O/T Bloody Women!

O/T Bloody Women!

Postby North Stand Shrimp » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:41 pm

My mate just got back from holiday where he proposed to his girlfriend of 4 years.
He paid for the one week holiday, saved up and bought a ring that cost him the equivalent of one months wages and booked the best restaurant in the resort to propose in. The holiday and in fact the meal also coincided with his misus birthday.

He ordered champagne with the meal and they had the works basically, all on him I might add, and right at the end of dessert he got down on his knee and proposed. She said yes and after a lovely night of more Champagne and cocktails they went back to the hotel.

As they were sitting on the balcony having a nightcap she turned to him and said...

So, haven't you got me anything for my Birthday?
:lol: :lol:

Reminded me off this from the late great Bill Hicks....

I've learned a lot about women. I think I've learned exactly how the fall of man occured in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, and Adam said one day, "Wow, Eve, here we are, at one with nature, at one with God, we'll never age, we'll never die, and all our dreams come true the instant that we have them." And Eve said, "Yeah... it's just not enough is it?"
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North Stand Shrimp
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