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Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:48 pm
by heysham_mfc ... -25799497/

BBC North West Tonight reported that the players refused to travel so make your own mind up about who is correct. You do though have to fell for the real Chester City fans who put money and time into the club supporting them.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:05 pm
by darrenlock
Fans don't complain about the Morecambe stadium name and the crest ideas only 2-3 seasons ago Morecambe were a conference with low attendances,And easy could of end up like a Chester where other fans turn back on Morecambe .

Good luck Chester hope you get a team together and somehow stay in business puts things into mind when we critise Morecambe over stupid ideas.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:03 am
by Keith
darrenlock wrote:only 2-3 seasons ago Morecambe were a conference with low attendances,And easy could of end up like a Chester where other fans turn back on Morecambe .

Sorry Darren, but I'm struggling to work out what you are trying to say. Do you read your posts back at all before you post? I've put punctuation in different places and come up with different meanings but the key point appears that you are comparing us with Chester and saying the same could have happened to us? I know you are a recent convert to the Shrimps but that is completely nonsense. Stephen Vaughan almost drove Barrow FC out of business and the FA's 'fit and proper person' test should have stopped him ever coming within a hundred miles of any other football director role. This was always going to happen to them and was never a danger of happening to us.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:10 am
by NeilG
Do you read your posts back at all before you post?

You do though have to fell for the real Chester City fans


Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:12 am
by campdave
I'm tired of the "other clubs are in worse situations than us so don't moan about the crest or stadium name" that's been going around since yesterday. I'm really pleased we have a responsible board and our club seems to be in a sound position, and moving forward, but it doesn't mean we can have (negative) opinions about things we don't like or disagree with.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:15 am
by Mark S
If they take away your right to negative opinions what would you be left with Dave? :o


Let me get this right. You are moaning about people moaning about the moaners? Is that right? :?


Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:11 am
by campdave
Mark S wrote:Let me get this right. You are moaning about people moaning about the moaners? Is that right? :?


Yep. Sod them :lol:

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:28 am
by Mark S

Brilliant. The bar has been raised! :D

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:04 am
by darrenlock

I was on about it was only a couple of season's ago , Chester were a well ran football team and i believed now that Morecambe could of easy of end like say like a team struggling in the conference because of low attendances.

I know im a first timer Morecambe fan this season but the attendances are very low consdering it's only £13 to get into the North Stand , and £12 Car Park Area bargain i say you get to watch a good physical team where some bigger teams don't realisle the quality of Morecambe.

I know Chester are in mess and i fell sorry for them and if Morecambe didn't get a promotion what situation could the club be in, i know we now got a new stadium mid table league 2 team at the worst,

If you look at many league team and conference teams, going into administration or having money worries by only point was Morecambe easy could of been like this .

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:09 am
by campdave
darrenlock wrote:Yeah.

I was on about it was only a couple of season's ago , Chester were a well ran football team and i believed now that Morecambe could of easy of end like say like a team struggling in the conference because of low attendances.

<Incoherent ramble snipped>

IT ISN'T ALL ABOUT ATTENDANCES. JESUS BLOODY CHRIST. CHESTER'S CHAIRMAN IS A... [Edit] close friend of Curtis Warren who he had on his 'team' when he owned Barrow FC. Curtis used to be Interpo's number 1 most wanted. Vaughan was 'investigated' for money laundering but as far as I know, never convicted..,_Sr.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:13 am
by darrenlock
I know the chairman is a muppet for what he did he should [edited out comment].
But clubs barly survive now due too attendances going down that is why clubs can't really buy player's anymore and chose to loan in player's.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:19 am
by campdave
Jesus wept.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:47 am
by Christies Child
campdave wrote:Jesus wept.

Having read some of the recent negative comments of late.....he wasn't the only one!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:07 pm
by campdave
Christies Child wrote:

Having read some of the recent negative comments of late.....he wasn't the only one!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Yes, let's never criticise anything to do with the club on shrimpsvoices, or wonder about the managers position if results had been different, or ponder on what the board may or may not have considered.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:48 pm
by shrimper
Can we cut Darren a bit of slack, chaps?

He isn't the most eloquent poster but we can't all be good at everything. He's a newbie to town and is taking an interest in his adopted club, which he tries to get down to as often as possible. I think that should be respected and applauded instead of us constantly having a go at the way he expresses himself (albeit it sometimes contributes to him giving out a slightly confused message).

I think (apologies if I'm wrong, Darren) the point he was making was that here we all are having a say about the ground name and the crest and putting forward (quite reasonably) some opinions - getting heated about it sometimes - when just down the road is another club that was on a par (and above) with us very recently and now looks like crumbling completely.

