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BBC 1 programme Tuesday 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:34 pm
by darrenlock
Just wondering if anybody will watch the program on bbc1 about migration , talking about how lazy british workers are compared to the polish wow that show will be rubbish.
Silly thing i got a newspaper last week and work was advertised in polish for a English company lol.
I really want a job applied for over 30 jobs and go only 4 interviews where i am waiting for a answer.
I worked 4 days 32 hours, and got paid £102 im 23 on £5.85 a hour and then pay £10 to driver wow i wish papers would put positive news about the British workforce who did those type of jobs when the Polish wern't here . Erm out parents, ha

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:50 pm
by darrenlock
Just wondering if anybody will watch the program on BBC1 about migration , talking about how lazy British workers are compared to the polish wow that show will be rubbish.
Silly thing i got a newspaper last week and work was advertised in polish for a English company lol.
I really want a job applied for over 30 jobs and go only 4 interviews where i am waiting for a answer.
I worked 4 days 32 hours, and got paid £102 I'm 23 on £5.85 a hour and then pay £10 to driver wow i wish papers would put positive news about the British workforce who did those type of jobs when the Polish weren't here . Em out parents, ha

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:58 pm
by bill ding
is there an echo in here :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:39 pm
by darrenlock
Spell check it was so that is why i repeated my comment. ;)

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:00 pm
by heysham_mfc
could be an interesting watch

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:05 pm
by darrenlock
Yeah I'm watching now i accept employee's think the worst of English workers but it's up to us to do things differently Get out Labour.Bring back good British morals

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:34 pm
by greenshrimp
Watching this now....makes you embarassed to be English watching some of these lazy arrogant English job seekers.

It's patently obvious that the reason more foreign workers are getting the jobs is because they have the work ethic required for the work they are doing.....unlike some of the English case studies shown so far...

Re: BBC1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:39 pm
by darrenlock
Sorry but it this also the government fault? Because the benefit system is very easy i think UK should do a very harsh policy with benefit's and make it impossible to calm after 6 months and get free training no matter what I'm angry.

I was a Estate Agent and when i moved to Morecambe i dropped my skills to a machine operator and now the place is on fire I've been to companies though a agency and 80% polish and most don't speak English i would work in a factory anything to pay the bills no matter what.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:40 pm
by Suzi Quatro
darrenlock wrote:Yeah I'm watching now i accept employee's think the worst of English workers but it's up to us to do things differently Get out Labour.Bring back good British morals

Can you please be kind enough to explain in detail your point in regard to bringing back good British Morals. Morals to me is doing the right thing and not harming anybody. You appear to me out to slag other people without any clear reason.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:45 pm
by darrenlock
Hang on mate i worked in a chicken factory as a Boss of a Machine operator and i know the company employed a lot of Polish where they couldn't speak English . morals for me is respect the country as in speak English get your kids to speak English , listen i have a french wife to be and she speaks perfect English and same goes to her kids.

All i know is i respect foreign worker's and i think if the benefit system weren't so easy then maybe English unskilled worker;s might be motivated to move those jobs as i am move than happy to work those type of jobs.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:46 pm
by greenshrimp
To some extent it is the governments fault, but only because it makes it so easy for those who do not want to work to stay on the dole.

In my opinion, if you're on the dole for over two weeks, then you become a council worker 3 or 4 days a week, cleaning parks, picking litter, painting over grafitti etc. Obviously there are some cases where this wouldn't be possible, for example where a dissability makes this type of work impossible.

I'm sorry to hear you are out of work darren, but your bitterness against foreign workers and the government won't help matters and unfortunatley you'll just have to be persistant and keep applying.

I work for a large national company and the recruitment policy is always 'the best person for the job' regardless of nationality. Sadly, I've seen some of the application forms for even reasonably paid jobs and they are truly awful with some unable to string a sentance together - both English and foreign.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:52 pm
by darrenlock
Greenshrimp you have just made me smile.

Thank you.

I know i would like to work for free job seeker's offered me work trail's now it is what companies would accept me. I fell angry about migration because how could you move to a country where u cant speak English and i work with them and i personally have heard of the sterotype English man .

But thanks shrimp i will find work it's just at the moment the market is small and because i don't have a trade it is harder for me to find work but you know what that's life.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:53 pm
by darrenlock
Green Shrimp you have just made me smile.

Thank you.

I know i would like to work for free job seeker's offered me work trial's now it is what companies would accept me. I fell angry about migration because how could you move to a country where u cant speak English and i work with them and i personally have heard of the stereotype English man .

But thanks shrimp i will find work it's just at the moment the market is small and because i don't have a trade it is harder for me to find work but you know what that's life.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:56 pm
by greenshrimp
Glad I made you smile.

I think the point of this programme which relates directly to your point about non-English speakers is that they (from what I have seen of the show) are more productive than their English counterparts and unfortunatley in the work they are doing, there really is no reason for them to speak English.

Watching the potatoe packers now, it is nice to see that the English chaps have turned themselves around.


Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:04 pm
by heysham_mfc
A lot of people who are out of work would love to have a job it's just there are not a lot of jobs out there at the moment on a good enough wage.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:07 pm
by darrenlock
Hey sham it is not about the money it is about the principles of finding consistent work that is what frustrates me

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:55 am
by campdave
darrenlock wrote: I fell angry about migration because how could you move to a country where u cant speak English

I hear all the English migrants in Spain are fluent in Spanish :roll:

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:14 am
by scar
heysham_mfc wrote:A lot of people who are out of work would love to have a job it's just there are not a lot of jobs out there at the moment on a good enough wage.

