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No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:49 pm
by Stanley Bowles
No wonder all the good work of previous seasons is being undone. Do you really want to see us back in the non league playing at the new christie park ,keep on hanging yourself and you will. This team now will come good GET BEHIND THEM WHATEVER. :D

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:52 pm
by alwaysright
Are you for real, was you at the game yesterday ?? have you seen the league table ??

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:55 pm
by Stanley Bowles
Im always there its only one game ,where were you at nelson darwin coln etc

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:01 pm
by George Dawes
are you Mark Lillis is disguise :?: :lol:

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:09 pm
by marky
Why the assumption that the dissenters weren't fans when we were in the Northern Premier League? It always makes me laugh when people come out with that one.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:14 pm
by Stanley Bowles
well were you :roll:

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:38 pm
by mrpotatohead
With all due respect mr bowles, its kinda traditional for fans to let off steam when things are going wrong :evil: :evil:

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:45 pm
by Curly
Stanley Bowles wrote:No wonder all the good work of previous seasons is being undone. Do you really want to see us back in the non league playing at the new christy park ,keep on hanging yourself and you will. This team now will come good GET BEHIND THEM WHATEVER. :D

Well said that man.

mrpotatohead wrote:With all due respect mr bowles, its kinda traditional for fans to let off steam when things are going wrong :evil: :evil:

Letting off steam on here is ok,
Booing your team off the pitch, is at best, sad as f...........

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:48 pm
by mrpotatohead
I never have and never will boo our team off, but the frustration is getting a bit much, as is the blind faith, if sammy did leave would all his blinkered lemmings go with him :?: :?:

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:57 pm
by Curly
I know you wouldn't boo your team off the pitch, but i think stanley bowles post was dedicated
to the boo boys behind the goals.
If SM did leave, not that i want that, I'd still be here.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:30 pm
by marky
Stanley Bowles wrote:well were you :roll:

I well remember the freezing trips to Emley, the mudbaths of Droylsden, etc. Several members of my family have supported Morecambe for over 50 years and that doesn't stop them wanting Sammy to be removed from his post. We were crap and we've come a long way. That doesn't mean we should stand still. As a football club we cannot afford to be relegated and I personally believe that Sammy has reached a natural end.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:47 am
by HALMA 1983
Stanley Bowles wrote:Im always there its only one game ,where were you at nelson darwin colne etc

I can go back further than that but it doesn't mean I know any better than anyone else on here

It's the present situation we find ourselves in that needs debating and most of all rectifying.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:04 am
by Mark S
marky wrote:
Stanley Bowles wrote:well were you :roll:

I well remember the freezing trips to Emley, the mudbaths of Droylsden, etc. Several members of my family have supported Morecambe for over 50 years and that doesn't stop them wanting Sammy to be removed from his post. We were crap and we've come a long way. That doesn't mean we should stand still. As a football club we cannot afford to be relegated and I personally believe that Sammy has reached a natural end.

Marky you have been calling for Sammy's head for a long time. Its personal and you know it.

You are one of the more vocal members on here, and you seem to be actively rubbing your hands together that we are having a poor run. I am sure you do want us to succeed but you dont come across that way. You are obviously an intelligent chap who can see beyond a string of poor results and knee jerk reactions, so I can only deduce that it is personal for you and possibly the family.

As for the Sammy out campaign. i would have thought that living in Newcastle you would have seen at close hand what getting rid of a perfectly good manager (Sam Allardice) on the back of a few poor results does for a club.

The board is going to back Sammy right til the end of the season, so we all need to get on and do the same.

I am always going to listen to well respected indivduals like Rod Taylor and Peter McGuigan rather that a bitter man who used to come to matches. Sorry.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:27 am
by marky
The only person who has made this personal is you. Every time I post on here, you don't comment on that, you use it to make a personal attack on me. You may not agree with my stance on Sammy McIlroy but there really is no need to once again accuse me of being bitter, etc. For the record, I don't think getting rid of him would be knee jerk. It would be based on the fact that he's not as good a manager as some like to think and the fact I believe others could do a better job. As for your Newcastle comment, the two aren't comparable. Big Ram barely had 5 minutes in the job. His sacking was the epitomy of kneejerk. I don't believe Sammy's would. Finally, this is a fans message board and, regardless of what you think of me, I am a fan.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:44 am
by Wild Bill
Curly wrote:Letting off steam on here is ok,
Booing your team off the pitch, is at best, sad as f...........

There is a massive difference between abusing players throughout the game and booing on the final whistle after what ended up being a shocking result.

I supported the team throughout the game, even when we were a couple of goals down but felt the urge to boo at the end. There was no way I was going to stay and applaud them off the pitch after the way they fell apart and simply gave-up. But I will be back again with my full support no matter where they are in the table.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:54 am
by Christies Child
Marky you have been calling for Sammy's head for a long time. Its personal and you know it.

You are one of the more vocal members on here, and you seem to be actively rubbing your hands together that we are having a poor run. I am sure you do want us to succeed but you dont come across that way. You are obviously an intelligent chap who can see beyond a string of poor results and knee jerk reactions, so I can only deduce that it is personal for you and possibly the family.

As for the Sammy out campaign. i would have thought that living in Newcastle you would have seen at close hand what getting rid of a perfectly good manager (Sam Allardice) on the back of a few poor results does for a club.

The board is going to back Sammy right til the end of the season, so we all need to get on and do the same.
I am always going to listen to well respected indivduals like Rod Taylor and Peter McGuigan rather that a bitter man who used to come to matches. Sorry.[/quote]

...and that is what worries me.

Irrespective of league position? Irrespective of the long term serious financial repercussions?

There is too much at stake for no corrective action to be taken IF the current situation persists into the New Year.

Throwing more money at a problem doesn't always resolve things.

Sammy WILL always be acclaimed and credited with getting us into the league. No argument there. But everybody has their sell by date in football management. Even those who have achieved so much and delivered the most improbable of dreams.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:54 am
by alwaysright
Wildbill, i totally agree with what you say, as a paying public we are entitled to voice our opinion, the players all accept the plaudits when they play well etc so they should accept the stick they get when they put n a performance like they did on saturday, after all they are men not boys.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:56 am
by P/T Indie
Mr Bowles

Were there any positives in ASDA yesterday hope you got some bargins :lol:

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:04 am
by Keith
Christies Child wrote:...and that is what worries me.

Irrespective of league position? Irrespective of the long term serious financial repercussions?


Irrespective of everything beyond "for as long as the board back SMc". He who pays the piper calls the tune. I trust 100% what our board do and they are the ones who decide if what is going on at the club is in its best interests. It isn't Stephen Vaughan running our club, it's Peter McGuigan, Rod Taylor and others. So yes, irrespective of everything else, if they want to give Sammy until the end of the season "irrespective of league position", then that is fine by me*

*Won't stop me moaning if we have a repeat of Saturday... like I said elsewhere, take every comment (mine included!) with a pinch of salt! :roll:

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:56 am
by Mark S
marky wrote:The only person who has made this personal is you. Every time I post on here, you don't comment on that, you use it to make a personal attack on me. You may not agree with my stance on Sammy McIlroy but there really is no need to once again accuse me of being bitter, etc. For the record, I don't think getting rid of him would be knee jerk. It would be based on the fact that he's not as good a manager as some like to think and the fact I believe others could do a better job. As for your Newcastle comment, the two aren't comparable. Big Ram barely had 5 minutes in the job. His sacking was the epitomy of kneejerk. I don't believe Sammy's would. Finally, this is a fans message board and, regardless of what you think of me, I am a fan.

Not personal at all. I don't know you. As I said, it is the perception you are giving.

I am like you in the fact that I say what I see and I see a man hell bent on having a dig at the Manager every opportunity you get. Are you saying that I am not allowed to comment on that? I am sorry but I won't sit back and watch you stick the knife in at every opportunity. For a man who states that he enjoys pi**ing people off with forthright views, you don't seem to like it back your way.

Just a reminder. This time last year people were saying the same. We went on to be still within a chance of play offs up to our penultimate match. Go back further and some were saying the same in October of the season we eventually got promoted. It is the Boards choice, not ours. Thank God!

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:27 pm
by ockers
P/T Indie wrote:Mr Bowles

Were there any positives in ASDA yesterday hope you got some bargins :lol:

isnt JJ working there now?
was he trying to prise the great one out of retirement?

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:40 pm
by Stanley Bowles
Jj was in there ,but before i could ask him if i could be his agent he dropped his shoulder and lost me in the fresh veg isle :lol:

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:49 pm
by marky
Mark S wrote:Not personal at all. I don't know you. As I said, it is the perception you are giving.

I am like you in the fact that I say what I see and I see a man hell bent on having a dig at the Manager every opportunity you get. Are you saying that I am not allowed to comment on that? I am sorry but I won't sit back and watch you stick the knife in at every opportunity. For a man who states that he enjoys pi**ing people off with forthright views, you don't seem to like it back your way.

Just a reminder. This time last year people were saying the same. We went on to be still within a chance of play offs up to our penultimate match. Go back further and some were saying the same in October of the season we eventually got promoted. It is the Boards choice, not ours. Thank God!

Something which I freely acknowledged last week, if you care to read last week's response to your accusations about my supposed bitterness. I have no problem with people disagreeing with me and nor do I have a problem with your right to hold the position you do. But as far as I'm concerned, there's a difference between forthright debate and making personal attacks in the process of that debate. You have twice now called me bitter for expressing the views I hold.

Anyway, as I was responding on my phone earlier, I didn't really provide as full an answer as I would have liked. However, "Just a reminder. This time last year people were saying the same" goes some way as to explaining why I believe the conclusions I have come to are not knee jerk. In all of Sammy's full seasons in charge, we have started either poorly or indifferently. In the last two, he has appeared totally clueless as to his best side and formation for 10 or more games. I have long argued that such issues should be resolved in friendlies and I believe this is one of Sammy's major weaknesses. He can't keep relying on an about-turn in fortunes and runs like we had last season after christmas are generally rare. My opinions on Sammy have been formulated based on all his tenure. All fans will be forever grateful for what he was able to deliver us, myself included. But I do feel that the next stage of our development as a club will be best served by a new man being at the helm.

I don't for one moment believe our chairman will risk the unspeakable. The board have proved before that they can be totally ruthless when they dismissed Jim Harvey. I see no reason why, if they feel it is in the club's best interests, they wouldn't do that again. If we draw or lose on Saturday, I'd do it then. I don't expect them to, however. But if we're still down there at christmas it wouldn't surprise me at all should the axe be wielded. Hopefully it won't come to that.

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:03 pm
by ockers
Stanley Bowles wrote:Jj was in there ,but before i could ask him if i could be his agent he dropped his shoulder and lost me in the fresh veg isle :lol:

thats the funniest thing ive read on here in months

brilliant stanley!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i feel a player having worked in retail/shops thread quiz coming on

garry hunter home bargains
jj asda
nasher maccy dees
thommo jjb sports

any more???

Re: No positives

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:07 am
by Stanley Bowles
Ockers Rules OK 8-)