2 of them did when coming on is going to attract bewilderment from some quarters. This doesn't mean we know better than the manager, or are any more qualified than he is, but it shouldn't stop anyone expressing their opinion!

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:04 pm
by campdave
BHmfc wrote:
agree 100%- if you look at today's posts there is 1 member who stands out for his 'digs' at other posters, don't you agree Campdave?

Meaning? So I can't express my opinion?

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:05 pm
by marky
Of course you can. It's just your opinions seem to be more about members of the forum and less about the team. Just an observation and it may be totally incorrect.

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:31 pm
by North Stand Shrimp
I would suggest that anyone who feels they are being put down or chastised for posting something negative about the team or manager should just percevere.

There is a group of people on here that will always back sammys decisions to the hilt and respond to anything negative very defensively.

wether you are a naturally happy person who always see's things as being rosey or a naturally pesemistic soul that always finds the negative angle, your comments are no more or no less valid and no one should be shot down in flames or treated in a condecending way for simply expressing their views.

after all a forum is for people of differing opinions to have somewhere to openly debate their points of view.

some on this forum would do well to remember that.

also, a fan that doesn't moan about bad results is no more or no less a true fan than a fan who wants to voice his fustrations after losing a game. so, please, give it a rest! and let these posters who are coming on here for the first time have a say without jumping down their throats because other wise we will very quickly see the attendance of this forum begin to fade away, just like the crowd at christie park today!

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:37 pm
by Plain Peter
NSS - Good posting.
Who's your avatar btw :?: :ugeek:

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:45 pm
by North Stand Shrimp

Avatar is Che Guevara......

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:50 pm
by Plain Peter
Thought it was ;)

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:18 pm
by outsider
i thought it was wolfie smith or is that just me showing my age?

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:26 am
by HALMA 1983
outsider wrote:i thought it was wolfie smith or is that just me showing my age?

Definately your age :lol: 'Power to the people'!

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:53 am
by Neil G
wether you are a naturally happy person who always see's things as being rosey or a naturally pesemistic soul that always finds the negative angle, your comments are no more or no less valid and no one should be shot down in flames or treated in a condecending way for simply expressing their views.

First let's not forget that being able to express our views on SV's is a privelage given to us by a few dedicated supporters who pay for and moderate the forum so in my opinion they can do what they see fit to keep the board free of morons and witless wind up merchants. To my point, we all have differences of opinion, mine in this instance is that Sammy should be left to do his job and supporters should support so when I post this opinion on a public forum I'm ready to accept that some people will concur with it but I also expect a degree of opposition to it. Feeling 'shot down in flames' or being patronised is sometimes part of that process, we can't have it all ways. ;)
I wouldn't know Campdave if I fell over him but I don't mind him sticking up for himself the way that he does and some of his retort brings a smile to my face, some people just don't suffer fools :lol:

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:54 am
by marky No.1
Neil G wrote:I wouldn't know Campdave if I fell over him but I don't mind him sticking up for himself the way that he does and some of his retort brings a smile to my face, some people just don't suffer fools :lol:

Are you feeling Sleepy this morning Neil, or just a bit Bashful? I certainly hope Grumpy did'nt wake you up this morning! :lol: :lol:

Re: let Sammy do he job!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:11 pm
by bubbles
First let's not forget that being able to express our views on SV's is a privelage given to us by a few dedicated supporters who pay for and moderate the forum so in my opinion they can do what they see fit to keep the board free of morons and witless wind up merchants.

Interesting, im sure many shrimps voice contibuters didnt know this ... this is why those in power buy their own newspapers too !!! controversal

Re: Let Sammy do his job!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:20 pm
by fletch_al
i find it really funny that people are moaning about not being allowed to moan :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Let Sammy do his job!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:50 pm
by Phoenix
im sure many shrimps voice contibuters didnt know this

I have to ask, what do you think keeps the forum running? Hard work from a group of people that get little thanks and lots of grief for their efforts.

Re: Let Sammy do his job!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:58 pm
by badger
Phoenix wrote:
im sure many shrimps voice contibuters didnt know this

I have to ask, what do you think keeps the forum running? Hard work from a group of people that get little thanks and lots of grief for their efforts.

getting grief for their efforts.... or do you mean ...some contibuters dont agree with their views??