O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Christies Child » Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:31 am

Sorry SVs but I've got to get this off my chest!

As some of you know I've been out of work for some time, thanks to the Banks refusal to grant my former employers extra funding to pay a paper merchant for some stock (Paper merchants now demand payment within 24 hours of delivery). As a result I and other Senior Managers lost our jobs to ensure the survival of the business.

At 59 I've been told on more than one occassion that I'm too old and have no chance of returning to meaningful employment, but I'm still trying and WILL get something sooner or later.

Being unemployed I've been getting JSA for 6 months but now it's stopped and i get nothing. No assistance with anything at all. We've been told that we have to live as a family on £100 per week and if we can't to sell our house. :shock: Thankfully my wife works P/T and gets enough just to cover that amount. however we still have the usual household bills to pay and living and transprt costs (maybe we should move and live in an urban area as opposed to a rural area as at the moment :?: At least our transport costs would be cheaper :?: )

I have been told that I can claim a Tax Refund due to my circumstances. However in order to get a refund i've got to provide my P45 to the Tax Authorities and to do that I've got to come off the unemplyment register. In other words I'm no longer classed as being unemployed by the Government when in fact i still am technically. The Job Centre confirmed that although technically unemployed I WILL NOT be classed as such and therefore I'm not included in the unemployed figures released today.

I wonder how many other people are in the same situation? Out of work, but because we are claiming a tax refund then we are not unemployed as far as the Government and their stats are concerned.

As far as I'm concerned the latest and no doubt other unemployed figures are not a true reflection of the actual numbers. The whole bloody system stinks!

Rant over!
Last edited by Christies Child on Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby darrenlock » Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:43 am


I'm included im now out of work for 6 months and the taxes i used too pay is running out soon god knows how but short story.
I worked for a agentcy Best Connections did 4 days in kendal working nights in a chocolate factory got paid £109 plus i had to pay £15 for transport so that's £95 , £95 for 4days and the extra tax i paid i don't recieve a rebate even though i was made reduntant from a chicken factory that burnt down .

Gordan Brown you idiot great britain tax everythink we spend cash when we dont have it why because we have families boy dont get me angry about cost of driving aghh.

Not much work in Lancaster and what do job center do for me tell me too work for free for 30days and if i do this i might get a job of the company wow.
Parminment its time you cap migration immigration be harsh like usa and australia make benefits not a way of life make it a emergentcy i tell you what it makes me sick when people work in england and cant speak language and it soo wrong.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Number 1 » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:07 pm

These taxi firms are always wanting drivers. Don't you fancy that CC?

That's not being funny, just a suggestion, is there any reason that unemployed professionals couldn't do something like that?
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Christies Child » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:13 pm


Just spoken to the TAX office to explain the position re:P45. They agree that the need to be no longer classed as unemplyed to receive a TAX refund has and will continue to cause problems to people in my situation.

However the reason given is that the Job Centre and HM Revenue and Customs are unable to communicate between the departments as their systems have not been designed to do so. In other words although Government Departments, they have different operating systems to conduct their business. I wonder if the Ministry of Defence communicates with Foreign Office. I have this stupid vision of the MOD saying 'Hey chaps we've gone to war. Did you know?'

Ever heard of the telephone or even e-Mail.... :?: :?:


As a result I'm now officially no longer unemployed in the Governments view for statistical reasons! :? :? :?
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Christies Child » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:26 pm

Number 1 wrote:These taxi firms are always wanting drivers. Don't you fancy that CC?

That's not being funny, just a suggestion, is there any reason that unemployed professionals couldn't do something like that?


Have considered that and have spoken to a local taxi company but nothing doing.

Have applied for 193 jobs and had feed back from 21. Interviews to date 5. When I've followed up each and every application, you are lucky if they will tell you the reason or if via an agency the job doesn't exist more often than not! Either over qualified (in their eyes), too old or lack experience in a particular sector eg Sale / Marketing of medical equipment.

There are only so many rooms in our house that I can decorate..but at least it's coming round to gardening time again....and of course there's always SVs :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Heysham_Shrimp » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:31 pm

There will be some managerial positions at a certain new football stadium soon.

