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Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:46 pm
by sandgroneun
Recently, on a "Tour of Duty" of the Arndale shopping centre,with my "Atilla the hen" I noticed 2 young ladies doing a promotion on a method to stop smoking.It involved the use of a gadget that looked very similar to a cigarette.As stopping smoking is something every smoker is going to do tomorrow,I stopped for a chat.I was informed that they were absolutely safe to use and were beneficial,if used along with a bit of will power,in the quest to break loose from the clutches of the " evil weed".There are 3 components to the "Cigarette".In the tip part is a nicotine concoction.Inside the paper and tobbacco segment is a re-chargeable battery and the 2 are joined together by a heating device.When assembled and charged,it is used like a ciggarette,the tip is sucked on,causing the end of the fag to glow red,vopour is inhaled and then blown out like smoke.Ingenious! The young ladies assured me that they could be used in aLL "Public Places" at all times!That swung it for me and an order form filled in and as it was on promotion the only cost incurred was £6.95 p&p.After about 10 days it duly arrived and after use,to say the least,I was impressed.Having a warped sense of humour,my mind wandered into possible ways of abusing it! My initial thought was CP!
Fast forward to Tues night.I got myself a good position leaning against a barrier at the top of the North Stand and all through the first half gave the "fag some welly"No response from anywhere!10 mins into the second half one of Denby,s conscripts,stood to the side of the goals, spotted the red glow and pume of smoke and set of in my direction like an Exocet missile at the same time miming to his mate that he had caught a smoker.He duly arrived and ordered me to "Put that fag out" Sorry can't do was my reply "It's not a fag"!He returned to his station and I resumed "smoking" Now you could tell by his demeanour,he was not overly happy and off he set again,enlisting the help of a mate en-route.His opening gambit was "You're going to have to leave the ground" to which I replied "I don't think so" and his mete saids "It's a fake fag ,he's extracting the urine"and they both departed. Once back at his station the "Walky Talky's"came into play and several deep and meaningfull conversations were held by the 4 or 5 who had now arrived.I must admit,that was when I "chickened out" and put my fag away.
Seriously though,any of you young bloods out there could do alarming things to Denby's blood pressure if you were that way disposed!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:55 pm
by thegentlegiant
the problem with them is how do other people around the ground not know your smoking? therefore rightly to stop other fans from getting annoyed and disgruntled they prob asked you to stop.

You could just wait till the end of the game like everyone else!! i am sure you could not use in a pub or public place, check the net i believe they are still classed as smoking and therefore carry a court date and fines!!!!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:05 pm
by sandgroneun
thegentlegiant wrote:the problem with them is how do other people around the ground not know your smoking? therefore rightly to stop other fans from getting annoyed and disgruntled they prob asked you to stop.

You could just wait till the end of the game like everyone else!! i am sure you could not use in a pub or public place, check the net i believe they are still classed as smoking and therefore carry a court date and fines!!!!

Like everybody else,until Tues.I have waited to the end of the game but having informed everybody round me what the " crack" was, they saw the funny side of it!It does,t cost a penny to smile! Are aeroplanes public places because I am reliably informed that they can be used there!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:10 pm
by sgt major
From the pub industry - cant really comment but they are advertised in the pub trade papers - will have to do some more research. However I personally would not chuck anyone out for smoking one.

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:17 pm
by sandgroneun
sgt major wrote:From the pub industry - cant really comment but they are advertised in the pub trade papers - will have to do some more research. However I personally would not chuck anyone out for smoking one.

Fair comment. I suppose smoking entails burning tobacco,these things don't do that and are safer than fags!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:56 pm
by Keith
sandgroneun wrote:Are aeroplanes public places because I am reliably informed that they can be used there!

Flew to China recently and there were signs saying 'No Smoking, Including Electronic Cigarettes'. Not having heard of electronic ones, we wondered what on earth they were talking about! If you are exhaling 'smoke', I'd say you were 'smoking'. Certainly I wouldn't want to be sat on a plane next to someone 'smoking', artificially or otherwise.

