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Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:52 pm
by forces shrimp
Merry Christmas to all Shrimps fans and a happy new year. Will not be there this boxing day as i am in thye Air Force and serving in the Falkland Islands so will miss the mighty Shrimps do the Stanley, but have a beer for me and lets hope for a good result and enjoy your day.

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:12 pm
by Keith
and we thought we were cold!

Have a good one down there, go p-p-p-pick up a penguin!

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:54 pm
by outsider
I will proudly raise my glass to you and all our serving personel and there familys.

stay safe each and every one of you.

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:10 pm
by Plain Peter
Roast lamb or Penguin for Xmas lunch?
Summer down there at the moment, so life on the Islands should be bearable.
I was thereabouts during Op Corporate in 1982 on HMS HERMES.
It was mighty cold and miserable in the South Atlantic in April, May and June.
Them there exocets, Super Etendard and Mirages help keep us warm though.
Food was often rationed, and I got a liking for brocoli flavouredf ice-cream.
Have a good Xmas.

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:40 pm
by ockers
thoughts from Stanley about Stanley? :D
A very merry christmas to you!!!!

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:59 pm
by Mark S
Thousands of miles away from family at Christmas. Sounds like Heaven! :lol:

Only kidding. All the best to you. Keep up the good job you and your colleagues do.

A Merry Christmas to you and to all Shrimps fans, wherever you are! :D

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:18 pm
by seasonsinthesun
Mark S wrote:Thousands of miles away from family at Christmas. Sounds like Heaven! :lol:

Only kidding. All the best to you. Keep up the good job you and your colleagues do.

A Merry Christmas to you and to all Shrimps fans, wherever you are! :D

Thanks Mark S for another great year on the mike!! Me and my lad sit just in front of the press box and you do a fantastic job. I always smile when you give the name of an opposition scorer in that understated fed up way. Keep up the good work and seasons greetings to you and yours.

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:41 pm
by Stanley Bowles
Merry xmas son ,its great to see you are in good spirit we are both very proud of you. The Shrimps should be well secured in the play offs the time you come home. Ill treat to you to the sponsors lounge when you get back on terafirma my xmas treat you lad. Keep safe love mum and our Stanley :lol: :D :D :D

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:49 am
by Aspers
Goodonya Forces Shrimp.

My glass will be raised to you this evening.
(As if I ever need an excuse)

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:15 am
by Crazeenick
Merry Christmas Forces Shrimp.

Our thoughts are with you and all colleagues serving overseas in the armed services. You are all doing a great job. Stay safe.

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:34 am
by Plain Peter
Do the locals in Stanley still get nicknamed 'Stills' by you Crabs and Pongos?

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:54 am
by Stanley Bowles
The locals are known as still Benies bless them God Safe The Queen :D

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:57 am
by Plain Peter
Stanley Bowles wrote:The locals known as still Benies bless them God Safe The Queen :D

And Maggie, for giving us that opportunity :o

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:22 pm
by middletonshrimp
Maybe Stanley can get one against the Stanley to please our shrimp in Stanley !!

Re: Merry Christmas from the Falkland Islands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:44 pm
by Plain Peter
middletonshrimp wrote:Maybe Stanley can get one against the Stanley to please our shrimp in Stanley !!

Not exactly a bit of aliteration, but I get the nudge, wink, wink ;)