No need to climb the bushes at pre season training then :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Christies Child » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:41 pm

Heysham_Shrimp wrote:There will be some managerial positions at a certain new football stadium soon.

[b]No need to climb the bushes at pre season training then :lol: :lol: :lol:
:oops: :oops: :oops:

As for the new Arena..I'd love it.
:) :) :)
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby darrenlock » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:47 pm

I'd love a job at new stadium anywhere if its full time because i get working tax credit come april15 thank god

Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby heysham_mfc » Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:16 pm

me too anyone know if there are going to be any jobs because I will be out of work from the end of June
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Stewie » Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:27 pm

Parminment its time you cap migration immigration be harsh like usa and australia make benefits not a way of life make it a emergentcy i tell you what it makes me sick when people work in england and cant speak language and it soo wrong

If a worker from the EU can do a job better and/or for less money then the problem is not with them!

Maybe more people out of work should lower their expectations and do the jobs the immigrants are doing for the same pay?

Also I bet most of them can spell much better than some people on here.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby darrenlock » Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:33 pm

Oi what you on about i went to school got brillant grades worked hard and lost my job because the place burnt down . Ive been trying to work in a chocolate factory and dessert factory been i lowered my expectation going from Estate agent 25,000 a year and now working in a factory earning 12,000 a year.
Now im on agentcy books because of companies decide to go this route now im lucky if i get work 2 days a week even though i got excellent attendance and i dont mind working in rubbish jobs , but now the polish take them all cant speak English i hate this country.

Companies take advantage of migrants because in poland u earn £40 a week and in uk u can could earn £200 a average after tax.
It's disguesting when young people cant even find basic work because of eu countries.

Gordan Brown out UKIP in time for british workers to rise to the top again

Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby feelingguilty » Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:34 pm

Hopefully this will be helpful it is how intended.

It is now nearly 15 years since I was unemployed - horrible experience. In sheer frustration, unable to find work I decided to set up my own business - whilst its not made me rich it pays the bills and provides a bit of spending money.

Was a terrifying prospect at the time - dont even know if this is an option but worth thinkking about.

Good luck whatever.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Keith » Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:07 pm

darrenlock wrote:Companies take advantage of migrants because in poland u earn £40 a week and in uk u can could earn £200 a average after tax.

Or, if you want to use real figures instead of made up ones, in 2008 the average wage in Poland was 3979Zl per month, which just happens to be £870 per month, which, by happy coincidence... is £200 per week. (Source UK Govt Dept Trade & Industry & xe.com)

The difference is the rate of high tax paid in Poland and a previously high unemployment rate which led to increased migrant activity. Statistically more Polish people are now leaving the UK and returning as UK unemployment rises and tax hikes are inevitable.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Ady » Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:09 pm

darrenlock wrote:Oi what you on about i went to school got brillant grades worked hard and lost my job because the place burnt down .

And this shows how easy it is to get decent grades these days!!
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby darrenlock » Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:13 pm

Really i speak to polish i work with , and i get told the wages are poor and have no choice but too stay in uk because many agentcies that will offer alot of work possible i worked in a chocolate factory and 20 people were on the shift i was the only englishman well except the line boss.

Im for worker's moving to uk but somethink is wrong where unemployment in the uk and risen higher very fast in last 1-2 years.

Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby North Stand Shrimp » Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:24 pm

In some cases the sheer volume of eastern bloc workers being available to businesses advertising lower skilled jobs has meant that a traditionally well paid job has become low paid! supply and demand etc.

A lot of people spout on about lazy Brits that won't do the jobs that the eastern bloc workers will, rubbish!! who the hell was doing these jobs before they came over?

The thing is now that they are migrating back home the businesses that have profited from paying a low wage work force are unable to find Brits willing to work for the pay that these jobs are now advertised at. Pay a decent wage, that a family can actually live off and is worth working for rather than claiming benefits and there will be a flood of applicants!

Of course the one big problem is that due to the credit crunch and financial crisis we've been through, businesses won't/can't do this.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby darrenlock » Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:36 pm

That is probably the most sense i've ever heard on shrimpsvoices north.
I know friends that worked same job 5-10 years now cant get the same job after being made redundant from to sisters food group.
I dont mind eu workers but they take advantage from a weak system in uk, i get told from many poles how english r lazy workshy and i think erm hell no.
We work hard but we do have some dodgy people that play the benefit system.Just like i know polish families that play the system once in uk because it is so easy i get told id rather die than be unemployed for over a year.

Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby Sammy h » Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:12 pm

I think some people should lay off Darren Lock, silly little comments on here might make you feel big behind a keyboard, but it doesn't impress anybody.

It's been going on for ages, he obviously has difficulty spelling some words. Give the guy a break FFS.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby darrenlock » Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:24 pm

I do have spelling difficulties so i try really hard to correct spell .

I write cockney slang alot i know it is wrong as i am from essex , but no excuses for my stupid speeling but cc i understand where you are coming from i am in the same boat.

Boy job center is so funny i get the felling with jsa it is all a joke.
Hope more Morecambe/Lancashire employer's take more work forces on im not fussy i dont really like call centers so dull sitting down 8 hours lol.

Morecambe The Globe if your looking for work i work as Christie the Cat sidekick whenever he is tired boy was her funny last night in North Stand and whn on pitch and fell on his a$$ i went red when i gave him a cuddle lol.

Onwards and upwards .

Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby George Dawes » Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:28 pm

Sammy h wrote:I think some people should lay off Darren Lock, silly little comments on here might make you feel big behind a keyboard, but it doesn't impress anybody.

It's been going on for ages, he obviously has difficulty spelling some words. Give the guy a break FFS.

what he said.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby morecambe mick » Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:48 pm

DawZi wrote:
Sammy h wrote:I think some people should lay off Darren Lock, silly little comments on here might make you feel big behind a keyboard, but it doesn't impress anybody.

It's been going on for ages, he obviously has difficulty spelling some words. Give the guy a break FFS.

what he said.

Him too.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby darrenlock » Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:50 pm

I think some people should lay off Darren Lock, silly little comments on here might make you feel big behind a keyboard, but it doesn't impress anybody.

It's been going on for ages, he obviously has difficulty spelling some words. Give the guy a break FFS.

me too ;)

Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby shrimpnsave » Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:17 pm

darrenlock wrote:I think some people should lay off Darren Lock, silly little comments on here might make you feel big behind a keyboard, but it doesn't impress anybody.

It's been going on for ages, he obviously has difficulty spelling some words. Give the guy a break FFS.

me too ;)

count me in :D :lol:
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby bigreddog » Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:49 pm

I've actually read this thread with a great deal of interest. My sympathies CC for your situation. I've been unemployed twice in the last ten years, one because of redundancy and the second because my own businesses went belly up. I have to say my experience very much echoes yours. It's absolutely demoralising going through the applications process, and people rarely bother to even have the basic courtesy to tell you that you haven't made the shortlist. It's a very depressing time. My other experience was that on both occassions "job centre plus" was absolutely useless. on both occassions I was entitled to nothing from them, and they seemed lost when trying to direct you to any worthwhile jobs. their expectations also seemed to be geared to me being 18, with multiple kids all with different fathers, none of which fits my description.

I don't blame employers for trying to keep costs down, but I would personally like to see a sector agreed average wage as opposed to the national minimum wage always being the benchmark. a qualified and skilled tradesman shouldn't have to sell their skills at nmw just to have to compete with someone from the former eastern block, and by the way, there's no reason why those migrants with the appropriate skills should have to sell themselves short either. the only people who end up benefiting are big companies making big profits for big shareholder value.

Todays unemployement figures are confusing to say the least. the number of people unemployed is down, but the number of people claiming jobsekers allowance, or what we all used to call unemployment benefit, is up? go figure. I thought i was good at maths, but that's confused the crap out of me.

either way CC, the best of luck to you on your quest. we could all do with a fresh start with a company that values passion and experience. hell, I'd move jobs if I could find something like that.
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Re: O/T CC's rant..you've been warned!

Postby George Dawes » Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:23 pm

i just wished we wasn't in the EU and, and tried to more self sufficient with import restrictions

and in general mind our own business in world affairs and stop taking lead roles in wars and other peoples problems etc and back the UN when needed like other Countries

then we might have more work & money to ourselves
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