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FAO Aspers - O/T Merce Cunningham

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:59 pm
by USA Shrimp
You ever work with him, Wayne? My dancer friends are all crying into their fabulous gay scarves.

He was something else, eh?

Re: FAO Aspers - O/T Merce Cunningham

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:19 pm
by Aspers
Sorry USA just flicking through and I missed this.
No I never but in about 1987/8 I was performing in Bless the Bride at Sadlers Wells and the Merce Cunningham Dance Company arrived as they were performing the week after us.
I did company class with them and The Great Man was there.
I spoke to him, we chatted about Martha Graham and George Balanchine and dance in general.
I have a tremndous amount of respect for him and his achievements.
A Giant in the dance world and he gave us a dance technique, not widely used outside the U.S. but what a way to be remembered.