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a miracle

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:58 am
by mrpotatohead
in these days of economic misery, i was feeling a bit down tonight, so i decided to lower my fat sweaty carcass into a buble bath , i put on my michael bubbly cassette, sat back, ripped open my ginsters pie, and a miracle happened, the scum and soap at the tap end formed the face of danny carlton, i shouted, bitch, bring up the instamatic, and then dropped my corned beef pasty into the water, it happened, i swear, he was there, i swear, and then my dream vansished for now, like grounds in my coffee, do any other shrimps voices have miracles to report that they have managed to record :?: :?:

Re: a miracle

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:58 am
by Dragofly
Yes!!! On the Sunday morning after the Northampton game. I was seriously questioning the sanity of continuing to spend £30 a match watching Morecambe as I reached for a slice of toast at breakfast. Low and behold there stareing back at me was a picture of Sammy somehow manifest in the toast. The toast then went on to explain the whole toilet/car crash debacle and promised that things would improve by christmas.

I have sent the toast to the National Football Museum on the proviso that it is kept in Preston

Re: a miracle

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:03 am
by ezz
:lol: It's been too long since your last great piece of work

Re: a miracle

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:14 pm
by Burnley Shrimp
You can get too much of a good thing and if he was putting it on all the time it would no doub't get boring.

However just a little bit of Drago Fly's wacky humour every now and again really makes this board a funnier place to be. Has me in stitches :D