Message for the mods

Message for the mods

Postby Gnasher » Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:05 am

Last night I asked for my accounts to be de-activated, the message was read straight away but here I am online. So I will take this opportunity, before the accounts are closed, to say how sad, disappointed and hurt I am that you thought I would do something to this forum or the shrimpsvoices.Co.Uk domain name.

For 10 years I have hosted or helped to host a fans forum. For 7 years I have administered the domain from it's creation. 3 weeks ago I decided to stop doing match photos in order to spend time with my family, a decision that can be verified by several regular members.

In the last 3 weeks I have continued to upload photos to the official site while I wrote a document explaining clearly how anyone else can do it. That document was sent to Quinny on Saturday.

Since Keith hosted the forum at ttpics, I have nudged him several times to take control of the domain name. Even posh has made sarcastic reference to the fact we hadn't sorted it out. Prompted by a recent message about 50,000 messages I decided on Monday to try transferring the domain to Keith.

Monday evening I changed the nameservers from my own hosting account to 123-reg where it would then be.a 2 click process to transfer it to Keith. Within minutes of that I posted a message on the forum about it taking 24 hours to ripple around the world, something a web techie could confirm.

I found out last night, to quote one of the mods, "we didn't know what you were doing". Did Uou ask? No. You registered instead.

After all these years you have so little trust in me. Well, that's it for me. I am finished with Morecambe FC.
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Re: Message for the mods

Postby Keith » Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:30 am

Hi Brian. I did indeed read your PM last night. I chose to e-mail you a response because things were clearly becoming heated, which is something I had hoped could be avoided once you'd had the chance to sleep on things.

I will leave your 'good-bye' message on line unless you e-mail me to remove it. Obviously I will soon be going to work, so if you do feel that you want me to remove this once you've read your e-mail, you will get a quicker response by e-mailing me at work keith.fitton[at] I will now act upon your request from last night.

I'd like to thank you for all the help and support over many years and hope you feel you can return to the fold sometime in the future.
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Re: Message for the mods

Postby Posh » Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:03 pm

A brief reply to say that I registered the .net domain. The reasons were simple, as I said in a PM to Gnasher. Firstly, I didn't want the Shrimpsvoices name to be hijacked by anyone in the way that continues to be. The recent problems with the domain did make me realise that the domains should be registered (.com has also been registered). Both domains now point to this messageboard and will continue to work. Secondly, I got the .net free through work because we've over 900 domains so have a few vouchers. Finally, and this was an afterthought, Morecambe Player does need more work and fans can help but I also believe there is an opportunity to pull together links to Facebook pages, Flicker etc., post videos and PDFs of Corpus Christie. This could be hosted via the but more easily through another domain.

My second point is that Gnasher's post implies that the actions of the moderators (two out of the five of us actually) is the reason he's 'finished with Morecambe FC'. Firstly I'm extremely sorry Brian feels this way. This is his interpretation of events and not one I recognise or share. On the 15th of September, I and three others (none of them moderators of this board) received an email from Brian which finished with the words, "...I can’t see a way forward. Sorry but I’m taking early retirement from football", and related to a dispute with an individual as the primary reason.

Finally I'd like to thanks Gnasher / Brian for his massive role in setting up this messageboard, with the help and support of Keith Fitton, and managing it through a lot of troubled times. Back in 1997 I think it was the three of us, Philja and about three others who used to post on here.

I'd also like to thank him for his work on taking photographs of matches and uploading to them to the official website. And also for the progress shots at Westgate which went on to the Morecambe Stadium site. Sadly we've lost this service now but I'm really pleased he's taken steps that I wasn't aware of to ensure this continues.

Cheers and thanks for shaking up Evelyn Archer.
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