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Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:45 pm
by ezz
Everyone is moaning about lack of passion, effort and lack of goals. At the start of the season he had a small run out and scored a few but looked lightweight etc. Now hes had a good run out in the reserves and showed he can score goals at that level, now might be a good time to see if he can make it at the higher level. He will probably give a lot more effort than those last night and will give him good experience at a time when we tend to fade away in the season. If he does well it saves money on a striker in the summer as well!

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:06 am
by Burnley Shrimp
He started against Gillingham and got a decent amount of on pich time but he still looks lightweight against Div 2 defenders. Don't know if he hammers the weights at all but in my opinion he could do with beefing up and gaining half a yard of pace from somewhere. He is undoubtedly a natural goalscorer when he gets opportunities in and around the box and may turn out to be a gem in future, but he has a deal of developing to do to bridge the gap from prolific reserve scorer to regular scorer in the football league.

Maybe the way to achieve the improvement is regular on pitch time but that may also be counterproductive if he isn't getting the chances and scoring the goals. I think we'll just have to trust the management on this one and hope that they get it right and he does end up fullfilling his undoubted potential.

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:05 am
To me he does not seek out space,he looks a bit static at times. I know he is only a young man and has a great deal to learn and he does score goals so the future could good for him and the club.The young Irish man on the other hand seems to have more positional savvy,when he gets on.
Maybe he needs a run?,he was highly thought of at Celtic (Big Fish in a small Puddle..Celtic that is)
I think the young Taylor is a bit of a poacher and anyone who plays that type of game needs service and that's where the problem's are,we don't have any width at present. Wainwright has not done what we where told he could do,at first I thought we had a winger but he seems to take the easy option most of the time,when you think he will skin the the full back and cross the ball,he passes it inside!. We have some good headers of the Ball who must be yearning for someone to whip a cross in.I don't know what the solution to our predicament is but I don't think Young Taylor is the the answer,not without some assistance anyway.

Well that's can No7 gone.........Time for bed........01.13hrsWhoooo... Hold on James Taylor and Elvis Costello now in concert @ on 4 muzac.....Can 8 on the way down.A honky tonk angel to hold me tight and keep me from slipping away...etc

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:11 am

We have nothing to lose and nobody any better, so give him a go and see what happens, if he turns out to be crap he can manage the farm, or run the chicken shop, there are a few other young lads that might as well be chucked in at the deep end as well in this wierd season, we are not going to go down, so lets get them up and running!!

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:07 pm
by ezz
Can Taylor play out wide as well? He doesn't look like a target striker so he must have some pace on him to get past players and could probably do a better job than the wingers are doing now. We just need someone to get on the end of all these long balls and flick ons from Howe.

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:09 pm
by sgt major
One thing I have noticed about his play is that he gives the ball away to the opposition far too many times, (mind you , many of our players are doing that at the mo).

He suffers from our lack of ability to get the ball into the right channels and seems to score from the odd decent ball that flies into the 18 yard box - again, not too much of that recently.

I just cant fathom our lads at times. They play brilliantly away from home in front of 120 travelling fans but cant do it at Christie Park in front of the home fans or at local places like Accy where a fair amount travel - anyone any ideas why this is?????

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:11 pm
by campdave
sgt major wrote:They play brilliantly away from home in front of 120 travelling fans but cant do it at Christie Park in front of the home fans or at local places like Accy where a fair amount travel - anyone any ideas why this is?????


Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:38 pm
by marky No.1
Stagefright and Expectation :?: They prefer to be underdogs without a doubt. If we are "favourites" or likely on paper to win we seem to fall to pieces :?

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:35 pm
by steve mfc
Taylor is certainly a good prospect and scores more often than not when presented with a goal scoring opportunity but when it comes to his all round game then he still appears a bit lightweight which is understandable.

There is a big difference between 1st team football and playing for the reserves, the problem is the only way he is going to improve is playing for the 1st team or going out on loan, with the amount of injuries we have a loan move is probably out of the question.

Its a difficult decision for Sammy to make,but if we can get enough points to ensure our safety this year then personally i would give him a extended run, then next season we might reap the benefit's.

Re: Is it time to bring Taylor in?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:52 pm
by Harry
There is only one way to get football league experience, and that's playing first team football in this division! What other club would give a game to a first-year pro who's just come out of the youth team at a club who've only just gained football league status? He'll only become a better player overall by playing for us. Obviously he needs put in the hours at the gym and on the training field, and I'm not suggesting he should be first on the team sheet playing all 90 minutes but the more he does play, the better he'll be in years to come if he's still at the club.