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Fleetwood tales

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:35 am
by MARINER87206

For my sins I (now) write a match preview on Pasoti, somewhat tongue in cheek, and I have rashly agreed to do this for a full season for the first time.

Barnsley on Saturday ( do pop by and have a read...One Game at a Time is the thread title) is done and so my thoughts turn to all things Cod Like....

As a localish sort of rival of theirs, I am hoping you might be able to provide some less usual tittle tattle and trivia that might amuse the non Cod reader....

The good news is that provided you haven't sacked him, DA will provide all the humorous ammunition I will need for your games....although personally I was gutted when we fired him...but in hindsight it was probably the right thing to do. For both parties.

As a result I will have a sneaky look for your results each week.....especially as we have a bunch of six toes we need to see rooted to the foot of the table....

best of luck for the new season ( apart from the two obvious games)