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ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:24 pm
by shrimpnsave
TV’s Most Haunted is filming around Morecambe & Lancaster this week. the Winter Gardens seems to be there first port of call and then dr.buck ruxton who killed his wife and maid and cut them both up in the bath.Rumour has it they may be drawn to mfc and perform a Exorcism of unwanted spirits :twisted: :twisted:

and before anyone starts.........

its a bit of light hearted banter :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:56 pm
by lancasterlivi
i drove past the WG this aft at 1350, and there must of been 25 folks queing up then!...

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:32 pm
by ockers
its been on since saturday...........

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:18 pm
by P/T Indie
It's great publicity for the area a full week at different local locations.

But what a load of rubbish :lol:

I have been in the Carlton more times than I can and can't remember and I am fairly sure that is not haunted.

They told the Ruxton story fairly well the other night though so they had done their research.

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:24 pm
by ockers
P/T Indie wrote:It's great publicity for the area a full week at different local locations.

But what a load of rubbish :lol:

I have been in the Carlton more times than I can and can't remember and I am fairly sure that is not haunted.

They told the Ruxton story fairly well the other night though so they had done their research.

did they tell you where the bath ended up then?

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:40 pm
by heysham_mfc
don't belive in this sort of stuff but it puts the area on the map which can only be a good thing even if you are going to get killed :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:44 pm
by Star08
Early this season, whilst watching a game in the car wash stand near the centre line, I heard an old chap to my left tell me the team would do ok even tho they were playing badly at the time ... the weird thing was there was no-one there :o but I hope he was right, even if I was just imagining it.

Anyway I have it on good authority that the programme makers visiting our hallowed shores do a lot of research before a show. A friend knows of them finding out about, and making contact with, a ghost in a pub... but they didn't find out this ghost story had been created as a tourist attraction. :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:47 pm
by heysham_mfc
there is a ghost who does not like Morecambe FC very much he is also a defender he goes to all Morecambe games and when Morecambe have a chance to score he runs into the pitch and clears the ball away

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:54 pm
by bigreddog
Maybe Sammy could try pissing in all four corners of the pitch like Barry Fry did a few years back. It might just improve our results. what it wont do is improve the absolute tosh on Most Haunted. But like you say, it puts the area in the public eye if nothing else, not sure what kind of public though.

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:57 pm
by P/T Indie
Just watched the Carlton one and the best line was " the floor is very sticky" the famous Carlton sticky floor makes it on to national tv :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:03 pm
by Star08
bigreddog wrote:Maybe Sammy could try pissing in all four corners of the pitch like Barry Fry did a few years back. It might just improve our results. what it wont do is improve the absolute tosh on Most Haunted. But like you say, it puts the area in the public eye if nothing else, not sure what kind of public though.

Can't be much worse than when the builders who worked on renovating The Midland appeared on Coast saying what a dump Morecambe is :evil:

P/T Indie wrote:Just watched the Carlton one and the best line was " the floor is very sticky" the famous Carlton sticky floor makes it on to national tv :lol:

At least they've said something that can be substantiated!!! :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:30 am
by Andy
And I've picked a few dead ones up there in the past !!!!!! :o :o :o :lol: :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:26 pm
by Suzi Quatro
The whole programme is a joke and only people with a poor eduaction will attend such an event. Who would want to sit in a ramshackle state of a building such as The Winter Gardens on the premise that it is haunted. The events in the programme were pre recorded as well as being staged.
The only feelings I pick up when I enter the Winter Gardens is about an organisation that is pursuing a lost cause. There are individuals involved in the Friends within the hierachy who seemingly have very little understanding in the dynamics of The arts and Theatre management, however they are good at promoting thier own egos within Morecambe.
It is a sad day when all that The Winter Gardens is famous for is showing bog standard T.V programmes about places that are supposed to have a few ghosts. The programme lacked any scientific opinion to counter the claims.

