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Thank You!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:15 am
by Jack Poulton
This may seem trivial but I think it deserves recording. I spent a career in a hosptality related job so appreciate it when staff go out of their way to help. Last night I purchased a coffee in the W & L stand catering area. After I moved away from the counter I noticed that my cup was leaking so returned to get it replaced. However a small queue had now formed so I took my place with the leaky cup dripping. Suddenly the young lady steward who had been on the steel door appeared with a small pile of serviettes to soak up the drips and alerted the staff behind the bar to my predicament. She said that she feared I might burn myself with the hot drips. My coffee was cheerfully replaced with apologies. As said it is a small thing but to me it was outstanding customer service which makes me proud of my club. I hope those involved will get to read this and thanks again for your kind help.