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O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:43 am
by Stewie
Just passed the Polo Tower and noticed they are putting scaffold up.

Does anyone know what they are doing?

I hope they don`t pull it down, its become a landmark ! I hope they give it a nice lick of paint (say red and white) and maybe Welcome To Morecambe up the side?

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:10 am
by Morecamber
Don't think they will take it down as it's a phone mast now isn't it?

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:15 am
by Phoenix
There's a phone mast stuck on top of it and I'm sure someone said that's the only reason it's still standing because they signed a long contract. Maybe it needs some remedial work or there's a problem with the mast?

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:22 am
by Mark S
I hope they do take it down. Its an eyesore and an embarrassment to the town. Talk about a landmark to degeneration. :roll:

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:13 pm
by heysham_mfc
they should do something with it even if they only paint it

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:26 pm
by Stewie
Maybe Urban Splash should put in some plans to restore it...... Sorry thats another thread!

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:53 pm
by Plain Peter
Mark S wrote:I hope they do take it down. Its an eyesore and an embarrassment to the town. Talk about a landmark to degeneration. :roll:

I kept well away from the other thread.
As an exile of many years, but with very fond memories, me and Doris came back to the town 2.5 years ago. Our intention was to settle.
We lasted little more than 12 months, before doing a runner.
I'm glad The Midland has been restored and re-opened.
But important areas such as Yorkshire Street and Queen's Street were there before The Midland.
These areas are a blight on ther town, and deserve as much, if not more attention than the gardens opposite the Winter Gardens amd next to The Midland.
I honestly cannot see anyone, from anywhere wanting to live in an appartment on Morecambe Prom, no matter what the view might be, and have to commute 40, 50 or more miles each way to work every weekday.
If it happens, I hope the residents parking is underground because these young professionals will soon get hacked off with being either being blown off their feet or soaked to the skin, and that's just getting into their motor on their way to work.
Fxck, mi dinners on the table :lol:

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:01 pm
by Phoenix
But important areas such as Yorkshire Street and Queen's Street were there before The Midland.
These areas are a blight on ther town, and deserve as much, if not more attention than the gardens opposite the Winter Gardens amd next to The Midland.

The west end has had a considerable amount of regeneration money poured into it already, including the likes of Yorkshire Street and money is still pouring in. Streets demolished to make way for open areas, the new play area, the new cafe, the new promenade along sandylands with it's own jetty. Unfortunately a minority of residents keep taking it back to the 80s. I was going to say 70s but I remember it back then and it was a decent area.

The west end attracts it's own money, what's been explained to me indicates nothing happening in the rest of the town is taking funds away from it.

I honestly cannot see anyone, from anywhere wanting to live in an appartment on Morecambe Prom, no matter what the view might be, and have to commute 40, 50 or more miles each way to work every weekday.

Is it the location or the commuting you think is the problem? We have daily commuters from Burnley and Penrith, we used to have someone from Carlisle coming to lancaster daily for 6 years. The Manchester trains out of lancaster before 8 are heaving, it's even standing room only on the morecambe-lancaster line.

20 years ago in our office, 1 out of 12 lived outside lancaster or morecambe. The same office, now there's 3 out of 30 living in lancaster or morecambe. 24 commute and 3 work from home including Leicester, London and France.

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:26 pm
by Number 1
I don't advocate criminal behaviour, but if some young vandals did so much damage that it had to be pulled down, then you wouldn't find me complaining.

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:17 pm
by Plain Peter
Brian, thanksfor being so selective. Or is that the 'Truth'?

Phoenix wrote:The west end has had a considerable amount of regeneration money poured into it already, including the likes of Yorkshire Street and money is still pouring in. Streets demolished to make way for open areas, the new play area, the new cafe, the new promenade along sandylands with it's own jetty. Unfortunately a minority of residents keep taking it back to the 80s. I was going to say 70s but I remember it back then and it was a decent area.

What was wrong with past, yet recent decades in Morecambe?
Don't forget it's not that long ago that the town didn't exist in the first place.
It came a long, long way in a short time, and then what?
I think what you've just said above is fine, but finish the main job off first.
The people of Morecambe have, I imagine, had it quite rough for the last twenty years.
Druggies and down-and-outs killed Morecambe overnight.
Morecambe then moved from a holiday destination into somewhere that coach companies like Shearings use it as a base for The Lakes.
I mentioned Yorkshire Street and Queen's Street, but I forgot to mention the mile or so in between.
What is there to attract anyone? A lap Dancing Club for young professional types?
Euston Road and The Arndale Centre. The area is the pits. Walk up Euston Road and tilt your eyes 30 degrees backwards and what do you see? Practically everything above ground floor is empty and derelict. What should happen to this bit of prime real estate?

The Arndale Centre - It's a joke, and ain't even got a public convenience.

Phoenix wrote:Is it the location or the commuting you think is the problem? We have daily commuters from Burnley and Penrith, we used to have someone from Carlisle coming to lancaster daily for 6 years. The Manchester trains out of lancaster before 8 are heaving, it's even standing room only on the morecambe-lancaster line.

20 years ago in our office, 1 out of 12 lived outside lancaster or morecambe. The same office, now there's 3 out of 30 living in lancaster or morecambe. 24 commute and 3 work from home including Leicester, London and France.

I don't dispute what you say, though I can't quite get my neck round it. But that's no proof that enough young professionals will be willing to buy a flat on a wind-swept, sodden promenade with a view. In our albeit short return to the area we got friendly with a few people who work in Blackburn and Bolton. They commute from Standen Park and Glasson Dock. Why should anyone want to travel any sort of distance from Morecambe, when there are loads more accessible places with arguably just as good atractions.

