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FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:29 am
by wijit
If any individual wants to discuss how some children cause problems at football matches then do it but don't use the actions of a convicted racist to prove a point.

As you failed to address the point I was making in the post Abbo had questioned the removal of, and as it contained nothing which could be viewed as slanderous or could otherwise get the board owner in any trouble I still fail to see why it was removed. The mention of the person who got the conviction was necessary to make the point.
This is a football discussion board.

The thread I had started directly involved the club, from what I gather I am not alone in my thoughts on these children, and even that aside, there are many threads on here which do not involve the club
I had said that I didn't care if it was removed, but now I see I was wrong. You removed it without anything which resembles a good reason. But can anyone dare question the actions of a mod? No, you are above all, and frequently use this status to do as you please when something is posted you don't like. The actions of mods on here can be more petty than those we see from the usual suspects, and that is very sad to see from people who are otherwise extremely decent blokes.

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:41 am
by Gnasher
wijit, if you have such strong opinions and want to make them public then drop me a PM and i will help you set up your own site where the reaponsibility is all yours. Genuine offer.

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:56 am
by Mark S
Maybe if Wayne saw the direction the thread went in, in the middle of the night he would change his tune?

Its easy to sit there and take pot shots at people who give up personal time to run a board for the enjoyment of others. There is a responsibility that goes with it. A responsibility to the Club, to the Law and to the Members.

I am not going to get involved in all this ' give me a reason' and 'freedom of speech' stuff again. Keith has put our collective veiwpoint forward at the top of the board.

The reason no one ever takes up this offer to set up an alternative board is simple. Most people are happy with the way this one is run.

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:02 pm
by marky
wijit wrote:I had said that I didn't care if it was removed, but now I see I was wrong. You removed it without anything which resembles a good reason. But can anyone dare question the actions of a mod? No, you are above all, and frequently use this status to do as you please when something is posted you don't like. The actions of mods on here can be more petty than those we see from the usual suspects, and that is very sad to see from people who are otherwise extremely decent blokes.

Wijit, this is a privately run forum. The mods don't have to answer to anyone and don't really have to given reasons for what they do. I'm not sure why you think they should have to provide "anything which resembles a good reason". Afterall, none of us pay a subscription fee. A number of my own posts have been edited in the past and threads which I have contributed to have been closed, including the one you allude to. I just accept it and move on.

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:18 pm
by Posh
wijit wrote:
If any individual wants to discuss how some children cause problems at football matches then do it but don't use the actions of a convicted racist to prove a point.

As you failed to address the point I was making in the post Abbo had questioned the removal of, and as it contained nothing which could be viewed as slanderous or could otherwise get the board owner in any trouble I still fail to see why it was removed. The mention of the person who got the conviction was necessary to make the point.

Did you see the posts later that day and during the night which the thread generated? For that reason the whole thread was removed. It was also the fourth thread on the same subject and the previous ones were removed.

Were you there when the racist incident took place? If no, then the comments you made about it were hearsay and you made a claim about the actions of one of the parties involved which you could not prove to be true. For that reason I would have removed the thread earlier if I'd known because I had no knowledge of whether you were there or not.

This is a football discussion board.

The thread I had started directly involved the club.

Indirectly. The racist incident involved a person convicted in a court of law of a racist act that happened to take place in a football ground.

I had said that I didn't care if it was removed, but now I see I was wrong. You removed it without anything which resembles a good reason. But can anyone dare question the actions of a mod? No, you are above all, and frequently use this status to do as you please when something is posted you don't like. The actions of mods on here can be more petty than those we see from the usual suspects, and that is very sad to see from people who are otherwise extremely decent blokes.

The moderators of this message board have had to deal with calls from the police on at least three occassions, and also from the City Council, the club and several other parties regarding lies, libel and incorrect information posted that could be damaging to an individual or an organisation.

We give our own time to ensuring this board runs as smoothly as possible and very rarely edit, delete or remove posts.

You're a nice guy too Wayne but please don't call us petty. Stalinists - fine; trainee libel lawyers - fine; saddos who could be doing something better with their lives than having to read every line on here - fine; but petty - no. I believe we were entirely justified.

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:18 pm
by thegentlegiant
Right, this is all beyond a joke now....The facts...

Rightly or wrongly kids can be a pain in the arse at games but overall they contribute towards the running of the club.

The guy that was charged with racist remarks was put through the justice system and found guilty therefore banned.

Everyone has the right to voice the opinion, must also be aware that you cannot single someone out, nor can you comment on something you know nothing about, I am not defending anyone but the mods and keith do a great job on the forum, and personally I think this is a great forum and would hate to see it closed due to 1 or 2 individuals that bring the forum into disrepute.

End of my rant, now can we get back onto football related topics, thanks

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:23 pm
by marky No.1
thegentlegiant wrote:now can we get back onto football related topics, thanks

Here, here. This couple were escorted from a football match -- apparently :oops:


Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:32 pm
by thegentlegiant
marky No.1 wrote:
thegentlegiant wrote:now can we get back onto football related topics, thanks

Here, here. This couple were escorted from a football match -- apparently :oops:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:45 pm
by matty
I reckon the one riding is Keith and the pillion is def Freeze - i recognise them mud flaps anywhere!!

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:20 am
by Keith
he's only pulling them in 'cause Freez isn't wearing a crash helmet!

you'd recognise Freez's flaps? I don't even want to think what that is about :?

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:49 am
by Freez
I had to give them boots to the Charidee shop, they were murder to walk in!

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:16 am
by wijit
Posh, you're never left enough to be Stalinist!
Drop me a line with a hint as to the direction it went, at least give me an opportunity to see why this wa so wrong?

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:50 pm
by shrimpnsave
marky No.1 wrote:
thegentlegiant wrote:now can we get back onto football related topics, thanks

Here, here. This couple were escorted from a football match -- apparently :oops:


Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:14 pm
by durhamshrimp
Why are you lot so bothered? Read the sticky. No freedom of speech, like it or piss off elsewhere.

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:10 pm
by shrimpnsave
durhamshrimp wrote:Why are you lot so bothered? Read the sticky. No freedom of speech, like it or piss off elsewhere.

Read the sticky

get a life and lighten up

Re: FAO; Posh/other mods

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:52 am
by USA Shrimp
durhamshrimp wrote:Why are you lot so bothered? Read the sticky. No freedom of speech, like it or piss off elsewhere.

(adopts curly perm wig, moustache and shell suit)
calm down
calm down, la...