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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:04 pm
by mrpotatohead
Please do us all (well most of us) a massive favour and stay away from the globe on match days.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:08 pm
by Westgate Wanderer
mrpotatohead wrote:Please do us all (well most of us) a massive favour and stay away from the globe on match days.
Bring back PMG! ;)


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:10 pm
by BerlinWaller
But please don't stop bank rolling the Football Club because we (well most of us) only watch one team and would be gutted if the club was to go out of business


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:21 pm
by marky No.1
Colins interview from 35 minutes, also a from the heart by Quinny from 20 mins


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:28 pm
by Slanester
BerlinWaller wrote:But please don't stop bank rolling the Football Club because we (well most of us) only watch one team and would be gutted if the club was to go out of business

Nothing is 100%, but they won’t stop bank rolling us until their plan comes to fruition. Nobody can be sure as to what that plan is, but we will find out soon no doubt. They WILL make their money whatever, shrewd businessmen. Heard the quote on here....”no room for sentiment” particularly applies with those two.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:29 pm
by P/T Indie
The thing is I do agree with Colin Jim has been given a lot more time than anyother club would give their manager and you cant extend his contract on current form.

However if he was never going to be their man they should have just said after coventry instead of all the underhand stuff. They were obviously worried about a fans backlash though so just strung jim along.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:37 pm
by BerlinWaller
We can only speculate about the stuff Jim alludes too but rightfully keeps the details private. Could you put it down to the owners being naive and not football people? They have admitted to knowing little about the game so they may have thought they were helping but ultimately they pissed Jim off. The FB poll thing was messy and I thought at the time it would be the end of Jim.

They are only in it for what they can get out of it, they are pawn brokers by trade. They stand between us having a club and not having a club so turning against them is the wrong thing to do imo


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:40 pm
by Screenster
mrpotatohead wrote:Please do us all (well most of us) a massive favour and stay away from the globe on match days.

They do anyway, the last game they went to was Crawley away last season.

They do however need to sell up and do one as soon as possible.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:57 pm
by mrpotatohead
The only thing is.........there was a contract on offer to him, and he wasn't for signing it.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:39 am
by P/T Indie
FFS I just wrote a massive post and it's dissapeared grrrrr


Was there really a new contract offer for him MPH?

Colin is right to a point we are far to loyal, Jim harvey had one extension to many and we offered Sammy a new contract even though that was going pear shapped. Been a communty club to many friendships are made which makes it hard to make the tough decissions.
Also change every few years might be a good thing it's happening in business more and more when they bring people in with new ideas and keeps everyone on their toes and also stops the problem of people getting to close and comfortable.
Saying that though Colin & Jason have completley bottled the big decissions and just made things worse
They need to show up or shut up, they either need to come in with a plan and make some tough decissions or keep quiet and just be a mortgage facility. They can't just interfere when they want in underhand ways.
The club went stale about 5 years ago when PMG stopped investing and it all became about survival every year and we also lost our identity when we moved to the Globe. We then got so far down a path on and off the pitch we couldn't turn it around.
We despretley need people on and off the pitch who have a plan, vision, enthuiasm and direction.

Colin and Jason need to take their money and disapear in the summer and I just hope there is someone wanting to step in who can give us that direction.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:10 pm
by redrobo
I'm no lover of our owners especially with regards to their constant no show and the potential problems that any forthcoming sale that they may undertake in May 2020, but from my understanding they do keep in day to day contact via telephone with our Joint Chairmen which being London based is to some extent understandable.

They did after all rescue our club from a potential nightmare scenario that could have seen us close and go down a similar road to that of other clubs who have closed due to unsustainable financial issues.

By all accounts some of their actions have partially been to blame for the demise of JB but I would hope that with their future involvement with our club possibly be limited to a few more months that they entrust the appointment of a new manager to our current Globe based Directors who will have the day to day communication with the manager. For them to decide who takes over and then disappear into the sunset if problems do arise with the appointment would be totally unfair on our Globe based Directors who would have to clean up any mess that they left on their departure.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:20 pm
by Keith
redrobo wrote:
For them to decide who takes over and then disappear into the sunset if problems do arise with the appointment would be totally unfair on our Globe based Directors who would have to clean up any mess that they left on their departure.

