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Mercury music prize, Rappers - it's old fogey time!! O/T

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:23 pm
by shrimper
RANT WARNING (look away now).

Is it just me but, apart from the laughable free-form jazz combo Led Bib (see The Fast Show Jazz Club, nnnniiiiiiiiiiccce!) wasn't the winner, by a distance, the worst act of the 12 nominees?

It's only a personal thing but I'm not too bothered about lyrics in songs - prefer a good tune and a great voice - but if lyrics are your stock in trade and the only thing you have to offer as a performer, isn't it a good idea if people can understand more than one word in 25?

I'm not a big fan of rap music at any time - the backing music is usually pretty decent but then some frontman or woman shouts garbled nonsense over the top of it, accentuating to incomprehensible extremes whatever 'street' accent they want to pretend they speak with all the time.

I heard the lass interviewed and she was perfectly articulate, level-headed and humble - seemed a really nice woman - but I could hardly understand a single word of her rapping.

Great that she's coming to Morecambe, presuming that's still 'on' now, but I juist don't get it.

Re: Mercury music prize, Rappers - it's old fogey time!! O/T

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:33 pm
by RedRedWine1
Kasabian's new album (West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum) is quality. I'm shocked that it didn't win.

Re: Mercury music prize, Rappers - it's old fogey time!! O/T

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:55 pm
by shrimper
They were good, as were Friendly Fires, that woman and the machine, Sweet Billy thingy, Invisible, in fact I was in awe of the talent on show all from the same year...... apart from the winner and the fiddly jazz show-offs who seemed to appreciate each other more than the audience did.