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The final pre-season training report

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:42 pm
by Christies Child
And so the big kick-off is now just over 48 hours away and MFC along with many others preparing for a long coach trip for the seasons opener have been undergoing their final pre-season training routines and putting finnishing touches to their preperations.

Once again the lads and training staff used the open spaces of the Uni of Lancaster to prepare themselves for the coming marathon.

The entire squad plus two additions underwent various mock play situations under the gaize of both Sammy and Mark.

Everybody looks up for the season ahead and it appears that any thoughts of Tuesady's perfomance have been cast aside to be replaced by a quite calm of optomism.

No clues as to what the squad will be could be gleened from my vantage point; so we'll have to wait until Saturday to learn more.

On a personal note, I'd like to thank all those who made comments (both good and bad) about these pre-season reports. Unless there is a specific request from either the management team of a Director of the club to cease, I hope to be back next close season as we prepare for life in Div 1.

Re: The final pre-season training report

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:16 pm
by Heysham_Shrimp
Thanks for all the training reports.

Re: The final pre-season training report

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:42 pm
by Christies Child
No problem!

A number have texted me to ask who the new guys are?

I simply don't know!

However Sammy has been on the radio in the last few minutes to say that there will be NO additions to the squad until some leave.

It's nothing to do with the club not being able to afford them, it's to do with the club having reached its wage ceiling based on turnover from last season as I understand it.

Don't be suprised if we see some favourites leave on loan or permantley in the near future.

I believe that there are players lined up but we need to move others to pastures new first.

Re: The final pre-season training report

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:38 pm
by heysham_mfc
does this mean twissy's move could still be on :o