I think that's exactly the point that Darren (and the program) is making. The economic migrants will happily work for what you've just described as 'jobs on not a good enough wage'!

The economic migrants will travel over a thousand miles for a job at basic pay, where as there are a lot of British people who are unemployed (and employed) but won't travel 3 miles for the same job.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:19 am
by Christies Child
[quote="greenshrimp"]To some extent it is the governments fault, but only because it makes it so easy for those who do not want to work to stay on the dole.

Can only speak from personal experience, but in my case I no longer get a penny from the State nor any other assistance. After 193 job applications, it's become apparent that what I was warned of during my first month out of work that age, location and past Director and Managerial experience excludes me from consideration of equivalent posts of Business Development Manager / Marketing Manager as it's regarded by many that younger applicants will be more hungry for success than somebody at 59.

I applied for a driving job with a local motor factor, but was told that in their opinion I wouldn't stay due to the level of salary. Without an interview 'how do they know?'....and that has been the responce of many when I've applied for similar jobs.

When I fill out applications and send my CV I make a point of saying that salary is not an issue. After all something is better than nothing. And now after just over 6 months I'm now having to look into taking early retirement and cashing in on my savings just to live a less than normal life.

Am I bitter towards those who appear to get everything given when I've contributed to the State in the form of 40 years of taxes? Too bloody right I am, but there is nothing that I can do to change the system which basically stinks!

As my family have commented on numerous occassions, 'thank goodness I get some pleasure out of supporting my team'...

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:27 am
by darrenlock
I believe that the main reason of high unemployment is people's expectation's by thinking work is out there and you can be a picky worker which is bullshit.
Ive personally worked in cheap paid job and did anything i can to pay the bills i go on the job center and i don't see much work , i know it's not a excuse so now i plan to go to work trails to work for free so a company could take me on full time.

But well done Poland you do come over, thing reason why they work harder is because companies can easy get rid of them and also Poland earn low income with a high tax code on top of it , i believe that migration should be capped and get the job center to send workers to companies to work and make it impossible so then us Brit's can respect the benefit system.

Because the benefit system is for a emergency and now people use it as a life style that makes me sick.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:36 am
by campdave
Christies Child wrote:
I applied for a driving job with a local motor factor, but was told that in their opinion I wouldn't stay due to the level of salary. Without an interview 'how do they know?'....and that has been the responce of many when I've applied for similar jobs.

When I fill out applications and send my CV I make a point of saying that salary is not an issue. After all something is better than nothing. And now after just over 6 months I'm now having to look into taking early retirement and cashing in on my savings just to live a less than normal life.

Playing devil's advocate (and I have no doubt you'd be a good employee and a hard worker), but looking at it from the employer's point of view, you've recently been made redundant and are looking to take a job on less pay. They'd be very wary of you only staying with them until a "better offer" came along, and then they have to start the recruitment process all over again.

Good luck with your continued search.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:12 am
by The Marksman
darrenlock wrote:I believe that the main reason of high unemployment is people's expectation's by thinking work is out there and you can be a picky worker which is bullshit.

Yep, and while benefits are there there's little motivation to take any job that comes for a lot of people.

darrenlock wrote:i believe that migration should be capped and get the job center to send workers to companies to work and make it impossible so then us Brit's can respect the benefit system.

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here, but two things spring to mind:

1) There are more British workers working abroad than there are foreign workers in Britain, so be careful what you wish for. If, for example, everyone in the world was made to go back to their country of origin, there would be even less jobs around. Migration works both ways.
2) Please, for the love of God, learn how to form coherent sentences.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:16 am
by darrenlock
Mark my point is frustration where under25 unemployment had risen very quick, me saying capping on migration i guess i was WRONG in saying this.
I worked hard and I'm just angry with the system i don't know what the answer is to work in UK but it has to be hard work

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:04 am
by Christies Child
Playing devil's advocate (and I have no doubt you'd be a good employee and a hard worker), but looking at it from the employer's point of view, you've recently been made redundant and are looking to take a job on less pay. They'd be very wary of you only staying with them until a "better offer" came along, and then they have to start the recruitment process all over again.

Good luck with your continued search.[/quote]

That is very much appreciated.

I can understand an employers thought process and in many ways I would probably do the same if the roles were reversed.

However when I was made redundant (thanks by the way RBS :evil: ) we as a family reassessed our financial needs and when forced to do so it's suprising how little you can actually live on if you cut out some (not all ;) ) of the luxuries of life. Having paid off our mortgage by utilising savings we found that I could take a cut in salary of circa £15K by no longer having a mortgage and not having to pay tax on a company car for example. Credit and Store cards have been cut up ( sorry Mrs R ;) not that we ever amassed huge debt. As a result we can survive on a weekly budget that many would spend on a night out wining and dining in London.....if only given the chance!

One thing for sure, I'll continue to look for some meaningful employment, always in the belief that those who persevere will come out winners.

Re: bbc1 program tonight 9pm

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:18 pm
by durhamshrimp
The thing is with some of your posts darrenlock, we can't really take them seriously. You seem to have all the answers for how the country should be run or what the pricing structure should be for tickets at morecambe games yet you can't even string a coherent sentence together.