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:18 pm
by thegentlegiant
here here, i have had a quick browse on the net and there have been a couple of cases where people have been found guilty and fined for smoking electric fags in public places!!!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:22 pm
by George Dawes
i suppose you still wouldn't want a electric one blowing smoke in your face off somebody stood next to you, especially if your where eating

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:08 pm
by sandgroneun
thegentlegiant wrote:here here, i have had a quick browse on the net and there have been a couple of cases where people have been found guilty and fined for smoking electric fags in public places!!!

From The Oxford English Dictionary.
To smoke - inhale & exhale the smoke of a cigarette
Cigarette - a small cylinder of shredded tobacco rolled in thin paper for smoking.
Electronic cigarettes do not fulfill this criterion

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:23 pm
by sandgroneun
Keith wrote:
sandgroneun wrote:Are aeroplanes public places because I am reliably informed that they can be used there!

Flew to China recently and there were signs saying 'No Smoking, Including Electronic Cigarettes'. Not having heard of electronic ones, we wondered what on earth they were talking about! If you are exhaling 'smoke', I'd say you were 'smoking'. Certainly I wouldn't want to be sat on a plane next to someone 'smoking', artificially or otherwise.

You are not exhaling smoke!
Smoke - An act or period of smoking tobacco.

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:30 pm
by Number 1
I reckon that you have to look at the spirit of the law and understand why the law was introduced.

The no smoking laws were passed, presumably, so that passive smoking is eliminated and that people who don't smoke are not subject to the 2nd hand smoke from those that do.

Therefore, whilst I know nothing about these devices, I would suggest that if they produced any kind of vapour into the air, which is polluting to the atmosphere, and can affect someone who was standing next to you, then I think that following the spirit of the law, if not the letter of the law, you'd be committing the offence.

I also think that, whilst I've not looked, I bet you can get them for far less than a tenner inc postage off ebay.

It's an interesting one, and possibly similar to the argument about electric bicycles and whether they should be taxed and insured. Some of these mopeds with pedals zoom around at up to 20mph and because they have pedals they're considered bicycles so dont need tax and insurance. But if you crashed into someone and injured them, and weren't insured, you're going to have a big personal claim against you.

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:40 am
by morecambe mick
thegentlegiant wrote:the problem with them is how do other people around the ground not know your smoking? therefore rightly to stop other fans from getting annoyed and disgruntled they prob asked you to stop.

You could just wait till the end of the game like everyone else!! i am sure you could not use in a pub or public place, check the net i believe they are still classed as smoking and therefore carry a court date and fines!!!!

That would be apart from the people whp go "hide" behind the North Stand toilets at half time having a "crafty fag".

I'm sorry but I for one don't like having to run the gauntlet of these smokers to get to the toilet.

That's EVERY home game. Don't say tell a steward :!:

That's been done several times.
Other grounds throw people out for smoking don't they Michael Wilson - Hereford.

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:14 am
just so we are all in the know,these electric fags don't give off smoke it's vapor or wet smoke if you like. Prob has the same potential for anyone sat near. In Mil'thrup 2 pubs allow the use and the other pub where masses of food is served says no, so apart from Air China the whole question is a bit of a Smoky gray area.

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:55 am
by Keith
does the 'vapour' stink the same?

The interesting thing is that the o/p claimed to buy one to try and give up but then takes delight in 'showing off' that they haven't given up?

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:37 am
Dont smoke , never have, but i have seen these things, they look stupid, and frankly, would not make a twat out of myself trying to provoke a reaction with one , before , in the authors own words, chickening out :roll:

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:29 am
by PottedShrimp
So that's what was going on. Isn't the zealotry of the anti-smoking fascists sickening. :evil: Says he who's never smoked a single fag...

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:10 am
by sandgroneun
PUNKISDEAD wrote:Dont smoke , never have, but i have seen these things, they look stupid, and frankly, would not make a twat out of myself trying to provoke a reaction with one , before , in the authors own words, chickening out :roll:

Thank you for your articulate resronse!
All I can say is that it "takes one to know one!"

