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It's a family affair

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:12 pm
by Christies Child
We all know about how important the constant reference by Mark regarding the 'family' is to our club. Well it's good to see a couple of further examples of the 'family' at work in the last week or so.

First is the news that Dave Edge's son Lewis has resumend football training having spent the summer deflecting a cricket ball as opposed to a soccer ball. Lewis as most of you will know was formerly with Blackpool FC and had often been touted as 'one to watch for the future'. Unfortunately as so often happens in the beautiful game, Lewis fell foul to the likes/dislikes of the manager at 'pool and found himself somewhat frustrated with the game come summer. Lewis has taken it upon himself to resume a fitness programme using his former mentor at 'pool and now Shrimps goalkeeping coach Lee Evans as the catalyst to achieve his fitness goals. As I understand it, there is no suggestion at this stage that Lewis will become an MFC squad member.....but their is no such thing as 'never' in football.

The other development involves a lady runner who suffered a leg injury whilst out running along the canal bank near Preston a week or so ago.

Being near to the Preston Sports Centre and MFC Training Centre, the lady in question was able to hobble to the Centre to seek advice on how to treat what she regarded as only a minor injury. Fortunately for her, when she arrived at reception both Sammy and Mark were there and they openly offered the services of Dave Edge who was at the Sports Centre to treat Stanner's foot injury. DE, always open to the charms of an attractive member of the opposite sex, quickly annalised the problem and recommended a course of treatment.

A week has now passed and the lady in question along with our club medical team have become something of minor celebrities as will be revealed on Radio Lancashire next Monday as well as in the LEP on the same day. It is now apparent that the lady has undergone a major family tradgedy a few years ago and is in training to undertake some charity runs to raise money for a specific cause, hence the reason why both the Press and Radio have got involved.

Thanks to the prompt action of Sammy, Mark and Dave we've now got an extended 'family' connection in Preston.

Re: It's a family affair

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:28 pm
by Heysham_Shrimp
well done to the club.

will look forward to reading about this in the press next week.