Phew! Thank goodness we can trust them not to do that then... :evil: :evil: :evil:

If we end up with a Globe Arena housing estate, then there is no mess to clean up. Good job we can trust them not to do that either? :cry: :cry: :cry:

Were they even at Stevenage on Saturday? Genuinely don't know, but in the Radio Lancashire interview, Colin said Stevenage "played well"... Either he didn't watch it, or being rugby fans, didn't understand what he was watching! They don't have Morecambe FC's interests at heart. If they can get the club to a position where they can sell it and make a profit, then clear off, fantastic and I'll be thankful for their contribution through a tough period. But we all need to understand very clearly, they are only interested in profit, not Morecambe.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:38 pm
by Ntini
Don't know if it was either of them, or a representative, but there was a Worcester Warriors branded vehicle parked outside the Globe at the last home game on Tuesday night.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:17 pm
by BerlinWaller
Keith wrote:
redrobo wrote:
For them to decide who takes over and then disappear into the sunset if problems do arise with the appointment would be totally unfair on our Globe based Directors who would have to clean up any mess that they left on their departure.

Phew! Thank goodness we can trust them not to do that then... :evil: :evil: :evil:

If we end up with a Globe Arena housing estate, then there is no mess to clean up. Good job we can trust them not to do that either? :cry: :cry: :cry:

Were they even at Stevenage on Saturday? Genuinely don't know, but in the Radio Lancashire interview, Colin said Stevenage "played well"... Either he didn't watch it, or being rugby fans, didn't understand what he was watching! They don't have Morecambe FC's interests at heart. If they can get the club to a position where they can sell it and make a profit, then clear off, fantastic and I'll be thankful for their contribution through a tough period. But we all need to understand very clearly, they are only interested in profit, not Morecambe.

Have you any proof to back up your speculative post? You can't keep lashing out at people like this Keith. Everybody is feeling the brunt of your tantrum. Without our owners, we would have ceased to exist. Whether they have pleased you or not Keith is irrelevant.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:43 pm
by Keith
Clearly they underfunded Jim and drove him out of the job, which will please you. That I don’t trust them doesn’t please me either. They’ve lied about the Facebook post already, so until they give me a reason to trust them, I’m unlikely to be pleased.

You think they have any real interest in Morecambe FC other than profit?


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:46 pm
by BerlinWaller
No i don't, I stated that on a few posts. They are what they are and we all know what they are. Do you agree without their financial commitment for the last year and a half, the club would have folded?


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:20 pm
by Andy D
mrpotatohead wrote:Please do us all (well most of us) a massive favour and stay away from the globe on match days.

Please speak for yourself.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:26 pm
by BerlinWaller
Andy D wrote:
mrpotatohead wrote:Please do us all (well most of us) a massive favour and stay away from the globe on match days.

Please speak for yourself.

Post of the day


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:22 pm
by al1
Anyone who thought jb deserved a new contract must be totally deluded,he did not deserve the last one.Look at the league 2 table and see where he has left the club! This last pre-seasons results were a warning as to where we would be!


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:28 pm
by Redalert1970
Personally I think Jim jumped ship because he knew he was going to be sacked very soon

Jim as done a fantastic job for the club but the league table does not lie (He as said on numerous occasions that he has got one of the best squads he has had so to blame the owners is totally out of order)

If Fylde lose tonight they could be in the relegation places !!! Massive job on at Fylde because the owner there won`t stand for garbage results and garbage negative football


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:30 pm
by al1
What are you implying John :lol:


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:31 pm
by HALMA 1983
Redalert1970 wrote:Personally I think Jim jumped ship because he knew he was going to be sacked very soon

Jim as done a fantastic job for the club but the league table does not lie (He as said on numerous occasions that he has got one of the best squads he has had so to blame the owners is totally out of order)

If Fylde lose tonight they could be in the relegation places !!! Massive job on at Fylde because the owner there won`t stand for garbage results and garbage negative football

Personally, I think Jim jumped ship because he was sick to death of some of the f*cking idiots on here


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:39 pm
by Redalert1970
Nothing to do with people on here (so called idiots is not a very nice thing to say)

Its a results business and the results have simply not been good enough FACT


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:54 pm
by HALMA 1983
Redalert1970 wrote:Its a results business and the results have simply not been good enough FACT

I hope to god they get better for your sake


PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:57 pm
by Redalert1970
Maybe the results won`t improve

But calling people IDIOTS is totally out of order just because they have there own opinion - an apology should be forthcoming