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For those who requested it.....

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:33 pm
by Christies Child's Pre Season Training Report No.1!

No sign of the famous Jimbo wheelie bin, but plenty of activity on the Lancaster Road playing field for the curious band of supporters (and Vice Chairman Graham Hodgson) to take in as Mark Lillis put squad players, old and new through the first 'official' training session this morning.

In total 26 pairs of legs where doing running and general body toning exercises whilst an additional pair of legs belonging to one Mr Drummond was receiving individual instruction from Dave Edge as he continues his gradual fitness build up following his ankle injury towards the back end of last season.

With a more scientific approach to pre-season build up than that of a few years ago, it was still taking its affect on certain individuals namely last seasons PoY Danny Adams who was heard to mutter 'I'm getting too old for this' as he sneaked off to the trainig room for a well earned breather no doubt!

As for the the others?

Well all the new lads were there as you would expect as well as the clubs new first year pros. It was good to see Michael Howard, Craig Stanley and Fraser, albeit for different reasons. Carl Baker looked extremely fit having obviously taken a few days theropy on a sun bed. Is it my imagination, but has Wayne grown in stature and physique?

The only blot on an otherwise promising looking landscape was the lack of a certain Thommo. Oh well!

In addition to the new lads (by the way the goalkeeper is a bloody giant!) the interesting observation was the 3 triallists who were being put through their paces. It would be wrong of me to name names, but at least one of them is well known to Shrimp followers and could be an excellent addition to the squad...without question!

The other 2 are both established league players.

We'll have to wait and see what happpens.

Today was a forerunner of more and no doubt extra intensive sessions tomorrow and over the weekend.

Sammy, Mark, Macca, Edgey and the conditionig coach (apology for the lack of a name) looked the part in the new PUMA training gear as did the squad. White for the managment; blue for their charges.

Todays session was only a morning one but no doubt this is all part of Mark's scientific approach to pre-season, where timed rest between running throughout the session was an integral part of the build up. Gone are the days of running around a field until the players collapsed as has been witnessed a few seasons ago under a different regime.

As for further updates......I'll do my best.

Re: For those who requested it.....

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:07 pm
Christies Child wrote:....i It would be wrong of me to name names, but at least one of them is well known to Shrimp followers and could be an excellent addition to the squad...without question!

This will get the tongue's hanging out. ;)

Re: For those who requested it.....

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:06 pm
by Aspers
Excellent post CC.
Made me feel like I was there. :)

Re: For those who requested it.....

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:01 pm
by Raeyes
Great report CC. Good to have you back. Spill the beans, who were the three trailists? :roll:

Re: For those who requested it.....

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:18 pm
by Love It
Excellent post!!! Thanks!!!