It is time a team invaded the Winter Gardens in order to show the Friends where they are going wrong. If there are no changes in the management of The Friends there will be a risk that The Winter Gardens will be still in The Status Quo in another forty years.

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:31 pm
by mellow
Morecambe - The Eight faces of evil!

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:51 am
by P/T Indie
The council should try and get some tourism going with ghost walks around the city and try and attract a few people who have been watching on TV.

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:32 am
by North Stand Shrimp
P/T Indie wrote:The council should try and get some tourism going with ghost walks around the city and try and attract a few people who have been watching on TV.

Why do people always say the Council should do this, or the council should do that? If there was a viable business opportunity then a company would be knocking down the doors of the Winter Gardens wanting to offer such tours.

I overheard a certain councillor with a vested interest in the Winter Gardens asking why it was that Living TV could come and do so much for the Winter gardens and area and yet the council do nothing?

Staging a faked Ghost Hunt for TV to create revenue for a TV channel through commercial breaks and text-in participation is far from a sustainable business plan for the Winter Gardens future!

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:44 am
by Freez
Does anybody post anything positive anymore? Every thread seems to end up in some moan or whinge? Anyways, Buck Ruxtons bath was removed from his house on Dalton Square and taken away as evidence, (seemingly he dismembered the unforunate victims in it), it was obviously never returned and now resides at Hutton Police Headquarters as the water trough for the Police Horses stabled there? Is that right Ockers?

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:48 am
by Richard Head
P/T Indie wrote:The council should try and get some tourism going with ghost walks around the city and try and attract a few people who have been watching on TV.

They already do this. We went on one that started at the Castle then went to the Judges Lodgings, Three Mariners, Grand Theatre and Buck Ruxton's

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:51 am
by Christies Child
Freez wrote:Does anybody post anything positive anymore? Every thread seems to end up in some moan or whinge? Anyways, Buck Ruxtons bath was removed from his house on Dalton Square and taken away as evidence, (seemingly he dismembered the unforunate victims in it), it was obviously never returned and now resides at Hutton Police Headquarters as the water trough for the Police Horses stabled there? Is that right Ockers?

.....the first amount of steel work for the new stadium has been delivered and is now being erected...
.....we're gonna get 3 points on a Saturday...
.....Sammy Mc will insist on playing attractive football...
.....a regular poster will get a job...and stop beng a pain in the arse! many more positives do you want? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:53 am
by Keith
North Stand Shrimp wrote:Why do people always say the Council should do this, or the council should do that? If there was a viable business opportunity then a company would be knocking down the doors of the Winter Gardens wanting to offer such tours.

If a ghost walk tour of the Winter Gardens made a £50 loss, but brought twenty people in to the town, who were all booked in to B&B's and went out for meals in the local area, each spending £60, then the local economy benefits to the tune of £3,000 for an investment by the council of £50. So in isolation, it is not a viable business but as a way of promoting the town, it is.

Obviously, I'm not for one moment suggesting that it should be done, simply using an example to illustrate why sometimes the council are the best organisation to do things, that a for profit company wouldn't. A similar example could be the council's preferential loan to MFC to build the North Stand on the basis that our success brings greater benefit to the town (as has been proved).

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:05 am
by North Stand Shrimp
Keith wrote:
North Stand Shrimp wrote:Why do people always say the Council should do this, or the council should do that? If there was a viable business opportunity then a company would be knocking down the doors of the Winter Gardens wanting to offer such tours.

If a ghost walk tour of the Winter Gardens made a £50 loss, but brought twenty people in to the town, who were all booked in to B&B's and went out for meals in the local area, each spending £60, then the local economy benefits to the tune of £3,000 for an investment by the council of £50. So in isolation, it is not a viable business but as a way of promoting the town, it is.

Obviously, I'm not for one moment suggesting that it should be done, simply using an example to illustrate why sometimes the council are the best organisation to do things, that a for profit company wouldn't. A similar example could be the council's preferential loan to MFC to build the North Stand on the basis that our success brings greater benefit to the town (as has been proved).