I don't think he was necessarily saying 'don't have an opinion' just 'put it in a bit of context'.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:23 pm
by darrenlock
Cheers Shrimper.

Well i've lived in Morecambe for 3 years and i plan to live here for the rest of my life, im originally from Woolwich. London so im a Charlton fan,but when i moved to Morecambe i had no interest in Morecambe i even got offered free transport and tickets all paid and i turn down the offer.
I go to Morecambe because i love football and since i live and going to live in Morecambe for many years to come i see it this way i went to watch Morecambe Augest2009 vs Hereford and i remember them scoring a late goal 2-2 and i was like well im having this every week.

I posted on here talking about Chester not knowing the full facts or the history of why Chester got in this position,and my point was Morecambe are a family ran club and i thought it was just like Chester were now i found out i was Wrong.
But Chester City is a nightmare Marc Warren was a nasty bloke that tryed to buy a local team well not him but people he knew they tryed buying Colchester United in 2003 i remember this , the locals went mental.
Well question is why does Morecambe only get 1800 average when in the play-off final the amount of fans were must benn 20,000+.

I don't people if they negative about my views im a person that takes the good with the bads and i respect people's opinions.

Life is to short to worry about petty views.

Any-one got last season in Large size top away kit? i can buy

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:35 pm
by shrimper
Darren, you've got a PM.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:39 pm
by Christies Child
Ignore the personal attacks and jibes Darren...there are a very small number of SVs (no names mentioned ;) ) who are in serious need of a personality transplant!

Keep posting your thoughts and opinions.

There's that familiar statement of 'don't let the bast****......etc..etc..etc' that applies most adequately!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:41 pm
by darrenlock
Believe me i don't listen to negative thought's i just frustrated alot but that's life.

I'm little bit more happier now i got some work in a flower shop you found any work CC im in same boat i work in Chicken factory and was about to get my forklift license like a week after the fire im so unlucky lol.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:42 pm
by darrenlock
shrimper im from E$$ex what does pm mean, i think (Prime Minister) no thanks im not labour lier Gordan Brown .

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:54 pm
by Christies Child
darrenlock wrote:Believe me i don't listen to negative thought's i just frustrated alot but that's life.

I'm little bit more happier now i got some work in a flower shop you found any work CC im in same boat i work in Chicken factory and was about to get my forklift license like a week after the fire im so unlucky lol.

Been told by a retired Human Resources Director that I'm too old at 59. If it was a choice between myself and somebody less experienced but 49 the company would go for the 49 year old.

Often wonder if it's worth creating job specific CVs and completing Application forms that can take up to 4 hours to complete properly when 9 times out of 10 you don't even get a reply and refuse all telephone enquiries. The other day I was contacted by a 'so called' professional CV writer who wanted £300 to evaluate and re-write mine as apporopriate. F***ing shark!

Now I've been told that I'm no longer entitled to any more money as my wife's P/T income exceeds the maximum weekly income that the state say that a couple can live on of £100 per week. Life sucks!

Sorry fellow SVs....todays CC rant now over! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:03 pm
by darrenlock
Damm well i'm 23 24 April going Bradford away for that one.

Well i recently got made reduntant along with 150-200 workers and the money u got from this was absolutly rubbish im on Job seekers well on off whenever i find work of a agentcy.
Agentcy make me laugh when they say we'll find u work then a week in your job has gone.
Frustration this is Britain and its going downhill due to umemployment and Migration im not saying migration is wrong but surly the governement have to think .
When Gordan Brown said British jobs for british people and now unemployment in the under25 is the third worst in europe its shocking i get £50 job seeker's im lucky i got a wonderful girlfriend without her i would be angry.

Bring in UKIP

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:22 pm
by Christies Child
Just get yourself ready for a round of verbal abuse from a very small section of SVs with regards to our rants about 'how shit life can be'.....

I'd like to see some of the clowns on here survive with all the usual household bills as well as general living costs on £100 a week that Brown and his fellow MPs think is enough for a couple to survive on.

It makes their expences claims even more unacceptable. :evil: :evil: :evil:

By the way has anybody been watching the current programme where 4 MPs experience life in 'on the bread line'.

Austin Mitchell really is an out and out pillock!

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:39 pm
by campdave
Christies Child wrote:Ignore the personal attacks and jibes Darren...there are a very small number of SVs (no names mentioned ;) ) who are in serious need of a personalty transplant!

Go on CC, name them.

If people would really rather I didn't post here, just say and I won't.

Ironic that you tell Darren to ignore the personal jabs, while dishing some out yourself.

Re: Chester City - the drama continues

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:42 pm
by USA Shrimp
Alright everyone, calm down. Calm down.

<adopts curly perm wig and shell suit>