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O/T Leisure Services run by the YMCA

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:58 pm
by Christies Child
Wyre Borough Council based in Poulton nr Blackpool, decided some time ago to bring in the YMCA to take control of all Leisure Services throughout their region.

Talk about a huge success.

Thanks to some minor funding and pro active marketing, the population of the Wyre is reaping the benefits of having a private operation running their leisure operation without any interference from the council....and making a profit at the same time!

I'm a supplier of Design and Print to YMCA and they are really switched on when it comes to getting the maximum 'added value' for their pound. Their activities are literally busting at the edges with people of all ages taking part.

Begs the question that as the Wyre's a success story will the YMCA be looking to spread its wings geographically? Possibly a few miles North?