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:13 am
by sandgroneun
sandgroneun wrote:
PUNKISDEAD wrote:Dont smoke , never have, but i have seen these things, they look stupid, and frankly, would not make a twat out of myself trying to provoke a reaction with one , before , in the authors own words, chickening out :roll:

Thank you for your articulate response!
All I can say is that it "takes one to know one!"

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:27 pm
by ezz
They use them in casino's so high rollers and just general people playing poker and blackjack etc dont have to leave to take a fag. But thats just commonsense, if the gamblers aren't in the casino the casino doesn't make any money.
That's considered a public place as there are non-smokers also, so who knows what the official law is?????????

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:49 pm
by sandgroneun
ezz wrote:They use them in casino's so high rollers and just general people playing poker and blackjack etc dont have to leave to take a fag. But thats just commonsense, if the gamblers aren't in the casino the casino doesn't make any money.
That's considered a public place as there are non-smokers also, so who knows what the official law is?????????

It appears that the non-smoking fraternity has decided that they are illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:58 pm
by marky No.1
Here is one being used: ... edded#t=28

The manufacturers claim it is legal:

The introduction of the UK Governments Smoking ban introduced in "The Health Act 2006" Chapter 28 Part 1, Chapter 1, Section 1, Para 2 states that: "smoking" refers to smoking tobacco or anything which contains tobacco, or smoking any other substance; and smoking includes being in possession of lit tobacco or of anything lit which contains tobacco, or being in possession of any other lit substance in a form in which it could be smoked.
To read the legislation click here: ... 028_en.pdf
Therefore our Electronic Cigarette is exempt from this Act as no tobacco is lit or used!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:01 pm
by sandgroneun
CASS wrote:just so we are all in the know,these electric fags don't give off smoke it's vapor or wet smoke if you like. Prob has the same potential for anyone sat near. In Mil'thrup 2 pubs allow the use and the other pub where masses of food is served says no, so apart from Air China the whole question is a bit of a Smoky gray area.

(From their imformation pack)
Eigarette is odourless- don't make a bad impression at meetings or appointments by smelling of tobacco!

Passive smoking - Eigarette removes the negative effects of 'second hand' smoke while producing an authentic smoke effect using only water vapour!

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:23 pm
Keith wrote:does the 'vapour' stink the same?

No not at all,also there is no smog and no lingering smell on your clothes. I guess the gimmick/aid
will not be accepted by all but if it gets people off fags fair enough.
In Sweden they suck what look like small tea bags full of bakki they are called "Snus" very popular they are to. This country banned their use years ago due to mouth and throat cancer scares, any one remember "Skoal Bandits"? recent research throws doubt on the cancer link
but the results where inconclusive. In sweden people are very respectful of their surroundings
and you do not see the discarded "Tea Bags" littering up the place Like chewing gum and fag ends do over here. So Fags are out due to health issues,Snus are out due to disposal and legal issues that leaves two options,Will Power and Electric Fags.
Link ... g-ban.html

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:33 pm
by sgt major
morecambe mick wrote:
thegentlegiant wrote:the problem with them is how do other people around the ground not know your smoking? therefore rightly to stop other fans from getting annoyed and disgruntled they prob asked you to stop.

You could just wait till the end of the game like everyone else!! i am sure you could not use in a pub or public place, check the net i believe they are still classed as smoking and therefore carry a court date and fines!!!!

That would be apart from the people whp go "hide" behind the North Stand toilets at half time having a "crafty fag".

I'm sorry but I for one don't like having to run the gauntlet of these smokers to get to the toilet.

That's EVERY home game. Don't say tell a steward :!:

That's been done several times.
Other grounds throw people out for smoking don't they Michael Wilson - Hereford.

And Bare Ben - Shrewsbury ;)

Re: Denby's Foot Soldiers

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:37 pm
by marky No.1
Keith wrote:does the 'vapour' stink the same?

You can actually choose from various vapours, like blackcurrant, cherry, mango, cognac, tequila, teramisu :o etc.