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Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:45 am
by broadwayshrimp
Anyone know what caused the the horrendous traffic jams coming through lancaster last night at about 6.30pm.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:31 am
by Shrimpman
probably roadworks outside revolution

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:41 am
by captain sparkle
Wasn't that cycle thing 'critical mess', sorry, mass, was it? brought forward a week to correspond with the break up of civilization, or of the schools.
I believe they play music while they cycle around now!

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:00 am
by halfwayliner
I have not got a clue,but does anybody know when they are going to finish them bl---y roadworks outside Revolution.The have nearly built a section of motorway since that job has started. How slow has this job been. :roll: :roll:

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:07 am
by Richard Head
halfwayliner wrote:I have not got a clue,but does anybody know when they are going to finish them bl---y roadworks outside Revolution.The have nearly built a section of motorway since that job has started. How slow has this job been. :roll: :roll:

I seem to remeber they started in early September and the signs said delays for 9 weeks. It would speed things up if there was someone working there all the time though. I have been past many times and there has been no sign of any workmen, just plenty of cones.

I tried to get round the traffic by going onto the Ridge last night but it was chaos up there as well with people trying to avoid the traffic

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:32 am
by Crazeenick
I think there had been an accident of some sort. My son was caught up in the jam and saw an ambulance with sirens/lights trying to get through.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:40 am
by DeeBee
The problems last night were caused by a massive queue on the M6 through the roadworks. Lots of traffic turned off at junction 33 or 34 and came through Lancaster. The northbound queue was back to junction 30 and down the M61 when I came back from Huddersfield.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:52 am
by Star08
I live near the railway station and have taken to travelling about 2 miles out of my way on way home to avoid the roadworks by Revolution - just glad I know the area well enough to know the back routes. Find it incredible that blocking off access to one road at a junction can cause so much chaos - never seemed to be that many cars using it before they blocked it off.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:32 am
by Christies Child
Are they working 24/7 to get the roadworks completed?

If they are only working during daylight hours and with the clocks changing tonight the amount of daytime working will be reduced.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:51 am
by George Dawes
Crazeenick wrote:I think there had been an accident of some sort. My son was caught up in the jam and saw an ambulance with sirens/lights trying to get through.

i was driving to Liverpool at 11.30ish on the M6 just past forton Northbound there was a caravan and another car on its roof with a ambulance and and a few casualty's

i got to Liverpool in 1hr 30 mins coming back took me about 3hrs 30mins easy with Lancaster town center traffic, although i wasnt in a rush coming back just hate sitting in traffic :evil:

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:14 pm
by North Stand Shrimp
I seems that it was all due to motorway traffic coming off the motorway to try and avoid the jams. I got to the motorway end of Caton rd at around 5:45pm and it took me half an hour just to get to the Canal aquaduct. I decided to dump the van on the trading estate and walk home!

whilst in the jam the traffic report on the bay said that the Preston to Lancaster bus had taken over 5 hours yesterday afternoon!

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:40 pm
by parceldave
Christies Child wrote:Are they working 24/7 to get the roadworks completed?

If they are only working during daylight hours and with the clocks changing tonight the amount of daytime working will be reduced.

They work in the evening too and reduce the traffic down to1 lane , thats why it is still backed up past the Pointer roundabout at 7 ,8 0 clock at night when i come home :evil:, when i come through at 7 in morning its fine. :)

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:24 pm
by Richard Head
Anyone know whats going on with the road markings from the Town Hall up to Revolution? They have created a cycle lane on the left as you go up through town which is fair enough but as you go from the traffic lights by the Town Hall towards the Police Station the right hand lane also has bicycles painted on it

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:29 pm
by P/T Indie
We have just been talking about that surley town will not be going to one lane and that will be a bike lane :shock:

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:36 pm
by Richard Head
P/T Indie wrote:We have just been talking about that surley town will not be going to one lane and that will be a bike lane :shock:

If it is then that must be one of the widest bike lanes in the world. I think there are 3 bicycles painted on the road between the lights and the Police Station which could mean 1) It is a bike lane that peters out. 2) They havent finished painting them yet. 3) Some dick has painted them in the wrong lane

If town is going down to one lane that could be fun. I dont think one bypass would compensate for that, we would need 2 or 3

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:55 pm
by Splodge
One thing I noticed from the bus this morning is that the way the lines have shifted now means that buses must encroach onto the left hand lane as they round the bend just around St Leonardsgate, which could cause problems if someone isn't wide awake!

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:51 am
by sgt major
As all traffic matters are trhe domain of the County Council - do you really expect them to know what they are doing. Look at the farce that now happens at the bottom of Euston Grove/Road - absolute madness.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:37 am
by Richard Head
9 weeks of disruption and god knows how many thousands spent on the road works outside Revolution and can anyone see a big difference to how the traffic island was before?

Since they finished the work the light showing pedestrians when they can cross outside Revolution has been permenently on Red. Last Monday all the traffic lights on the island packed in and last night the workmen were back again meaning it was down to one lane both ways.

An excellent idea to do this work on the night when it is late night shopping in Lancaster. Anyone trying to get in from the south probably said f**k it after being stuck in traffic and went home

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:59 am
by Duffman
Having just started to commute to Preston from Morecambe each day, all I've had is problems. On the return journey If I leave at junction 33 I get stuck in traffic from the top of Lancaster and if I gamble at junction 34 the exit might even be closed! How can the council give the go ahead to 2 separate sets of roadworks in the same area?

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:10 am
by marky No.1
halfwayliner wrote:I have not got a clue,but does anybody know when they are going to finish them bl---y roadworks outside Revolution.The have nearly built a section of motorway since that job has started. How slow has this job been. :roll: :roll:

That's the problem with being on the wrong side of the river! :lol:

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:48 pm
by Richard (Barrow)
Callum wrote: How can the council give the go ahead to 2 separate sets of roadworks in the same area?

The council probably dont have any say in the matter regarding the M6 that will be down to the Highways Agency, a law unto themselves.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:06 pm
by Duffman
Richard (Barrow) wrote:
Callum wrote: How can the council give the go ahead to 2 separate sets of roadworks in the same area?

The council probably dont have any say in the matter regarding the M6 that will be down to the Highways Agency, a law unto themselves.

True but I was thinking the other way round. With the motorway having work done with one exit being closed on 2 days of the week (I think), people have to use junction 33 and go through Lancaster, straight into the roadworks. I've returned to Morecambe at around 7:30pm and traffic was still horrendous.

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:13 pm
by Richard Head
Last night about 6.30 the traffic trying to get into Lancaster from the south was horrendous. This was because one lane was coned off at Penny Street bridge. There wasnt any work being done there, just one van parked in the coned off area with its driver sat in the cab reading :x

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:17 am
by parceldave
Richard Head wrote:Last night about 6.30 the traffic trying to get into Lancaster from the south was horrendous. This was because one lane was coned off at Penny Street bridge. There wasnt any work being done there, just one van parked in the coned off area with its driver sat in the cab reading :x

Same the night before too, just have to take a Posh diversion ;) ;)

Re: Lancaster traffic last night

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:00 pm
by Posh
Richard Head wrote:9 weeks of disruption and god knows how many thousands spent on the road works outside Revolution and can anyone see a big difference to how the traffic island was before?

There are differences but they are very subtle and certainly not worth the upheaval. Firstly the obvious allowances for bicycles. Secondly, the traffic from Thurnham Street and Aldcliffe Road used to be signalled together with traffic crossing each other. Now it goes South Road, then Aldcliffe Road and then Thurnham Road. This has improved life for me but means traffic now backs up further up South Road and down the one way system as the lights on green are shorter.

I think the biggest problem is what hasn't changed. Penny Street Bridge hotel and bar all the way down to Queen Street is still cut off from the centre of Lancaster because you can't cross either Aldcliffe Road or King Street (one-way system), a nightmare for anyone with a pram, in a wheelchair or just pedestrians who want to avoid getting killed. It also makes it very hard to regenerate that part of Lancaster.

Secondly the filter to Aldcliffe Road could have been changed. Anyone with any sense filters in from the left hand lane rather than wait 10 minutes in the right hand lane.

Cost just over £200,000 and it is difficult to see much benefit.

P.S. In this case 'the council' was Lancashire County Council but a contribution for the cycle bit did come from Lancaster City council.