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:36 am
by Heysham_Shrimp
Peter wrote:Brian, thanksfor being so selective. Or is that the 'Truth'?

Phoenix wrote:The west end has had a considerable amount of regeneration money poured into it already, including the likes of Yorkshire Street and money is still pouring in. Streets demolished to make way for open areas, the new play area, the new cafe, the new promenade along sandylands with it's own jetty. Unfortunately a minority of residents keep taking it back to the 80s. I was going to say 70s but I remember it back then and it was a decent area.

What was wrong with past, yet recent decades in Morecambe?
Don't forget it's not that long ago that the town didn't exist in the first place.
It came a long, long way in a short time, and then what?
I think what you've just said above is fine, but finish the main job off first.
The people of Morecambe have, I imagine, had it quite rough for the last twenty years.
Druggies and down-and-outs killed Morecambe overnight.
Morecambe then moved from a holiday destination into somewhere that coach companies like Shearings use it as a base for The Lakes.
I mentioned Yorkshire Street and Queen's Street, but I forgot to mention the mile or so in between.
What is there to attract anyone? A lap Dancing Club for young professional types?
Euston Road and The Arndale Centre. The area is the pits. Walk up Euston Road and tilt your eyes 30 degrees backwards and what do you see? Practically everything above ground floor is empty and derelict. What should happen to this bit of prime real estate?

The Arndale Centre - It's a joke, and ain't even got a public convenience.

Phoenix wrote:Is it the location or the commuting you think is the problem? We have daily commuters from Burnley and Penrith, we used to have someone from Carlisle coming to lancaster daily for 6 years. The Manchester trains out of lancaster before 8 are heaving, it's even standing room only on the morecambe-lancaster line.

20 years ago in our office, 1 out of 12 lived outside lancaster or morecambe. The same office, now there's 3 out of 30 living in lancaster or morecambe. 24 commute and 3 work from home including Leicester, London and France.

I don't dispute what you say, though I can't quite get my neck round it. But that's no proof that enough young professionals will be willing to buy a flat on a wind-swept, sodden promenade with a view. In our albeit short return to the area we got friendly with a few people who work in Blackburn and Bolton. They commute from Standen Park and Glasson Dock. Why should anyone want to travel any sort of distance from Morecambe, when there are loads more accessible places with arguably just as good atractions.

Commuting will be more attractive when the bypass is up and running. At the moment the prospect of negotiating traffic in Lancaster is a nightmare for commuters.

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:23 am
by Phoenix
Walk up Euston Road and tilt your eyes 30 degrees backwards and what do you see?

I see some property completely re-developed into (tiny) flats alongside First Stop. I see more new flats where Queen St garage used to be. I see other property being done up, I see new property opposite the Chieftan. We're very slowly getting there, people are starting to take back their neighbourhoods and have a bit of pride in them. I've got rose-tinted glasses because I like this town.

A lap Dancing Club for young professional types?

Not any more. Instead we've got an excellent small hotel and restaurant next door, the Crown, On the opposite corner of Skipton St we've got a new tapas bar and whoever restored that building has gone out of their way to get the curved glass corners as it was when first built. My thoughts on FoB or whatever it's called now are well documented and photographed, it's the pits.

Hopefully someone will corect me if I'm wrong but isn't there some european money heading our way to encourage property owners on the prom to do up their buildings?

I don't dispute what you say, though I can't quite get my neck round it.

People are willing to travel further to a decent job. Seems weird to me but that's the way it is. Even our latest graduate recruit from lancaster university lives in Preston.

But that's no proof that enough young professionals will be willing to buy a flat on a wind-swept, sodden promenade with a view. In our albeit short return to the area we got friendly with a few people who work in Blackburn and Bolton. They commute from Standen Park and Glasson Dock. Why should anyone want to travel any sort of distance from Morecambe, when there are loads more accessible places with arguably just as good atractions.

Good question, why would anyone live in Morecambe? I love it, I love going for a walk down the prom in winter, I love driving down the prom to work, well out of my way but it's worth it. Can't put into writing why though, but I ain't moving

You could ask the same question about Standen Park where everyone overlooks each other, garages are at the end of the road and gardens are tiny. Why were people queuing to buy them at ridiculous prices? Central promenade is accessible, from about Queen St to Regent Road. An excellent train service and the promise of a bypass, you could get up at 6 and be stepping off the train in london just after 9, tomorrow if you wanted.

I'll admit Glasson is a nice area but not exactly easily accessible especially for commuters.

Re: O/t Polo Tower

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:59 am
by skyecat
I am a sand grown'un and while I can't say that I won't ever move away from the town - i would miss it terribly if I did.
I have a property just off the promenade and can see the sea from our windows and I love it! - I would love to have a property on the promenade itself, but they're a little out of our reach! - ok, a lot out of our reach!
I worked in the town for about 13 years, then in lancaster for 2 years and now I work in Preston, commuting by car and find it a lot easier and quicker to get to than Lancaster.
If and when the bypass gets built, it will make the journey so much easier, but as I said on the old board, I'm still not convinced that a better public transport wouldn't have been the way to go - thus easing local road traffic allowing, inadvertently, easier access to the port etc.
BUT, if the new road is to be built, I do think, again, there will be a lot of debate, opposition and grumbling, but overall, 5 years down the line from it being finished, I think it will become part of the fabric of the town and more and more people will use it.
I'm still not convinced that it will ease traffic jams on the way into Lancaster though!