Although your quite right about it being a great idea for promoting the town, at the moment the council are being asked to cut budgets, cut staff and cut services. How on earth do they find the money and justify a loss making project? I think a £50 loss is no where near what your looking at when you look at all the bureacracy that goes with health and safety etc, plus a tour guides wage, plus the work that would have to be carried out on the Winter Gardens, plus the advertising and marketing of the tours that would be needed to get any kind of numbers of outside tourists in to justify it all.

The production team that are making Most haunted have spent a lot of money to give the illusion that the Winter Gardens looks to be in a fit state to lead ghost tours around. The reality is that a lot of expensive work would need to be carried out on the building to get it to look like it does on TV at the moment. If you go around the back you will see the amount of back room support is needed!!

Like another poster said, there already is a ghost tour covering a lot of the landmarks that are being covered in the programme anyway.

Back to P/T indie's post, I didn't disagree that it's a great idea just that like most things it comes down to money and unless it's a viable business venture in itself I don't think it will ever happen. Perhaps the money that is going into keeping the Dome going could be spent better here?

As for the MFC preferential Loan, that's completely different as it was a loan made to a viable business and to be paid back. If the Friends of The Winter Gardens wants a preferential loan to undertake the tours themselves then I have no problem with that at all as longs as its paid back.

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:08 am
by marky No.1
bigreddog wrote:Maybe Sammy could try pissing in all four corners of the pitch like Barry Fry did a few years back.

He may already do this? I recall Carl Baker a couple of years ago say " the gaffer would go off and piss all over the place during training" :o

So that's p***** on your suggestion!

:lol: :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:01 pm
by Keith
North Stand Shrimp wrote:
Although your quite right about it being a great idea for promoting the town, at the moment the council are being asked to cut budgets, cut staff and cut services. How on earth do they find the money and justify a loss making project? I think a £50 loss is no where near what your looking at when you look at all the bureacracy that goes with health and safety etc, plus a tour guides wage, plus the work that would have to be carried out on the Winter Gardens, plus the advertising and marketing of the tours that would be needed to get any kind of numbers of outside tourists in to justify it all.

The point I was trying to make was in answer to your specific question, that there are times that councils act in a different manner to businesses, and quite rightly so. Returning to my example, if it cost £20 per person (x 20 people) to do the tour but cost £450 for the costs that you suggested, then that is a £50 loss. If all 20 people came from Morecambe, then it is not worth the council putting it on for any financial reason. However, if they all come from out of town, stay the night in a local B&B and eat out in Morecambe, then it may be financially appropriate because of the investment? I'm not talking about the Winter Gardens or ghost walks specifically but the principle.

PS I'd love to do a tour of the Winter Gardens, I haven't been inside there for about 35 years!

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:04 pm
by North Stand Shrimp
Keith wrote: The point I was trying to make was in answer to your specific question, that there are times that councils act in a different manner to businesses, and quite rightly so. Returning to my example, if it cost £20 per person (x 20 people) to do the tour but cost £450 for the costs that you suggested, then that is a £50 loss. If all 20 people came from Morecambe, then it is not worth the council putting it on for any financial reason. However, if they all come from out of town, stay the night in a local B&B and eat out in Morecambe, then it may be financially appropriate because of the investment? I'm not talking about the Winter Gardens or ghost walks specifically but the principle.

Fair point Keith.

Keith wrote:PS I'd love to do a tour of the Winter Gardens, I haven't been inside there for about 35 years!

I'd love a good look round too! do you think Evelyn would give us a guided tour? :lol:

Re: ghostbusters in town.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:27 pm
by mrpotatohead
They would all bring their own sandwiches and flasks, get here for free with their bus passes, and probably become ill here because they are not used to fresh salt air, oh bugger, i was trying to be supposative, i mean, so possitive, anyway my tea is getting cold, i will get back to my beef curtains :lol: :lol: