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Faking injury.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:44 pm
by ezz
Watching players like Drogba in the premiership is actually angering. For example last game against Liverpool (not bringing this up because im a liverpool fan) he must have had the play stopped for him 8 times whilst he was rolling around on the floor 'pretending' to be injured.
It actually got to the point where his own team captain told him to get up and get on with it.
Ages ago I remember Denis Irwin getting sent off for faking an injury and I believe that players who fake and injury to have the play stopped should receive a yellow. Its the same as diving, except off the ball. I use Drogba as an example as he's the most notorioius for it, I believe the refs should catch on to this and start booking players for wasting time in this diving manner when teams have to sportingly kick the ball out of play for them. The most embarrassing is when a player goes down, clutching his leg like he's going to lose it.....seeing his team still have the ball and attacking and gets up to carry on playing. I actually feel embarrassed for the player himself who makes a complete tit of himself, but even more frustrated and angry.

Yes I know it's impossible for the ref to 100% know everytime whether the player is indeed hurt or not, but in certain cases it's clear as day they are not and should be booked for it. Get back to how football used to be without all the fannys falling down every 3minutes.

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:06 pm
by lancaster_shrimp
i seem to recall last season Drogba was taken off and Substituted because he was on the floor for 5 or so mins. as he walked off the pitch he was screaming because he wasnt actually hurt :lol:
that did make me chuckle!!

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:24 pm
by mrpotatohead
Half our adult population fake injury for years to claim invalidity, the foreign players probably think, manwell style , that it is normal practice when working over here, I would be interested, to see, statistically how many jobless or unfit for work, people are in the ranks of the bnp etc, at least the divers pay tax :!: :!:

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:35 pm
by eggchaser
when I saw the title I thought this was going to be about Harlequins and 'Bloodgate' :shock:

I have to agree though Faking injury is rife between professionals, They should bring in a similar rule to rugby union where the physio is allowed onto the pitch during play to give treatment and the match should only be stopped if the play gets too near to the injured player that way there would be a lot less of an advantage from throwing yourself on the floor and rolling around.

Or just have a rule.... If theres no blood and all you limbs are still attached then get up and carry on you woman!!! ;)

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:52 pm
by Suzi Quatro
Truth be known, most players fake injury for attention. Our local players are culprits as well as England players. It is part of the culture of football so I fail to understnad why we are bothering discussing this issue.

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:59 pm
by mrpotatohead
I wonder how many people in the ivory coast feign injury to claim massive disability money :?:

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:01 pm
by Keith
Suzi Quatro wrote:Truth be known, most players fake injury for attention. Our local players are culprits as well as England players. It is part of the culture of football so I fail to understnad why we are bothering discussing this issue.

Were you being deliberately ironic by contributing an opinion to a thread that you fail to understand why people are contributing to in the first place? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:14 pm
by Keith
mrpotatohead wrote:I wonder how many people in the ivory coast feign injury to claim massive disability money :?:

Hmm, I'm pretty sure that if toxic chemicals were dumped in the Morecambe area causing 17 people to die and 100,000 people to seek medical assistance and left many with permentant disabilities, the people of Morecambe would expect compensation. If you were one of the people left with a disability you would expect more than £4,700 in compensation wouldn't you?

Trafigura reached a 152 million euro (215 million dollar) settlement with the Ivorian government in February last year and was given indemnity against prosecution.

"Over the last few weeks we have been exploring with Trafigura the possibility of resolving the 30,000 claims," the solicitor leading the class action, Martyn Day, told The Independent newspaper.

£141,000,000 split between 30,000 people? What about the other 70,000 people who were ill but not disabled? If they made me ill enough to need a doctor's visit, I'd sue them. But obviously they chose to dump the toxins on the Ivory Coast rather than in Western Europe. I hope enough of the people on the Ivory Coast "fake injury" enough to bankrupt such a immoral company... but of course, they won't.

Re: Faking injury.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:32 pm
by mrpotatohead
If something like that happened in the uk, every man woman and child would be on permanent disability seeking thousands in compo :!: