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The missing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:34 pm
by Burnley Shrimp
I just spent 10 minutes typing out a reply to a new topic about people we don't see at games anymore only to find I couldn't post it due to the original topic being removed. :?

Anyway it got me thinking about a few ex stalwarts who seemed to suddenly dissapear from the face of the planet. A lot of you will know them because they were all characters in their own right.

Scooby. Well known by a lot of home and away fans. Fell out with Jim Harveys management that grim day at Leigh RMI when nothing went right and we lost 3-1. He vowed never to return whilst Jim was still manager but trouble is I don't think he ever returned when Jim moved on.

His mate Dave (the butcher) Whalley. Last time I talked to him he was on about emigrating to Canada, but it was on off for quite a while and I never saw him again.

Another mate of theirs was Tony who worked at Queens Park Secure Psychatric unit at Blackburn. I used to think Tony eventually became nuttier than most of the patients and towards the end I could never understand what the hell he was on about. In the unlikely event you're reading this Tony apologies mate but thats just the way it was.

All of them went missing round about the same time and with not living locally I've lost track as to whether they are still about? Anyone know what became of them and are there any other ex notables who we don't see at games any more. No doubt everyone who's been attending for a few years can think of someone.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:58 pm
by Crooky MFC
:lol: That was me, I deleted it by mistake instead of editing it. Ooops :shock:

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:05 pm
by Burnley Shrimp
Crooky MFC wrote::lol: That was me, I deleted it by mistake instead of editing it. Ooops :shock:

Thats 10 minutes of your life you owe me sometime then :)

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:08 pm
by Crooky MFC
Burnley Shrimp wrote:
Crooky MFC wrote::lol: That was me, I deleted it by mistake instead of editing it. Ooops :shock:

Thats 10 minutes of your life you owe me sometime then :)

What if i spend 10 minutes reading this topic over and over again, :lol: Let's hope there is a fair number at the game Tommorrow.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:36 pm
by Howe Magic
there is also big dave slater and myself john taylor (Howe magic) who dont go to matches anymore...there are lots of reasons why people stop going to games - they have kids,they find other things to do or they just get disallusioned with the game in and my missus see tony johnson on a regular basis whilst out shopping on a weekend and he wont be back at christie in the near future and the last time i saw scooby he had the same mind set as he had when he stopped going ....

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:10 am
by Hodgie
Dave Whalley sadly died about 4 years ago.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:14 am
by Burnley Shrimp
Hodgie wrote:Dave Whalley sadly died about 4 years ago.

Bugger, I never knew. Always liked him a lot. RIP Dave.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:21 am
by Hodgie
Tony Johnston works on the trams in Blackpool so cant make games anymore.

Big Dave Slater runs the Heysham cricket club.

Scooby has other commitments but still looks out for our results

Roadrunner ????????

all top blokes

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:26 am
by P/T Indie
Don't think it was just a case of the team management that they had issue with think there was a lot more to it.

What I wonder is when you look at some of the old clips is where have all the neutral fans gone those who use to come and watch us for a good game of football when their team was away and used to help push the attendance up int he conference days. The Brentford gate was worse than we used to get in the conference so where have all the people gone that used to watch us in the conference.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:46 am
by Moose
P/T Indie wrote:What I wonder is when you look at some of the old clips is where have all the neutral fans gone those who use to come and watch us for a good game of football when their team was away

Without being too sarcastic, I think you have kind of answered that one in that sentence. I know of a couple of people who don't come for that particular reason. Things do seem to be slowly improving now though, fingers crossed once the results start coming in, 'the missing' well... a good few of them, will return.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:55 am
by shrimper
Scoob, Tony and Big Dave are all great lads whom I'd like to think I can class as mates.
I miss their presence at Morecambe games, they were great characters.

In Tony and Scooby's case I think they had a bit of a burn-out.

They absolutely lived every minute of the whol Morecambe experience and were extremely passionate.

I think, certainly in Scooby's case, it all got overpowering on and off the field and for a few reasons he was just not enjoying it any more. He was putting himself through a lot of frustration and anguish and it knocked his enjoyment.

Real shame.

That's why, however passionate we get (and most of us do) and however much it pervades our lives, the 'don't let the football spoil your day out' motto is a pretty good one to guide your support.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:30 pm
by Posh
Ahhh... nobody's mentioned Jimmy G.

In Scooby's case it was just burn out. As he told me: He went to every match home and away for years but, for one reason or another, he just wasn't enjoying it as much. He also realised that all of his disposable income and probably more went into his football. So he stopped going and instead saved the money up, went on holidays and spent more time with his family.

Scooby was as hardcore as it gets and one of the nicest and funniest people you'll ever meet. He was watching Morecambe when we were utter crap in the dark days of the 80s and really enjoyed it. Yet there comes a time when it is simply too much, as I'm acutely aware after spending loads of hours every week politically and then stopping and doing precisely nothing. Sometimes its all or nothing.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:08 pm
by Christies Child
Having supported the lads as both man and boy for just over 50 years I have to admit that it's tended to rule my life to some extent ( I know, sad bastard :( ) and has certainly disrupted many a weekend when my family have had to suffer due to my 'football comes first' attitude.

Whilst I've never been able to go to as many away games as I would have liked (finance being one of the factors) it's only in the last couple of years that it really has come home to me that family life is of greater importance than football. And as a result I only go to probably no more than 4 away games if I'm lucky. Home games are another matter... :lol:

I can fully understand how Scoobie and no doubt others came to the conclusion that supporting MFC was ruling their lives and all credit to them for re-evaluating their priorities.

It's just a shame that they are now lost to the home terraces.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:29 pm
by P/T Indie
[quote="Posh"]Ahhh... nobody's mentioned Jimmy G.

He still lurks on this site and posts every now and then.

Jimmy was the same though after getting fed up with certain issues he found something else to do like Scooby.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:15 pm
by Bryan
All great lads who i've bumped into occasionally since they stopped coming to games and to be honest the place isn't the same without them. The craic we used to have in JB's (yeah, hard to believe these days!) before and after games will linger on for ever. Any football club is all about the fans and great to see people taking an interest.

The big question is are the club doing enough to keep the hardcore fanbase on side during these difficult times. The Accy game had me thinking not - then Brentford proved we can play when the players can be bothered. But the attendance was shocking.

No one's expecting us to win the league but at times the football has been shite looking at it from an entertainment view point. Yeah we've just got to stay up. But blimey does it have to be so dour.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:34 pm
by steve mfc
I think there are many reasons why our crowds are down this season most of which have already been mentioned but of the 24 teams in this league 15 are averaging lower attendances than the previous season, difficult times for most it would seem.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:00 pm
by Wild Bill
Friends of the names mentioned should try and tempt them back for the odd game. I never knew them personally but always remember the likes of Scooby and Slater as being the hardcore back in the days when 700 was a big crowd! :o

Supporting Morecambe shouldn't be all or nothing and guys who settle down and have other responsibilities should still make the effort every now and then and come and support the boys. :D

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:29 pm
by redtilldead74
pt/indie's right i still lurk around this board :roll: granted i dont go the the games anymore but i still ask to get every seasons shirt bought for me birthday/christmas prezzie.also gave up the saturdays so i could concentrate on the supporters team sunday.with me it was all or nothing,it does'nt mean i will never be coming back,there is no such word has never to me,just not at the moment.still check on all the teams scores .i will always hope and wish mfc and all connected to carry on in the clubs asendency.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:51 am
by mellow
An interesting thread if you don't mind me intruding.

As you will be aware Southport has had its fair share of ups and downs in the last 10 years (understatement of the year). We've also suffered a loss of support from what we would normally have considered die-hards, people who you would see home and away. And it is interesting that you tend to lose them quicker than you do the casuals who just go to the home games. I guess when you have so much invested in a club and it lets you down, it can make you re-evaluate what it is to support a club.

I almost gave up when paul cook was in charge at our place, not due to the results but the stuff that was going on (and I'm not going to put the moderators at risk by listing potentially libellous stuff!). I didn't in the end and have continued to watch a ridiculously high percentage of games and at the moment I'm fairly happy with the management we have, although there's a lot I'd like to see done at Haig Avenue.

I have seen too many people of my generation disappear and I do wonder whether football clubs do enough or can do enough to retain support as well as attract new supporters. Our demographic is a bit frightening - many older fans, quite a few younger lads but not many of my age (people with kids).

Everyone talks about commerce in football as the be all and end all but a community club where you feel valued can be good commercially. AFC Telford put most of us to shame at our level with the work they do and hence have a far better spending power than we do (remember how crap the old telford were?)

Football is due for a crash. It would do well to remember supporters need to feel loved!

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:47 am
by Hodgie
I can't believe what i am reading

a Southport fan talking sense

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:44 am
by Freez
Mellow is a closet Shrimp, and also occasionally confused.

A Scouseport fan who has been on the North Stand watching us when they had no game, and he lives (or used to?) in Chorley! :lol:

But I agree with him about the crowds.
We have lost many "40 games a season" people, they burn out after a few years and who can blame them.
Personally I am every bit as fervent as ever, just have to pick and choose away games as the 20 quid in for league two is scandalous, its less at Wigan and only a fiver more at Ewood!

However, much improvement entertainment wise lately. Onwards and upwards.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:28 am
by Seasider9601
Mick Thornton ???

Where is Mick ??? Fairly sure I haven't seen him at all this season ............

Mick, the late (and top mate) Dave Whalley and myself used to travel to every away game in the late 80's / early 90's. And Joe Connerton. Only seen him once or twice this term too. And Joe WAS Mr Morecambe FC too back many years ago.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:33 am
by P/T Indie
Everyone talks about commerce in football as the be all and end all but a community club where you feel valued can be good commercially. AFC Telford put most of us to shame at our level with the work they do and hence have a far better spending power than we do (remember how crap the old telford were?)

Football is due for a crash. It would do well to remember supporters need to feel loved![/quote]

Mellow see the Sheffield Wednesday posts in the Scolari sacked thread mentions pretty much the same thing how their new chairman is trying to get the community spirit back and make the supporters feel valued.

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:22 pm
by Dysie
... and Jim Wilkie's not been seen in JB's (or at a game) for months. The takings are down! Where are you Jim? :roll:

Re: The missing?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:30 pm
by shrimper
Saw Jim up in the main stand recently.